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Rocky Balboa


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Similar order to mine, but I'd have put 2 over 1. Actually, I don't know, my opinion on which one is better changes every day or so. :heh:


Hmm, I love both very equally. I love the endings for both films, and its hard for me to pick which one I love more.


Pure bliss though is watching number 1 and then 2. The journey within that is amazing. I neeeed to watch these films again,now.


Totally agree about watching 1 and 2 together. The way he goes from becoming a nobody (single, not loved, unknown) to almost a hero (also a father, a great husband, and someone who will always try to do what is best for others) is just fantastic.


The quote that makes Rocky for me is, just before he fights Apollo Creed. He's talking to Adrian in bed as he can't sleep, and he admits that he can't beat Apollo, but he goes on to say 'All I want is to go the distance. Seeing that bell go...and I'm still standing...I'm going to know for the first time in my life, if i'm not just another bum from the neighbourhood'. I mean what a couple of lines! That really got me ready for the fight, and when i saw rocky get back up after being knocked down late in the 14th, i just knew he was gonna get back up :hehe: .


These films mean so much to me. I don't think I could ever express what they've taught me. Seriously can't wait for Friday.

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I love that quote, too! There's so many great quotes in these films.


I always get a bit teary at the end of the first film, when he's getting surrounded by press.


Stallone must have been on something really good when he wrote the script for this and the second. I think the guy's got talent. Just watched Rambo: First Blood the other night and that scene at the end where he talks about his friend dying is excellent.

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I love that quote, too! There's so many great quotes in these films.


I always get a bit teary at the end of the first film, when he's getting surrounded by press.


Stallone must have been on something really good when he wrote the script for this and the second. I think the guy's got talent. Just watched Rambo: First Blood the other night and that scene at the end where he talks about his friend dying is excellent.


That part was bloody brilliant!

It reminded me of this scene in Rocky I where Mickey asks Rocky to let him be his trainer, and then Rocky rejects the offer and after Mick leaves, rocky begins to shout, expressing all the anger and depression that has built up during his life. So so sad :(. i think he says something like:


'And then some guys wanna know if I want to fight the big fight. YEAH i'll fight the big fight! I'll get this! And this! *puches wall*. I'll get my face kicked in!.....And you wanna be ringside and see it, do ya, huh?'. Brilliant. such a good script.

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Just come back from seeing it and its AWESOME!


The story has so much emotion in it and the fight is simply amazing. I was in the cinema and at certain parts of the fight ( you will see ) I just wanted to get up and shout for Rocky.


It does bring the films back to their roots while ending the series the way it should have. The first 2 films were very story driven while the rest, even though they are amazing, lacked that element. This one IMO simply out does all of them in terms of emotion and story. Also its great for the fans of the series for the various little references that play throughout the movie.


The way the fight is done is also great. Not just because of the hype but because it is more realistic and the way the camera moves around and gets certain shots while jumping into black and white was fantastic.


I cant wait to see it again.



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Just got back. WOW!!!!!!!


Omg the fight scene was just magic. If you don't see this video, you're missing out. Infact, we got so hyped after the film, we reinacted a Rocky fight (gonna be on youtube soon :D ).


I just loved it during the fight when Rocky was like 'GET UP!'. SO inspirational. I love you Stallone. Honestly.

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Just got back. Man, I feel so emotional :weep: I think the film has hit me more than it will most others, because of the rollercoaster i've been riding over my teenage years with the memories of watching the films,training and boxing etc. it's hard to explain but let's just say the film really got to my heart.

It was EXCELLENT. The introduction and build up are fantastic, I loved it instantly and felt like I was going back in time. Firstly can I just say Sylvester Stallone is an AMAZING man, anyone who doesn't see this, well you don't have my respect. It had all the ingredients what made the original so special, the 'back to its roots' scenery/culture, the 'underdog' feeling, the music, everything. And the reflecting back on the past made the whole experience feel a lot more, close, I felt bonded with Rocky, more than ever.

The actual fight, wow. Excellently done. I was slightly worried about what to expect but it really really rocked. The evenness made it possibly the most enjoyable fight to watch, and the flashbacks, like when you see Adrian's face, it just floods back everything from the series that makes you love them.

I was so sad at the end, and still am. It's just the feeling that it's all ended, and at the end after the credits I didn't want to leave, my friends didn't understand. Well, I have one thing to say

Sylvester Stallone, thank you.

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And what makes it even more special is when you understand his background, i've read lots about it in interviews and stuff and it just makes you say wow. I think he was expelled from 13 schools(!) after having a terrible family life and upbringing. Lots happened and he decided to write a script etc. and it all got on from there.

He's such an inspiration, he's a message to all those out there that however hard things look, you should never give up, and he represents this through both his background and in the films.

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And what makes it even more special is when you understand his background, i've read lots about it in interviews and stuff and it just makes you say wow. I think he was expelled from 13 schools(!) after having a terrible family life and upbringing. Lots happened and he decided to write a script etc. and it all got on from there.

He's such an inspiration, he's a message to all those out there that however hard things look, you should never give up, and he represents this through both his background and in the films.


it's amazing actually how closely Stallone resembles Rocky.

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it's amazing actually how closely Stallone resembles Rocky.


And what makes it even more special is when you understand his background, i've read lots about it in interviews and stuff and it just makes you say wow. I think he was expelled from 13 schools(!) after having a terrible family life and upbringing. Lots happened and he decided to write a script etc. and it all got on from there.

He's such an inspiration, he's a message to all those out there that however hard things look, you should never give up, and he represents this through both his background and in the films.


Yeah. I love Stallone and have followed his career very closely. I watched his Biography ages ago and the similararities between himself and the character of Rocky are astounding.


Im glad everyone is enjoying it, im going to go see it again on Tuesday after work with the lads. I cant wait to see it again, I think the fight scene is the best yet in any of the films.

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Well, he did write the script, so the similiarities between his character (Rocky) and his real-life experiences were to be expected, imo. He's done what any good writer should be doing, and that is putting personal experiences into words.


I just can't believe how under-rated Stallone is. In all fairness, most people just judge him on his voice, or his "hard-man" image. Stallone has played 2 of the greatest characters in film history - Rocky and John Rambo. Two very well developed characters. It's idiocy to see people basing his entire career, both film and writing, on films such as Stop! Or my mom will shoot.

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God i've been thinking about this film all day. There were just so many memorable lines and parts in it! It's the first time i've sat in the cinema and have been on the edge of my seat so often. Infact when the training scene started everyone started cheering (was a packed cinema :P)


Think i'll be seeing it again next week.

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"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward."


What a bloody quote

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"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward."


What a bloody quote


Yeah I loved that whole quote, he said it with such meaning and passion while at the same time putting his punk kid in his place.


Like Goron_3 I have been thinking about the film today aswell. I cant get over how great the fight was at the end, just them 2 moments where the music kicks in and you know Rocky is going to give it his all is awesome especially when Duke shouts at him.

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It's a brilliant film and is far deeper than just 'boxing'. I saw it on pirate well before it was out, and I was on the edge of my seat. It was gripping, I don;t think I've ever been like that even watching real fights!


I don;t see why people disliked Rocky V, I loved it, I thought it was a really deep film about a man looking to re-live his dreams through a guy who he wished was his son, which caused him to neglect his own family. It was also a great tale of how money has eaten up the sport. Plus, it had the best ending.

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I planned to go and see this film on Saturday 20th after spending the past week watching the previous 5 Rocky films. Went to see it at 11am as this was the only time that i could get a ticket because all other showings of the film were fully booked. Anyway, got to the cinema and got the tickets for the film. Got told to go to screen 7. I would have worked out which screen without getting told from this




Never seen something like that before in a Newport cinema so i was pleased to get the Red Carpet treatment for a change. Later i found out this set-up was only for the opening weekend showings


Anyway, back to the film. I thought it was absolutly brilliant. It was a lot better than i was expecting it to be. The end fight was set out much better than i was expecting as well. The whole film was full of drama, excitement and still contained that classic Rocky humour that was present in the previous 5 titles which all that kept me glued to my seat right till the end. Rocky Balboa is a great ending to an awesome film series and it well deserves the score of




I'll probably see it again early on next month.

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