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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Rubbish!! The linked one is amazing! I was wondering why I went through the whole game not really noticing any good victory music, now I know why!


Err that Fanfare you're raving about is played when you beat the Green Fat Guy in the jousting match on the bridge.


But I agree with DCK it doesn't really suit the end of a Boss Fight.

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Err that Fanfare you're raving about is played when you beat the Green Fat Guy in the jousting match on the bridge.


But I agree with DCK it doesn't really suit the end of a Boss Fight.


Ahh right thanks for that. I thought it might have popped up as a once off at some point.


Still, the actual fanfare is pretty pants I think, this one is way more impressive.


The jousting match was another fantastic part of the first half of the game. As was the carriage escort scene.

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The second half of the game reminds me of the medalion collecting bit in OoT, which felt a bit pointless and tacked on too, but I've really enjoyed the dungeons in that part of TP.


I do agree with you about the medalion collecting thing. It did feel a bit like an excuse to get an extra load of dungeons...but I ain't complaining! Just gimme the dungeons, hehe.


I loved the second half of TP. You could argue there was no sense of urgency, but to me there didn't need to be. Just visit Hyrule Field, and you can see for yourself that Hyrule field is over-run with beasts.


Karariko Village is deserted. I find this one of the most disturbing locations in the game. You just have to walk through this village to know something is not right in Hyrule.


Ordon village is arguable the only 'safe' location in the game. Everything looks cheery, you have some happy music, etc. As soon as you leave that, you know there's problems all over Hyrule, and that Ordon village is isolated in the fact that its really untouched by all this stuff. In my opinion, anyway.


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Im a bit confused I have just finished dungeon 4 isnt there like 5 left to do? Am I just slow or more than halfway through timewise. Ive taken 19 hours.


19 hours to do 4 temples sounds about right. The last 5 (particularly 6, 8 and 9) are very small so it's no suprise people spend more time doing things early on.


I do agree with you about the medalion collecting thing. It did feel a bit like an excuse to get an extra load of dungeons...but I ain't complaining! Just gimme the dungeons, hehe.


OOT Medallion collection = excuse to get more dungeons in.

WW Triforce collection = excuse to prolong game.

TP 'thing' collection = excuse to get more dungeons in.

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The dungeons weren't rushed, the inbetween story was- there wasn't the same cohesion that other Zelda games have.


I like the little nods they've given to a series of other games- the music in many places reminds me of Final Fantasy VII and VIII- the underwater boss was a leaf out of Shadow of the Colossus.

I've noticed some little architectural things that remind me of Final Fantasy X- and I've picked up on a couple of references to movies even.

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OOT Medallion collection = excuse to get more dungeons in.

WW Triforce collection = excuse to prolong game.

TP 'thing' collection = excuse to get more dungeons in.


At least the Mirror Shard collection made sense. What was the point of the Medallions in OoT? (I mean, just putting a picture of the awakened sage on the status page would of been more than enough)

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Yes but at least the medallion temples in OoT were fun, long and engaging. Re-awakening sages and getting a sense of achievement + them helping you along at Ganon's Castle (a proper Ganon's castle) made it brilliant.


And how exactly did the mirror shards make sense? So are we to believe it's the ONLY way into the twilight? Hmmmm, dodgy that.


Not to mention the glorious feel of 'what a waste' during the end credits.


What the hell are you talking about the MEdallions were the dungeons reward. You're saying there should have been no more dungeons. Seriously sometimes you guys just amaze me.


No I'm not saying that at all. I think the medallions made sense in OOT, as did the mirror shards in TP, sort of. I think the medallion quest was implemented FAR better than the mirror shard quest.


The dungeons weren't rushed, the inbetween story was- there wasn't the same cohesion that other Zelda games have.


Very true.

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What the hell are you talking about the MEdallions were the dungeons reward. You're saying there should have been no more dungeons. Seriously sometimes you guys just amaze me.


Not complaining that there are more dungeons, just there isn't a real story based on those dungeons, just that there is an item there that you have to collect. More dungeons is good, it's just that it would have been nice for a better reason to do them.

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Actually, the story is that you have to reawaken the sage in this temple, who has dormed asleep by all the evil. He will give you a medallion in return.


Just seems a bit tacked on though, and so blaintently added in to prolong the game.

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Isnt it the same with any RPG? There just collectathons with you having to trawl through some levels to get the item at the end. Sorry for causing any offense by putting Zelda under the RPG umbrella.


But thats what you expect from such a game, you mean to say that if there were no dungeons to puzzle through and it was more of a go here, open that chest and voila, youve got whatever you need, that no one would complain? ::shrug:


Hmm, what about collecting all them whatsits in A Link to the Past? (They may as well have been wotsits.)

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Just seems a bit tacked on though, and so blaintently added in to prolong the game.


First part of OoT: Collecting Sacred Stones

Second part of OoT: Collecting Medallions.


Considering that, couldn't you also say that the entire game was blatantly added to prolong the game?

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