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What has happened to disney?

mcj metroid

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I've seen that one; it's cool and very weird. Walt Disney and Dali didn't really work on it though; it was done by the studio after their deaths, cause they never really got started on the actual film.

I seen a clip for it which looked amazing. Have they released the whole thing then now? I wanna see it since im a surrealist art geek :D

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I seen a clip for it which looked amazing. Have they released the whole thing then now? I wanna see it since im a surrealist art geek :D


Well I saw it at an animation festival in France (Annecy) a couple of years ago. Not sure if it's actually available anywhere though. But yeah, it's a pretty cool thing to see. =3

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I love Disney and besides Nintendo this is by far my favourite company. And I don't know why you say pixar saved it from death. Disney is a MASSIVE company. Movies are only one of there "things"


I mean look heres a list of some of the things they do


Disney World

Disney Channel

Disney Store

Disney Games

Disney Movies

Disney Music


And I could go on, I mean look at the franchises it's created! And the stars its made. I mean look at Lindsey Lohan and Hilary Duff now! I think Disney as a whole is a magical company with so many different things going on.


I mean yeh the old 2d movies were brilliant. Have loads of videos of old Disney films. But its the 21st century. Things are changing, why would kids want to see 2d movies when theres a whole world of 3d colourful, eye-popping action in the latest movies? I loved cars, I just think Disney Pixar have a great sense of humour ande should carry on with there movies.

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ah no offence but you never grew up with disney like some of the older guys did.i mean there was nothing quite like seeing lion king in the ciname.Mulan,Lady and the tramp(ok the re realease)they were the classics.the very last 2d one i think was LILo and stich


Anyway, I was sad to see the 2D studio go back when they did it (last movie was Home on the Range by the way) and would love to see them return.


Lilo and Stitch was 2002. After that still came Brother Bear and Home on the Range.

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It happens often now, Disney films go bad, but they make their money from merchandise and DVD sales of past Disney films. It's the same with Star Wars. The "New" films were awful, but they made moeny from merchandise, even tho those films were a successful, sales wise...Hmmm im moidering. Just trying to sound clever lol. Basically they (Disney, Lucasarts) have become Profit motivated. Roll on Shrek the 3rd!! And Indy 4.... he he

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Pixar really went downhill after Finding Nemo, I don't know why but the previous films just weren't up to scratch. Toy Story 1 and 2 and A Bug's Life were Pixar's high point and some of the best movies ever. Disney went downhill aswell with all these rubbishy straight to DVD releases such as Pocahontas 2 and Lilo and Stich films (shudder).


Bug's Life sucks. Antz was better than Bugs Life.


I love Pixar but Cars was the first (of more, no doubt) Pixar film that I had no urge to see, at all.


Aardman have gone downhill, really fast, on a tiny bicycle. They were the greatest when you could see the fingerprints on Gromit's eyes but using 3D CGI animation, for Flushed Away, is unforgivable, they make classic claymation, no one else will or can.


So puppetry, stop motion and traditional animation have all gone down the shitter. How depressing.


Bring back Wallace and Gromit, Gremlins, etc. LOLOL NOSTALGIA


That was the most effort and thought I've ever put into a poast, Someone return a thought.

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Disney have been making stupid sequels since treasure planet flopped. i much prefer propper disney films to the dreamworks tripe we see, pixars films are usually good and have a lot of effort put into them but for good traditional animation the world looks to Japan and anime.


oh and Mulan and Pocahontas and The Lion King and Snow White are the best Disney films ever.

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I know what you mean, Disney just isn't what it used to be. Cartoons in general just aren't what they used to be, nor films. In fact, nothing is like how it used to be! GRR! I FEEL OLD!


My favourite would have to be...either The Lion King or Alladin, I'm torn. Toy Story was a classic in its time too, but not as good in Disney terms. One reason for liking Alladin is that it spawned a decent film to game games which didn't suck ass.

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