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What did you do over the holidays


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My holiday only started on Saturday 23... I was at Uni until the 22nd! I've been out a couple of times but mostly sat at home and caught up with One Piece. Also played some Wii Sports with all my family and done a lot of moderating I guess :heh: Well, I have a little work to do, then I have to start revising for an exam on Jan 24th. However I don't actually start studying again (bar one revision session) until the 29th :D So it's not really over for me for a while.

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Guest Stefkov

Done nothings. Finished on the 21st. Did Christmas. Family nearly all broke apart. Still have no idea whast happening.


I will be doing homework this week, and I'll go back to college on the 8th.

I may be going to play fotty with mates, but I have no idea if thats happening.

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