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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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I feel a bit less special for having an early review copy now everyone else has basically got it now (despite the EU release being a week away...)


Also: I love Metal Slimes.


Don't feel less special on my account though, it actually released here. The rest of them though....they're just cheaters.


Know what's better than a Metal Slime? A Metal Medley.

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I feel a bit less special for having an early review copy now everyone else has basically got it now (despite the EU release being a week away...)


Also: I love Metal Slimes.


Don't feel less special on my account though, it actually released here. The rest of them though....they're just cheaters.


Know what's better than a Metal Slime? A Metal Medley.


After being able to play the game for a full week - and taking full advantage of it! - I don't really feel that much less special, I know some people have imported and quite frankly I don't blame you as it's well worth it! :D


Also... yes Metal Slimes/Metal Medleys are indeed awesome. :)

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Do you think it's necessary to have a priest? I got a minstrer, a thief, a mage and a warrior.


Well, I don't know about this game, but I'm going to try and stick to Dragon Quest VIII as closely as possible. That is to say that I want No.1 to be a spear user, No.2 an axe user, No.3 a mage and No.4 a healer. It may not be possible to do it like that, but I'm going to try. I know from the more difficult boss battles in DQVIII that it's good to have a character whose only job is to heal and buff every turn.


got it but i dont understand it yet, this being my 1st dragon quest game


If you don't mind me asking, how did you get the European version so early? Did you just get it from a normal online shop?


Know what's better than a Metal Slime? A Metal Medley.


Are they new to this game? There may be a couple of others better than a Metal Slime too, but I don't want to spoil it for D_Prodigy. ;)

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I unlocked the Paladin class, at lvl 1 with good equipment his defense was higher than the lvl 15 Thief and lvl 25 Priest. About half of the 26 Warrior though.




Just did my first Treasure map...It went well until the boss....I had a single survivor. A good rule of thumb, do not go into a treasure quest if anyone is under leveled, my Thief and Paladin were both below 20 (the Pally was below 10 actually....) they were the first to go.

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Aaaargh fuck, forgot this was going to be priced ridiculously, it's published by Nintendo of course.


Game has upped it to £30 on pre-order from £25 which I was about to do.. crap.


That slime keychain ain't worth it, any one spot any good deals for IX pre-orders that cost £25 or less?

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That slime keychain ain't worth it, any one spot any good deals for IX pre-orders that cost £25 or less?


Play.com are selling it for £26.99 if that helps...


With a Free slime cap!...


Personally I thought the keychain was better but yeah...


Anyway, linkage...



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Is online and multiplayer necessary to get everything in this game? It's pointless for me to try collecting for example every weapon if it's only in a treasure map dungeon aquired by playing multiplayer or downloading it.


19 hours now. It's starten to open a bit, slighty more interesting quests and the option to decide which fhygg to get next. Was thinking about try to skip one entirely then come back 20 hours later^^'


Has anyone found the downloadable quest 121? If it's past


I don't want to know.

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I picked up this months ONM this morning and they are really pushing the game. The front cover is of various DQ IX characters and you also get a free DQ supplement which goes through the history of the series and gives you tips for DQIX. In the mag itself they give the game a solid 90% and there are loads of ads in the mag for it aswell.

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Nolan; where did you find the first treasure map? I have pretty much been everywhere I can be with the means I have right now,

a boat

but I haven't found any treasure map. An NPC mentioned it but it didn't lead to anything. Also, Wizard Ward?

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You're already past this point, but for others it's spoilered.

Go to Zere Rocks and climb the Heights of Loneliness. There is a quest at the top, complete it for your first map. I got another after doing it, but other than those two....


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So just to make sure, to get the DLC quests, you just visit the wifi store each week?


It is updated every day at 8:00 GMT, and you can only connect once a day. That one connection will download everything that's new.


I finally got my wireless settings sorted and just connected to the store... and there was nothing. I'll check again when the game is out...

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I finally got my wireless settings sorted and just connected to the store... and there was nothing. I'll check again when the game is out...


I checked as well, predictably though there was nothing... ah well, roll on Friday! :)

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In the snowfield area maybe. There was quest for it there and I delivered the stuff on the spot.


I'm getting really annoyed on the monsters now. What's the point of being able to see the monsters when you can't avoid them anyway? You don't notice it when you're going somewhere new or through a dungeon, since you want to fight the enemies anyway, but when going somewhere you have been before or looking for a particular enemy, it's get real frustrating. It's not that I have to fight a lot of enemies I don't want to fight, but that they give me the illusion I have a choice when the enemy is going to get me anyway. I was hunting metal slimes for a mission just now and at one point I had three enemies plinging and charging towards me, one of them wasn't even on the screen when it plinged. If it were random battles I wouldn't care, but when it's like this it's getting frustrating. Maybe that place is a bit worse than other areas, but overall, enemies that runs after you happens way too frequent.

Edited by Tales
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From how I saw your love for the Mario RPG's as well as even me seeing that you have played and enjoyed Final Fantasy IV I knew that moment I had to try and get you right into the Dragon Quest series, it's very well done and still has yet to lose it's touch. Please for all of us sake...play this game xD
Well, I've got it pre-ordered now, so looks like I will be playing it.

Should make for a nice change of pace, after the action packed Mario Galaxy 2. :hehe:

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