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Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2007

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Gametrailers have done a nicely presented video of their top 10 games they're most excited about. http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=16662&type=wmv


What are yours?



1. Blue Dragon

2. Halo 3

3. Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn

4. Super Mario Galaxy

5. Assasin's Creed

6. Super Smash Brothers Brawl

7. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 2 (PAL release)

8. Hotel Dusk (PAL release)

9. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

10. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

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In Order:


1. Metal Gear Solid 4

2. Metroid Prime 3

3. Smash Bros Brawl

4. Assassins Creed

5. Pokemon Diamond/pearl

6. Halo 3

7. Crysis

8. Grand Theft Auto 4

9. Alan Wake

10. Devil May Cry 4

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1) Metal Gear Solid 4

2) Resi 5

3) Banjo

4) Mario Galaxy

5) Devil May Cry

6) Halo3

7) Killzone2

8) GTA 4

9) Blue Dragon

10) Halo Wars

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1) Metroid Prime 3

2) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

3) Super Mario Galaxy

4) Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles

5) Disaster: Day of Crisis

6) Battalion Wars 2

7) Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

8) Super Paper Mario

9) Diddy Kong Racing

10) Sonic and the Secret Rings

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1) Metal Gear Solid 4 (although I probably won't get the chance to play it in 2007)

2) Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

3) Super Mario Galaxy

4) Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

5) Metroid Prime 3

6) Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

7) GTA 4


Can't think of many besides that, but I'll definatley get all of those (when I can).

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In no order...


Blue Dragon

Banjo Kazooie


Halo 3

Super Smash Bros Brawl



Super Mario Galaxy

Halo Wars

R Evil:UC ( it would have been R Evil 5 here but they say it aint out this year )

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Not really in order;


1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl

2) Resi 5

3) Assassin's Creed

4) Mario Galaxy

5) Mass Effect

6) Banjo Kazooie 3

7) Halo 3

8) GRAW 2

9) Resi: UC

10) Too Human


also... Batallion Wars 2/Alan Wake/Half Life 360/Turok

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1. Valve stuff inc. Half Life for 360

2. Halo 3

3. Phantom Hourglass

4. Metroid 3

5. Final Fantasy XII

6. GRAW 2

7. MOH Airbourne

8. Unreal Tournament 07

9. SSB Brawl

10. Fabel 2

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This is roughly in order...


1) Mario Galaxy

2) Halo3

3) Blue Dragon

4) Assassin's Creed

5) Smash Bros Brawl

6) Heroes

7) Mass Effect

8) Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

9) Alan Wake

10) Virtual Tennis 3


But there are a few more I want...


11) Too Human

12) Halo Wars

13) GTA 4

14) Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

15) Fable 2

16) Disaster: Day of Crisis (Would probably be A LOT higher, but I need to see a bit more!)

17) Kid Ikarus (I can pray!)

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1) Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

2) Phoenix Wright 2 (PAL)

3) Pokemon D/P (DS)

4) Alan Wake (360)

5) Banjo Threeie (360)

6) Metroid Prime 3 (Wii)

7) Halo 3 (360)

8) Excite Truck (Wii)

9) Phantom Hourglass (DS)

10) BWii (Wii)


All the 360 ones are going by the hope i should have my 360 by their release.

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1) Smash Bros. Brawl

2) UT3

3) Halo 3

4) Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn

5) Fable 2

6) Assassin's Creed

7) Metroid Prime 3

8) Super Mario Galaxy

9) Mass Effect

10) Blue Dragon

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1) Assassin's Creed:love:

2) Resident Evil 5

3) Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway

4) Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

5) Battalion Wars 2

6) Halo 3

7) Super Smash Bros. Brawl

8) Supreme Commander

9) No More Heroes

10) Alan Wake


Not to mention loads of others I might by depending on what review/you guys think of them (eg Super Mario Galaxy, BioShock, Forza 2, PGR4, Unreal Tournament 3)

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1) Worms XBLA

2) Mario Galaxy

3) Halo 3

4) Bioshock

5) Virtua Fighter 5

6) Hotel Dusk

7) Banjo 360

8) Alan Wake

9) Forza 2

10) UT3


Far too many to make this a real list. This is just what I can think of now. Gonna be a very cool year for games.

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Just watched the video and made a couple of edits.


Assassins Creed! OMG! I'd heard that game mentioned a lot but didnt really know anything about it. Off to read all there is to know, it looks awesome!

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10 Games? Hmm


God of War 2

Persona 3


Half Life 2 Episode 2

Supreme Commander

Halo 3

Blue Dragon


Metal Gear Solid 4

Mario Galaxy

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1. Halo 3

2. Metroid Prime 3

3. Mario Galaxy

4. Assassins Creed

5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

6. God of War 2

7. Castle Crashers XBLA

8. Grand Theft Auto 4

9. Final Fantasy XII

10. Banjo-Kazooie

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1. WORMS 360!

2. Halo 3

3. Banjo Kazooie 3

4. NBA Street Homecourt

5. Crackdown

6. GTA 4

7. Def Jam: Icon


I only have a 360 and they are the only games I can think of so far, if CoD4's out this year, thats on my list aswell.

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Not even sure if these games are out this year but here goes, in no particular order


1. Star Fox 64-VC

2. Dragon Quest Wii

3. Tiger Woods Wii

4. Castlevania SotN-XBLA

5. some form of Punch-Out

6. a SNES game thats worth $8 (Super Metroid or SFII Turbo will do)

7. Prime 3

8. Blue Dragon

9. White Night Story (if i have a PS3 by then)

10 Resident Evil UC


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1.Phantom Hourglass

2.Mario Galaxy

3.Metroid Prime 3

4.Super Smash Bros Brawl

5.Super Paper Mario

6.Phoenix Wright 2



9.Sonic and the Secret Rings

10.Pokémon Diamond/Pearl


Don't have PSP/360 or PS3, so I can't say I'm looking forward to anything for those consoles :P

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1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)

2. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

3. Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360)

4. Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360)

5. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

6. Battalion Wars Wii (Wii)

7. SSX Blur (Wii)

8. Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

9. Mass Effect (Xbox 360)

10. No More Heroes (Wii)

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1. MGS4 (MGS3 made me love the series again)

2. Super Mario Galaxy

3. Metroid Prime 3


5. Portable Ops (Okami would be here but it comes out next week so meh)

6. Disaster

7. BWii

8. Crisis Core FF7

9. HL: Episode 2

10. Kingdom Hearts 3 (I don't care if it's not coming out this year)




This will definately change after GDC or when this years games are revealed.

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Depends on what consoles I end up getting. Regardless, for me, SSBB is way in the lead. The comes Metroid 3, and then Halo 3 since I can see myself living round a mates house till I can be bothered to buy a 360 myself. MGS4 is another must play.


Other than that I'm eagerly awaiting FFXII (it's so close now!!) and I'll obviously be getting Pokemon in April.

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1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

2. Okami


4. Super Mario Galaxy

5. Halo 3

6. Pokemon Diamond - Pearl

7. Blue Dragon

8. HL:2 -the 360 package thing with TF 2 and Episode 1+2

9. Mass Effect

10. Bioshock!!!!!!!!!!

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In order


1:metroid prime corruption

2:mario galaxy

3:fire emblem wii

4:wwe game

5:zelda phantom hourglass

6:theme park ds


8:am im lost at this point

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