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Cynicism and Optimism


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Im a cynic and a misanthrope. Im emotionally closed off, I don't confide in people much, due to fear of being betrayed, even by those I'd say I love (friends, not family, but thats another story). I believe that at the core people are evil and heartless, and that 90% of people would walk over your body for free gum. Or, because everyone prefers it that way, to quote Scrubs; "people are bastard coated bastards with bastard feelings."


Its due to a few things in my life and I admit, its a huge character flaw, but there we go. Everyone has them. Anyway, just wanted to ask everyone if they are a cynic or optimist. Whether theres a reason for it etc etc etc. As it is Christmas, a time fo rmuch cynicism. And then New Year, which normally is optimistic.

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I'm pretty pessimistic when it comes to life.


To quote discworld noir: "Pessimist. A word used by optimists for people who see the world how it really is."


Not sure if that's what you were asking so I'll move onto people.


I used the think that most people were scum. But now I know that most people are good people. It's just that the scum stand out a lot more. Also I think people's attitudes are getting a lot worse. Not sure why this is. there are a few theories floating around.

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I am told I have attitude problems, is that what you mean...


I have problems... teehee


No, I had the same idea moogleviper, I thought everyone but me and people I knew were chavs, but I realised when your walking down the streat you just notice them so much more than other people.

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i tend to be very mixed about this, depending on where i am in my life. I can particularly become disheartened with people with being gay, not only cos of homophobia, but a huge amount of gay people are really shallow.


Studying psychology for years i'm aware of many really crappy things people will do under circumstances. However, at my core i tend to have a positive belief in people and can see the good in people and i think its the right approach to take if i ever want to help people. I strongly believe there are some really amazing people out there, they're just not always easy to see or find.

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I am an optimist! I love life. I was pretty sad until I realised that there was no God - that once I died I would be dead and that when I die, I'll be fine with it.


Basically, with that in mind I know that I need to live life to every fullness I possibly can. Also, in the past few years I've met some wonderful people (mainly Ruth, Letty and Mhairi though no one knows who two of them are...) which has helped with my cheeriness. And I've also realised that if you treat people nicely they'll be nice to you. I've confided my problems with quite a few people I know I can trust which is also a boost.


In conclusion: Life is great!

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My life is shit. I've got no friends, well, none except for this torch. I never go out, and Im behind on my studying.


I blame this plight on one man, and one man alone.


Jordan. Hes always complaining, and going on about how great this woman's breasts are, making me feel sad and inadiquate. He has too much porn, and I really hate him. And another thing, he's ridiculously retarded, and snores something awful. A creature from the depths of hell.


Please don't tell anybody plzkthxbi.

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And I've also realised that if you treat people nicely they'll be nice to you.


I treat people nice, I fucking rock when it comes to treating other people nice. And last year I was (mostly) unfairly arrested, fucked over by my 'brother', had my heart stomped on, and then just the general bitchy mctrampness of customers and stuff. People do not treat you nice if you're nice, they may treat you nicer but the whole "put good out get good back" idea doesn't work. I keep putting it out there.

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Start living life like GOB I gaurentee you will begin to be an optimist. And when you screw up just turn to Michael and say I've made a huge mistake. Seems that your Michael at the moment!


Oh and as for me im very happy with life at the moment but the future could be a bit sad so Im concentrating on the now and saving emo time for later lol.


And on a more trivial level Zelda rocks so much! Im not apprecating it as much as I should to much Wii sports. :yay:

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I treat people nice, I fucking rock when it comes to treating other people nice. And last year I was (mostly) unfairly arrested, fucked over by my 'brother', had my heart stomped on, and then just the general bitchy mctrampness of customers and stuff. People do not treat you nice if you're nice, they may treat you nicer but the whole "put good out get good back" idea doesn't work. I keep putting it out there.


Hmm, maybe Shetland is just a nice place. ::shrug:


Also, I treat my brother nicely but he's an ass. In fact the biggest asses I know are all my own family. There do seem to be some people who are mean (like a lady who angry told me to 'fucking move' after I apologized to her and tried to push out of her way) but I think generally people are kind. Maybe not when their shopping or doing their jobs though. Or in big groups (though if you get to know them individually they're usually nice).

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I think I genuinely am both. I'm definitely an optimist in most circumstances, yet I nevertheless believe that most people our out for themselves and don't give a damn about anyone else. This doesn't mean that things will turn out badly... it just means that ultimately, people will choose themselves over other.


Anyway, optimists live longer. :heh:


There are definitely people who I am nice to, yet act horrible in return. I call these people wankers.

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I'm optimistic in terms of achieving things and possibilities. However, i'm very cynical about people, especially in England, and it's developed more and more recently.


there is a cultural thing to it. I am fed up of England, especially seeing this under-current of racism, my town in particular has severe problems.


One of the main reasons i am drawn to Japan is that its a culture of respect.

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Dunno what all this means but I put trust into people very easily. The other day I had two girls over my house that are supposed to be my friends. When I got back on the monday they were spreading rumours that I wanted them to stop the night and that I was watching "the sleepover club"


So yeh that knocked my trust abit. Anyway on another matter I like my life as it is at the moment but I can't really say I love or hate life as I have so much to come, I can't just judge life on just part of my life.

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Shouldn't the title be pessimism and optimism?


I didn't read much of this thread other than the first post, and I'd say its kind of hard to say what I am. I mean, I'm optimistic in some senses, but very pessimistic in others, so I don't really know.

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I treat people nice, I fucking rock when it comes to treating other people nice. And last year I was (mostly) unfairly arrested, fucked over by my 'brother', had my heart stomped on, and then just the general bitchy mctrampness of customers and stuff. People do not treat you nice if you're nice, they may treat you nicer but the whole "put good out get good back" idea doesn't work. I keep putting it out there.


You're hanging around with the wrong people. Step back and lok at people from a different angle, you'll soon see which people are good and which people aren't.

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You're hanging around with the wrong people. Step back and lok at people from a different angle, you'll soon see which people are good and which people aren't.


Its the people I, largely, can't control being around. Family, work (at the time, work rocks now) and random people.

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Optimistic. I just spent a great year in Australia. Made great friends, some of whom are coming over to England. I leave on the 27th and will be returning to another great group of friends. These are people I trust implicitly.


This year I've also really liked someone since May and it's just started to happen. Bad timing as I'm leaving but it's spurred me on to come back in March. We have so very much in common and can talk for hours. It's great. :)

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