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Are you happy with your Wii?


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NOW Delete the gamecube ports... and the games already out...


Animal Crossing

Big Brain Academy

Disaster: Day of Crisis

Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn

Forever Blue

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Wii Health Pack

Wii Music


.... oh look.... fable 2, halo 3, forza 2, bioshock, mass effect.


i'm not sure what your point was again???

what happened to




Battalion Wars II



DK Kongo Blast

Excite Truck

Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn



Mario Party 8

Mario Strikers Charged


Pokemon Battle Revolution





i see no gamecube ports?

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i'm not sure what your point was again???


First of all, I must congratulate you for being arrogant prick. How you can say that game is Gamecube port when it was never even released for Gamecube on the first place? That game was planned to be released for Cube doesn't count, as games are always moved from platform to next when generation changes. Eternal Darkness, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Starfox 64, Too Human were all older generation projects, and nobody said those to be ports.


So what's your point? Or did cat took your tongue?

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First of all, I must congratulate you for being arrogant prick. Game is game, and it really can't be said to be port, if it wasn't even released for Gamecube on the first place. Planned doesn't count, as games are always moved from platform to next when generation changes. Eternal Darkness, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Starfox 64 were all older generation projects, and nobody said those to be ports.


So what's your point? Or did cat took your tongue?

exactly that;s why i didnt get where he was getting port from.


Do you find calling people pricks (and generally being abusive towards them) makes you a bigger man/your arguments more valid?


Well i do anyway

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NOW Delete the gamecube ports... and the games already out...
Sorry to break it, but battalion wars II is as much a gamecube port as Forza 2 is a Xbox port.


Just to mention one game, seriously though, you're free to sell your wii, whatever, but is it really needed to piss over it like that?


I don't think so.

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but i dont get it.how is battilion wars even slightly a port?its a brand new game
Well it should use the same engine and all, but that's a plus, otherwise we wouldn't be getting it on the first year, that and fire emblem, mario strikers, etc...


But nevertheless, he pisses on that fact but he's still complaining about lack of games.


Seriously from the list of X360 games he posted he could play... what ones were released in the first year (and are out now?) GOW?


gears of war, bioshock, halo 3, mass effect, crackdown, half life 2 ep 2, blue dragon, forza 2, fable 2....
yeah, pretty much.


First year is supposed to be slow, as in... not the peak of the console lifespan. X360 is in it's second year now.

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It a question of semantics, I just took of the list all the games which are obviously gamecube titles that have been shifted over... things like paper mario, battalion wars, marios strikers... they are all games that have been shifted to wii wth little in the way of enhancement... and the games which are already out in the states, because none of them are interesting - TO ME. i mean... excite truck? Burnout it ain't.


the games i left on the list are all interesting though.


not sure why you're getting so worked up about it to be honest.


If you all think the wii is so great, you should be happy.... and i haven't exactly slated it. Just said that having been there and done it... It left me cold. surely i'm allowed that opinion.


if trying something and deciding it's not quite how you expected it to be makes you a prick, then we are all pricks. But at least i'm speaking from the position of having had one.


I was a staunch supporter of wii before i bought one.


anyway... i still say that crackdown, halo 3, fable 2, bioshock, mass effect, and forza 2 is a line up that few people could argue with.


i mean... wii music and dewy's adventure??? LOL.

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i mean... wii music and dewy's adventure??? LOL.


i never thought id hear you go on this stupid rant.

You mention the 2 worst games you could think of to convince youself?As i said in the other thread you complain about the lack of wii games and yet within 3 months you own 7!?

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i never thought id hear you go on this stupid rant.

You mention the 2 worst games you could think of to convince youself?As i said in the other thread you complain about the lack of wii games and yet within 3 months you own 7!?



dewys adventure is not being touted as one of wii's 'worst' games though is it... it's a MAJOR new game from konami!



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dewys adventure is not being touted as one of wii's 'worst' games though is it... it's a MAJOR new game from konami!



Well, did you play games like pikmin 2, chibi robo, etc on GC?


That's what I expect from Dewy's Adventure; a very fun game, so yeah... I'm very interested; sure it won't sell that much (just like elebits and chibi robo), but it's refreshing to the market that it's coming out in the first place.


Not a system seller though, but we all know that; and I don't care.

Do we know anything about Wii Music yet?
I think it should be that orchestra demo and the Wii drum thing (and perhaps something more).
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I've just read the last page...and yeah, Ultrajamie you're an idiot.


You're acting worse than these sony fanboys i know. Complaining at the lack of games on a new console which has barely been out 3months is just being silly. Wait a year until the controller is being used to its potential.


Remember, most companies only decided to support Wii at E3 last year. You expect amazing games in like 8/9months.

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as i said above... i was a staunch wii supporter... i was outside game at 5am on launch day.


that excitement hasn't followed through. now i've played most of the games out... i just don't think it's that great.


it's neat, but no great.


thats just my opinion.


I've just read the last page...and yeah, Ultrajamie you're an idiot.


i'm not sure why you all keep resorting to calling me names... don't you know how to have a decent debate.


i'm not insulting anyone... just saying that the wii isn't the big deal you all say it is... FOR ME... why that threatens you so much you call me an idiot and a prick says more about you than me.

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I understand why you're disappointed Ultrajamie (though I can't help but think it's to blame to your too high expectations) but at least don't be so nasty towards the Wii. It makes you sound like an arrogant prick. You are not too good for the Wii.


Let's keep this to content now. I'm talking to you Goron_3.

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I understand why you're disappointed Ultrajamie (though I can't help but think it's to blame to your too high expectations) but at least don't be so nasty towards the Wii. It makes you sound like an arrogant prick. You are not too good for the Wii.


Let's keep this to content now. I'm talking to you Goron_3.


Like i say above... i'm not calling names...


The console, so far, is retreading the software route the GC took... nicely made, innovatives games, but very little in the way of 'oh wow' clout.

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I understand why you're disappointed Ultrajamie (though I can't help but think it's to blame to your too high expectations) but at least don't be so nasty towards the Wii. It makes you sound like an arrogant prick. You are not too good for the Wii.


Let's keep this to content now. I'm talking to you Goron_3.


Ok my bad.


I'm just saying people need to be patient. The thing has barely been out.

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Like i say above... i'm not calling names...


The console, so far, is retreading the software route the GC took... nicely made, innovatives games, but very little in the way of 'oh wow' clout.

Titles like that weren't announced at launch, what did you expect?


If Wii sells good, they'll start coming as every relevant platform, but it'll take a while, like said, this is the first year.


There's a lot of adult attempts coming already, PS2 ports mostly, but they're coming, they're needed so the other titles gain ground.


I'm thinking of Godfather, Scarface and others.

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Like i say above... i'm not calling names...


The console, so far, is retreading the software route the GC took... nicely made, innovatives games, but very little in the way of 'oh wow' clout.

Guess that's a personal thing. The Wii controls have wowed me more than any fancy graphics effect the 360 and PS3 have ever thrown at me. There's a killer line up almost ready for the presses and yet there's no (or 'little') games in the lists spammed throughout this thread that hasn't wowed you? Come on. If that's the case, then yeah, the 360 is better for you. I very much doubt it won't dissappoint you however, if you expect as much of it as you do with the Wii now.

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Titles like that weren't announced at launch, what did you expect?




i seem to remember gears of war was announced at the same e3 the 360 was unveilled.


Guess that's a personal thing. The Wii controls have wowed me more than any fancy graphics effect the 360 and PS3 have ever thrown at me. There's a killer line up almost ready for the presses and yet there's no (or 'little') games in the lists spammed throughout this thread that hasn't wowed you? Come on. If that's the case, then yeah, the 360 is better for you. I very much doubt it won't dissappoint you however, if you expect as much of it as you do with the Wii now.


i sold my 360 to get the wii... so i do have an objective comparison.


and i REALLY regret it, yes.

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i seem to remember gears of war was announced at the same e3 the 360 was unveilled.
It only came out in November 2006 though.


I've been seeing images of GoW since 2004, way before X360 was formally shown. They took years to put out a game with 10 hour of single player gameplay. (and I'm talking about average first play through)


Sure the graphics are good and all, but how much extra time and what budget would they need to do a it a... say 20 hour game?


I prefer worse looking games who last more hours, to be honest.

and i REALLY regret it, yes.
You should have know, too high expectancies for the first year, against a console line-up going on it's second year, things take time.


Most of these games started production right after it's predecessors came out, or when X360 was announced, and they're only comming out now.


Also there are two sides of the coin, if it's typically american games, like the "killer-apps" X360 is getting, yeah, americans are FPS and graphics centric folks, also very nationalists, so unless obliged to, their platform of choice would be X360 to start with; but... Nintendo has real chances of catching the Japanese market, more than the US one... and that, for me, hopefully means... RPG's; that's all I need, really.

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