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Where would you live.....


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Title says it really, If you could live anywhere at all, where would it be? What would be your dream place to live? :indeed:


I personally would want to live in either Canada or Italy but i would have to learn the language first if i were to go to Italy.

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New York maybe...not sure. Mind often changes. At the moment Leeds, but for a different, less sensible reason. But New York to me is the place, im a city person, and its like the pinnacle of city life. Plus it does have some good parks and such to relax in.

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Nowhere springs to mind, to be honest. I think the more important thing is who you're living with, rather than where.


If you live alone, for example, with no friends or family, does it really make a great difference where you live? Ponder on that, if you will.


So, my answer: No preference, as long as you can be close to loved ones.

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If you live alone, for example, with no friends or family, does it really make a great difference where you live? Ponder on that, if you will.


Yes because you are not defined solely by those around you, but also your environment. If you live alone in a forest you may be a great craftsman, you may take life easy etc. If you live alone in a big city you may never cook, order take away food every night and never feel the need to learn how to drive.

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Yes because you are not defined solely by those around you, but also your environment. If you live alone in a forest you may be a great craftsman, you may take life easy etc. If you live alone in a big city you may never cook, order take away food every night and never feel the need to learn how to drive.


When you put it that way, it does make a difference. But, that's quite extreme. Most of the talk is pretty much about which city they want to live in.

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I wouldn''t want to move - Shetland's great! (no matter what Jordan and Letty say) There are no problems with Shetland besides the large amounts of money you have to pay to go no holidays anywhere, and the lack of shops - though that isn't really a problem at all thanks to the internet. At least I can go around the town on my own with an MP3 player in my hands and have no fear of it being stolen. Hell! I was walking around with a £200 wad of cash the other day! Fun fun fun.

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When you put it that way, it does make a difference. But, that's quite extreme. Most of the talk is pretty much about which city they want to live in.


Well the city influences you. I have no doubt if I lived in a bigger city I would be different, more outgoing, more rleaxed event. However, living in this one-Nero town results in me being more secluded.


I wonder how many forest dwelling craftsmen we have on these forums. :)




Hell! I was walking around with a £200 wad of cash the other day! Fun fun fun.


I was walking around with £20,000 earlier. Safe.

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Well since i will be moving to Japan soon, i guess New Zealand will spring to mind.


Wow that will be a good experience for you. Which part of Japan are you planning on staying in?



Hmm I think I'd like to go to either South Africa or New Zealand, I'm not really interested in moving anywhere else.


I wonder how many forest dwelling craftsmen we have on these forums. :)


Me. I also sell shelled nuts at the top of a mountain.

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I wonder how many forest dwelling craftsmen we have on these forums. :)




I'd quite like to move to Barcelona. I went there a few years back and some of it is so staggeringly beautiful it really takes your breath away. It's a brilliant place- modern yet medieval almost. It's the kind of dense, exciting urban city that feels exciting without feeling like a massive metropolis.

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Well, I suppose it would be nice to move to Australia or Ireland just for the simple reason that it would be quite nice to live there.


Although, if we were allowed to change our nationalaties and our family history whilst we're at it, I'd probably move to Little Italy in New York, become a gangster, then a made man, and just rake it in with the odd heist now and again, or have a small buisness 'owning' other small buisnesses. I suppose I'd change the decade I live in too if I could, such as the 50's or 60's. I heard the mafia today are pretty shit.

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