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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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I extremely like the game. It could only have had even more dungeons :) But that I thought after nearly every Zelda game. At least here it is so that the game was so great that I would have liked it to go on further...


Then it really would have just dragged on. 30 hours is really impressive, especially seeing that it keeps you interested the whole time.

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Wow I am really loving this game I've just... (don't look at the spoiler unless you have beaten the 4th dungeon.)


Beaten the 4th temple. Wow! Loved the boss, very intuitive! Did Zelda die when she gave her power or whatever to help Midna?


Zelda transferred herself into the Triforce of Wisdom and granted the power of wielding it to Midna. Her physical body vanished, but it's never really revealed where she goes.


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I didn't get the boss of the fourth temple before I realised you could actually attack when you're on (insert thing that is found in fourth dungeon). It was by far the best boss in the game. That, and the one in the (insert name of a temple where you find Ooccoo), wich was pretty awesome (but also very dumb - why do all enemies have such a stupid weak spot? like the flying ones with the shield wich you have to hookshot. Why carry shield of that type? Djeezus.).

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Then it really would have just dragged on. 30 hours is really impressive, especially seeing that it keeps you interested the whole time.


Well depends on the game and the dungeons...

I myself would have wanted at least one dungeons between Zanto-Dungeon (or how he was called) and Ganondorf-Dungeon...

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i'm getting kinda anoyed with the fortune teller she keeps telling me the same heart locations.


and the mini game ones are getting anoying.


and how much do i have to pay of the robed dude in front of the bared doors in east castle town before i get the heart container

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I've just beaten the game 100%. Found all heart pieces, poe souls, golden bugs, bomb bag and quiver upgrades,bottles, beat rollgoal, caught the Hylian Loach, and I even went into all the rooms of the final dungeon and found all the treasures! That's about it, right?


But what to do now?? Play Wario Ware Smooth Moves when it comes out later this week! And I can always play the game a third time. It's clear for me now, it's my favourite Zelda game and now my personal Best Game Ever.

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why do all enemies have such a stupid weak spot? like the flying ones with the shield wich you have to hookshot. Why carry shield of that type? Djeezus.).


I agree, a lot of the dungeon bosses in this game are very convenient.


Forest one... isn't it lucky those bomb emplacements were there.

4th dungeon... spinner tracks perfectly placed.

6th dungeon... those huge statues that crushed the floor for what purpose exactly apart from killing giant spiders?

7th dungeon... isn't it lucky there were those giant meshes on the sides + the flying peehats that you can hookshot off of?


At the end of the day who cares really but it's still a touch annoying.

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Just completed it now. Took 44hours over the course of 2 weeks for me. I agree with many that the 2nd half of the game, wasnt as "complete" as the 1st half. Which made me wonder why this game had been in development for 3-4 years! And didn't someone from Nintendo say it would last 70-100 hours, WITHOUT the sidequests? Ah well, these are just the negative thoughts coming out as I have no more Zelda to play. :sad:


Wasnt the final boss fight on horseback amazing!! Really liked that! Credits were ok, but not as good as Ocarina! Thought it was going to be a copy-cat battle from Ocarina to begin with, once I started playing Tennis with puppet Zelda! Can't belive I was carrying that hot beauty Princess Minda on my back for most of the game! Hubba hubba! Hopefully will see her in another Zelda game, despite the fact the mirror was destroyed! Also thought there might be an explination for the fact that Hyrlue was covered in water in wind waker.

Does anyone know what the third costume is for Link? There seems to be another one avaivable?



Now to hunt more Zelda history details on wikipedia! he he

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No really, Zelda enemies and bosses always seem to have a stupid weak spot, and thereby perhaps lacking challenge. It's worse in Super Mario 64: why does bowser create an arena with bombs on the side all three times? And you would think he would put some vaseline on his tail the last time, but no, just grab and throw. It would be a challenge if they stopped giving those obvious hints.


One thing that annoyed me throughout the game was the fact that there were obvious hints all along. it would have lengtenth the game if you got hints, but not obvious information. Clues, Nintendo. Like you did in Majora's Mask - not really saying what's up next...


Still a great game. Still searching poes, heart pieces and golden bugs. Will be finishing the game soon (haven't bein up to it yet).

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Bosses have always had obvious weakspots. How else are you supposed to inflict MASSIVE DAMAGE?


Anyway, the bosses in Twilight Princess were almost all great fun, especially the last one, even if they were a bit weedy where making Link lose hearts was concerned.

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In my opinion, these dungeons are the best out of any Zelda game. Dungeons like the Mansion, Arbiter Grounds and the Sky dunegeon were brilliant. Made a nice change to the easy stroll-fests that were the WW dungeons.

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And I keep placing spoiler tags and refering to dungeon number. Good one, Zell. And about that massive damage thing, I would favor to hit the dragon in the belly than in a clawshot-attachable point in his back. How silly is it that he actually has such a point? That's my whole point: they're so incredibly stupid... Still, nice battles, but I was pointing at it's over simplicity.

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why does bowser create an arena with bombs on the side all three times?



Laugh my arse off. Brilliant!


Still, you gotta laugh at the stupidity of Armogohma having a lair with these huge statues that tend to punch the ground for whatever reason ;) Still, as convenient as most of the bosses were in this game, definately the best out of the whole series. Though Bongo Bongo was cool also.


welsh_gamer: tell me about it, it's very odd that after 3-4 years the second half turned out how it did.


Still, as Zell says at least the dungeons weren't linear stroll-fests (for the most part) a la Wind Waker (even though I loved that game and the temples).

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Does anyone know what the third costume is for Link? There seems to be another one avaivable?



The third costume is the magical armour. You can get it in the shop in Castle Town. It's ridiculously expensive at first, but by completing the Malo Mart side quest you can make if affordable. I bought it and used it once to see what it looks like, other than that I've never been in a situation where I needed to use it.



The best boss was the dragon at the sky temple. Loved it.


I agree with you there. The stormy weather really added to it, it just had a very epic feeling in general. Definitely my favourite.

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Was anyone a bit disappointed by the fact that after you get the Goron to get rid of that giant bolder blocking the path just south of Hyrule Castle... it lead to, err... the part of Hyrule Field and nothing else? I was expecting a grotto, cave or something!


Also I wish the bugs we'd already caught wouldn't re-appear. Makes finding new ones harder!


Just played dungeon 8 again (the one with the hissy, meow-ing bad guy at the end), great stuff, nice atmosphere and that hand is seriously creepy. Still too linear, easy and short though :(


That postman vid is odd to say the least.


I'm curious as to why Midna (or was it Zant) shouted 'Traitors' at the end of the 8th dungeon boss?


Speaking of convenience

isn't it lucky the Palace of Twilight had all those hookshot grabs all over it?




And as a final thought... I LOVE the sound those Twilit flying things make, particularly when you strike them with your sword.

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