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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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i wish nintendo would make a total remake for Ocarina of time and Majoras mask with the Twilight princess style graphic and orchestrial sounds i really loved those games Ocarina / majora / and twilight princess i did not really liked the windwaker i think link should keep his Ocarina in every part it gave link a more magical touch than swinging with a stick in windwaker

in ocarina of time the story was just Perfect and majoras mask i liked the ability to transform into different creatures and especialy the Fierce deity link

i truly missed that feeling in twilight princess



the good old days i hope they bring new anime series from zelda


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Im playing through WW again. This game would have been soooo much better if they would have replaced the Boat/King with a silent Raft (and a more compact Great Sea).


Instead of giving Link subtle hints, he just tells him exactly where to go and what to do, thus ruining any sense of discovery and exploration


Then again, the same could said of Navi, Midna, the old man from LttP, and the bird thing from MC

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Im playing through WW again. This game would have been soooo much better if they would have replaced the Boat/King with a silent Raft (and a more compact Great Sea).


Instead of giving Link subtle hints, he just tells him exactly where to go and what to do, thus ruining any sense of discovery and exploration


Then again, the same could said of Navi, Midna, the old man from LttP, and the bird thing from MC


Ahh yes, it would definitely expand the sense of exploration, but it wasn't completely ruined, not in TWW at least. Though it would be nice if hints were gave out instead, I can't see Nintendo doing this.

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yeah, the freedom to explore in WW was great, finding all the islands when you wanted too, ok, so it did tell you were you shoulde go, but it didnt force you there, i think thats a much better was of doing it, as much as i do love metroid, its just plain annoying having to spend hours moving a little bit forward with no idea were you should be, i know its ment to be about exploration, but i'll be damned if im going to search the entier game for one block i can now go through, its more like a chore then fun, same goes for leveling up in rpgs

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One thing I didn't like about WW were the Wind Waker tunes, compared to the Ocarina melodies (OOT especially) they were shiiiiite.


Agreed, but you're not saying they're necessarily bad, are you? I liked some of TWW's celtic-inspired tunes. (*grumbles*, I wish PH had that)

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Agreed, but you're not saying they're necessarily bad, are you? I liked some of TWW's celtic-inspired tunes. (*grumbles*, I wish PH had that)


Not at all, I meant the actual Wind waker baton melodies weren't that great, like the Command Melody and Ballad of the Gales. The music in WW apart from those melodies was fantastic though. But compared to the Song of Storms, Nocturne of Shadow, Serenade of Water etc... they're no where near as good (imo).

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Not at all, I meant the actual Wind waker baton melodies weren't that great, like the Command Melody and Ballad of the Gales. The music in WW apart from those melodies was fantastic though. But compared to the Song of Storms, Nocturne of Shadow, Serenade of Water etc... they're no where near as good (imo).


Bolero of Fire is where it's at, got it as my ringtone!

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Not at all, I meant the actual Wind waker baton melodies weren't that great, like the Command Melody and Ballad of the Gales. The music in WW apart from those melodies was fantastic though. But compared to the Song of Storms, Nocturne of Shadow, Serenade of Water etc... they're no where near as good (imo).


Yeah they were more like Jingles than musics, but some are parts of other musics. Like the ones to awaken the Sages, whose are pretty good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back to oracle of ages/seasons and Minish Cap...


The oracle GB games are absolutely astounding. Emotionally developmental to a degree of such astounding depth that it puts the console games to shame.

The way in which time and space is steadily portrayed also reminds me of Squaresoft's old FF games on the SNES. Capcom offer a fantastic twist on the Zelda format whilst understanding what makes the series so successful. Capcom seem to be able to turn their heads to most genres with success! I'm sure Miyamoto oversaw the Oracle games yet Minish Cap was Capcom going solo. And that's another fantastic game. The music is beautiful and the graphics are excellent. Especially when the size element is played upon. Normal objects such as rain even take on a new dimension. If done on a home console we would hold these games in the top tier of Zelda games. If you've not played them go out NOW and do so. You wont regret a single moment of these little treasures.: peace:

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  • 1 month later...

Alright, I *finally* managed to get my hands on a copy of WW. I'm first going to continue playing SOA, but once I've finished that I'll give this game a fair try. I remember having been not too happy when I saw the first screens of WW given that I had expected something a little more realistic. Now that I finally got another more 'realistic' zelda game with TP I'm more willing to give WW the benefit of the doubt. All that said, I'm sure it'll be quite good, although I still have my doubts as to whether it can be as good as TP.

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Don't worry, despite the cartoon looks, WW feels like a Zelda game. And honestly, when you are playing (and not spectating), the feel is all that matters. When you are thinking about a puzzle or what to do next on your adventure, the last thing you are aware of is the graphics.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sticking strictly to the point being discussed (WW vs TP), I would have to say it's a very hard choice, as both games made quite a bit of an impression on me when I started playing them, but soon that hype faded.


Wind Waker feels fresh enough, with the toon-shading, and all. I don't agree with all the people saying it lacks the feeling or "soul" of the Zelda series, I mean, I play Zelda since I was 5, maybe 4, and I'm now 24, my first Zelda experience ever being - that's right - The Legend of Zelda (8-bit), I never had a problem picturing Zelda with cel-shaded graphics (before even knowing what cel-shading was); while OoT pictured Link and Hyrule with "realistic" graphics, that's not as real as it seems, as there are parts in the game in which there seems to be a rudimentary engine aiming at toon-shading already; well, back to the Wind Waker, it featured better gameplay than previous generation 3D Zeldas, top notch animation (particularly facial animation), huge (though mostly lifeless and deserted) overworld, cool items with an astonishing boomerang upgrade, rather good collection of sidequests and an actually nice story with an intriguing twist, but when it comes to how Nintendo chose to tell that story, the game gets notoriously and extremely flawed; as have been said before, the Triforce-"fishing" quest is dull and tedious enough for the game to lose points. Don't get me wrong, I played the game and loved it all the way, but that part could have seriously been improved; I mean, mini 5 minute-or-so dungeons for one, maybe two shards would have covered that situation quite well, IMO.


On to TP. I had TP pre-ordered for about two years before it actually came out, so, yeah, I was expecting a lot more. Graphically speaking, since I only own the GCN version, there's nothing more I could ask for; the game controls are even better than those seen in WW (though the camera only has two levels of zoom, the third being first-person perspective, while in Wind Waker you had a full "zoomable" camera), I actually liked how they made defending automatic, à lá Zelda 2D, swinging the sword while running/walking is a nice addition as well. The game looks artistic and graphically polished, with bloom lighting all over the place covering the overworld and towns. The general overworld enemies give you enough challenge, compared to previous Zelda 3D games, the story is good (not as good as Wind Waker, though), and told brilliantly, through well placed and orchestrated cinematics that help you get more into the game. There are more dungeons than those in WW, but Nintendo's statement of TP being the Zelda with more dungeons to date falls short of its promise, though they managed to have that "Ocarina" dungeon feeling fans have been complaining 3D Zeldas had lost. Link's wolf abilities and the adding of Midna are both rejuvenating factors as well. But the game soon stops impressing. Sure, the world is huge, plus the fact there are two dimensions to it (A Link to the Past, anyone?), but when you gallop throughout it, it doesn't seem all that big, at least not as big as it was first announced, with Nintendo saying that it would be virtually impossible to traverse the entire overworld simply by foot. Well, though boring and slow, it is, indeed, quite possible, I did it more than once. But that's not even where the real problems begin. I honestly don't know what kind of games have the guys at IGN been playing, when thay say TP has left them banging their heads against the walls with the sheer difficulty of its puzzles... difficult puzzles? Then, may we assume the people at IGN never completed Majora's Mask? TP is too fluid for its own good. Fluidity is a good thing, but we never get to wonder "OK, now what?", as the game is so tediously self-explanatory, giving not much space to the Zelda-familiar world exploration. Then, there's that crappy fortune-teller, revealing all the locations of the pieces of heart... sure, now you need to collect five, making gaining a new heart container supposedly harder, but then they went and placed that fat lady as one of the five or six NPCs you can actually interact with throughout the whole game, making her taking you out the whole fun of finding the pieces of heart for yourself. Sure, you can just ignore her, but, then again, since she's there, why not use her "services"? And, once you saw one or two heart piece locations, believe me, any other time around you play this game you'll remember exactly where they are with a little remorse for not having been you the one to find them all by yourself (does this sentence make any sense at all? Sorry for the somewhat lousy, confusing English...). TP also has some of the worse items in the Zelda history. I mean... that giant-top/spinner-thing... it sure looks cool, but it's useless, nonetheless... it also introduces you to the arguably ultimate useless item in Zelda gemes ever, the Dominion Rod. yeah, nice concept and all, but, for crying out loud, didn't they cover that WAY better in the Wind Waker with the command melody, thus avoiding creating an object whose sole purpose is to control inanimate objects? I, for one, think so... and, unlike other previous Zeldas, there's not much incentive in using the items outside their proper dungeons. Furthermore, I really have to say they ruined the best boomerang ever in Zelda games, the one in Wind Waker, when they turned it into that crappy wind-fairy-charged one used in TP, that looked quite cool in game trailers, but it's actually a big disappointment in-game... I mean... does it even actually stun enemies? Still, the game's bigger and deeper issue is the fact the bosses are the easiest bosses I've encountered in a Zelda game... plus the fact they already ruined the excitement of discovering some of the bosses' weaknesses, by releasing game demo videos in which the actual boss battle was shown... at least they could have endowed the bosses with more stamina and AI.


Now... between WW and TP... I think they rank the same, for me. They both were games I really loved and enjoyed playing, stunned me in the most positive of ways, but also let me down on a few other issues. So I guess they're at exactly the same level, as far as I'm concerned. A Zelda game able to overachieve and surpass A Link to the Past is still to be released. The best Zelda ever. Period. And, while I'm at it, here's my Zelda series "ranking": ALttp>TLoZ>OoT>WW=TP>MC>LA/LADX>FSA>MM>TAoL>OoA=OoS (I never played Four Swords on the Game Boy Advance, or Phantom Hourglass on the DS, so those two games are not included). Please, don't get me wrong, I see myself as a Zelda fan, and I love every and single Zelda game made to this day (well... the official ones, excluding the absurdely bad ones released for the Philips CD-i, but that's obvious, isn't it?), and the last thing I want is to start any kind of discussion just because my personal opinion on somehting as subjective as one's preferences in a video game series. So... if you disagree, be free to reply, just try to do it in a positive way, and don't expect me to fuel any unnecessary argument.


Once again, sorry for the long boring post and for the crappy English.

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^ Its not boring or bad English, its just the WALLOFTEXT effect. (no sentences).



As for TP vs WW...Can't really compare eye for eye, but WW most defintely has the better story. Would like to see a few remakes actually...Maybe WW with Wiimote control. Imagine using the baton with the wiimote or the grappling hook.

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Sorry for the humongous apparently WALLOFTEXT-effect text... I seem to have the same problem when writing in portuguese (though when writing in portuguese, especially when it's about writing essays that teachers and researchers in university need us to do, that's actually required). If you're just not in the mood to browse all through it in order to find out my opinion, it can be summed up like this:




Hardly a sentence, but there's obviously no WALLOFTEXT effect in there, now, is it?

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