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What have you won from competitions?


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I've entered loads of competitions and won bugger all. I once remember winning a poem one at my old school when i was about 5. All i got was a bag of those bigger sized smarties they used to make.


I came joint first in a poem competition at school. You had to write an acrostic poem about disability. I won £5.

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I once won a Euro 96 football, signed by Alan Shearer and to this day i still have it :) Its never been used... I also remember winning a massive jar of sweets at the school fair once (you had to guess how many were in there) mainly smarties/m n ms/ skittles. I cant remember what i guessed but i think it may have been around 1600....

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I won a Chomp bar in a dancing competition during a school disco.

Typical, I was sweating like hell after that, I wanted a bloody drink! Not some 20p chocolate!


I won 25 "Commendations" after scoring from a penalty kick during a little minigame in Year 7.

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I won a Sega Dreamcast back in 2000.


I also came second in a couple of DS-x2.com competitions, winning Alien Hominid on GBA and an Alien Hominid T-shirt in one, and Happy Feet on GBA and some Happy Feet crazy crap in another (which I'm currently waiting for)



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I won my PS2 from a my work Christmas party raffle...........although I do consider that my price was set up, as for like a good year or so during that period I sold stupid amounts of them over anyone else who didn't even know what the hell the PS2 did or how to actually sell them.


That was when I worked at Virgin Megastore.


Also won some WHSmith vouchers when I was a wee nipper at first school, and Peter Sissans (sp, an old BBC news presenter) gave them to me in front of a large crowd and I think I got my picture taken for the local paper and all that.

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I won a copy of Tijuana Toads (a cartoon) on video when I was a kid for doing a crossword.

I also won a copy of Dungeon Keeper for designing a chair for satan when I was about 14, from CVG. Never saw the game though (and I'd actually bought it myself when the magazine came out).

I've won a few bottles of whisky in the work raffle!

I'm also currently enjoying a year's supply of innocent smoothies that I won when I went to fruitstock this year, my name is apparently appearing on a bottle label too!

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