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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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400+ hours.


Now hold on there, don't be spouting that nonsense without clearing the sort of activities you'd need to do to attain such an outrageous play time.


You'd need to do every thing.


All the side quests, the complete story, probably all the DLC, every characters job level to 100..


That's all I can think of right now cause you know, I haven't played this game, but you know, I'd be very interested in your source Ike.

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Now hold on there, don't be spouting that nonsense without clearing the sort of activities you'd need to do to attain such an outrageous play time.


Multiple sources have stated it, Nintendo pointed it during their E3 conference. I'll try to find the data SE got from people uploading their save data.


Yes, you do need to do every thing including what you mentioned. I didn't think that needed to be pointed out. There will be new DLC every week for a year assuming we get the same schedule as Japan, an online shop that changes daily. Not to mention multiplayer mode and the new maps you can get from tag mode. It's an open ending game so it's easy to get that kind of time if you wanted.

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But that's like saying Eternal Sonata is around 120 hours long because you need to complete it 3 times.


Pure maximum play time is misleading, people usually look for average play time. Then again, asking for how much time you can get out of a game is a pretty stupid question, cause it's the enjoyment that gives you your value for money.

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But that's like saying Eternal Sonata is around 120 hours long because you need to complete it 3 times.


Pure maximum play time is misleading, people usually look for average play time. Then again, asking for how much time you can get out of a game is a pretty stupid question, cause it's the enjoyment that gives you your value for money.


Yeah sorry Ike, you are spouting and going way too far in that saying. Some people have played it for 400+ but those are the hardcore Dragon Quest fans.


An average japanese player of DQ has spent 120 hours on it. Which I believe is that save file submitting thing your talking about.


The main quest story is around 30-35 hours, but all the content thats within it is massive.

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Well excuuuuse me. It can be 400 if he wants it to be 400 hours :P


It wasn't meant to be serious answer anyway, since I don't know how long it takes. I don't really expect people to play for 400 hours. If they do then great. Apologies if it sounded serious.

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An average japanese player of DQ has spent 120 hours on it. Which I believe is that save file submitting thing your talking about.


The main quest story is around 30-35 hours, but all the content thats within it is massive.

Finally a good, proper answer. Thank you.


Pure maximum play time is misleading, people usually look for average play time. Then again, asking for how much time you can get out of a game is a pretty stupid question, cause it's the enjoyment that gives you your value for money.

As for why I am asking; curiosity. There's nothing wrong with that. I didn't have the game and was kind of killing the waiting time. Still don't have it.

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Well I'm twenty hours or so in and I reckon I'm about 1/3 of my way through the main story, but obviously this will be different for each person but if you like to explore a bit rather than trying to just power through the whole thing then I reckon it'd take between 35 - 40 hours before you see the redits role and then double or triple that time for all the other quests etc in the game if you intend to go back after completing the main story...


And quite frankly why wouldn't you? :D

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Just think of DQIX as what Final Fantasy XII is which is in my opinion the best final fantasy since VI. It's very focused bound on sub quests and such.


Although from what I am hearing they have taken a feature out of the game which the Japanese population had which was like an event where Square-Enix told the japanese public to 'kill 10000 slimes all together and you get a special guest from one of the old Dragon Quest games to come and visit the world.' Or something like that. So yeah bit of a shame.

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Although from what I am hearing they have taken a feature out of the game which the Japanese population had which was like an event where Square-Enix told the japanese public to 'kill 10000 slimes all together and you get a special guest from one of the old Dragon Quest games to come and visit the world.' Or something like that. So yeah bit of a shame.


... A Dragon Quest equivalent to Maximum Attack in the Phantasy Star series?



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... A Dragon Quest equivalent to Maximum Attack in the Phantasy Star series?




Did someone say Maximum Attack?


This... needs... to... happen!

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Is this game good enough to last me a week single player?


Is it quest based with little story? That alone is a deal maker or breaker personally.


There is a main story that you stick with, but when you go around towns you can help villagers out and complete the requests they have.

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I can do nothing but praise this game at the moment, the more I play the more I love and the more I love the more I play :D sure now that I'm well into it I can see a pattern emerging i.e Go to new town > trouble in town > go to 'dungeon' > defeat evil > go back to town > travel onward... rinse and repeat, but then that's what RPG's are about, just that this one happens to be very well structured and paced. :)


Even though you are essentially doing the same thing each time it somehow becomes more epic, the story more heart-felt and the experience all the more absorbing. I'm nearly twenty-five hours or so in and I still can't wait to see more of what the game has to offer, it's a uniquely rewarding game that just feels so 'right' to play. :D




*goes back to playing DQ IX* ^^

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Got the game yesterday and got to play three-four hours with it. Like all the aboves I'm loving every minute of it. Graphics, music, gameplay, world map, even the story has been great so far. Haven't found any big quests yet, only one forced me to go out of town, but I guess I'm still early in the game.

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Well I've got close to 22 hours now. My only complaint is that at times the framerate drops, and I have no one to play with. Hardly the games fault though that my friends suck.


My main is lvl 26 and my Fighter and Priest are 22.


I'm in the process of getting a boat at Bloomingdale, just need to get strong enough to take on the Tyrantula.


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Do you think it's necessary to have a priest? I got a minstrer, a thief, a mage and a warrior.


Necessary? No...


For lolz? Maybe...




I think I need to start grinding again, just reached another place seemingly out of sequence and the monsters are way too tough...


Anyway, hows everyone else doing in the game?

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I'm at nine hours and lv 13-17. So far the game has been more linear than FFXIII, no doing things out of order as far as I know, and quests are far and few between and the ones I find bore me half to death. I really hope this changes soon, particulary the quests, I don't find much enjoyment in performing partytricks and creating items not for myself. I was expexting to be sent out in the world to do stuff.

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