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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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What music in the game is even orchestrated? I can barely tell the difference.
Wel... the intro music in TP was orchestrated and this one is actually worse as it seems to be completly computer generated with samples.


The rest of them... I think the original MIDI's are better sounding.


Nothing wrong with midi's for me, of course if they could made all Zelda TP (50/60 hours) sound like the opening theme I'd be floored.


That said none of these re-orchestrations do that.

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So buy a wii?


The problem with orchestrated music is that it would make it very hard for the music to shift into 'danger' music, say when an enemy approaches, and then go back into the previous track when it's over. Midi makes it very easy to do this however.


Having said that orchestrated music for cutscenes would be nice in Zelda Wii.

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So buy a wii?


The problem with orchestrated music is that it would make it very hard for the music to shift into 'danger' music, say when an enemy approaches, and then go back into the previous track when it's over. Midi makes it very easy to do this however.


Having said that orchestrated music for cutscenes would be nice in Zelda Wii.

For once we agree :heh:


Sadly a lot of reviewers don't seem to understand that. Worse than that they seem to think they talk for the zelda fanbase.


For cutscenes with a pre-set time orchestrated music is perfect, and would certainly evolve the presentation, although then we'd probably cease to have to skip the text manually within the cutscenes, so the music wouldn't end and start looping, taking into account that it had very different parts.


I think it's possible to orchestrate a whole game if we fade in a mp3 into other and continue playing it mute and then restoring it, but for example in hyrule field the days would have to take a certain set time, the time couldn't stop for cutscenes and text bubbles events.


This brings up things like... what if you're talking to a character that shouldn't be there at night? and what if you leave the text bubble on will it's night? and so on, it's not that hard but the game needs to be planned from ground for it. The games would cease to have a dynamic soundtrack


The question would be... how much is it to orchestrate a 50/60 hour game? My guess is a lot. I can live with MIDI's better than with delays or price increases.

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Sorry for a really short reply, but I think midis are fine for the game, I don't need orchestrated to like it. But I'd gladly give up the ability to advance the speech bubbles at will if it meant cutscenes were orchestrated.


The music for the trailer is incredible. Wish that'd been in-game somewhere.

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Sorry for a really short reply, but I think midis are fine for the game, I don't need orchestrated to like it. But I'd gladly give up the ability to advance the speech bubbles at will if it meant cutscenes were orchestrated.


The music for the trailer is incredible. Wish that'd been in-game somewhere.

Dont worry, I write too much :p
I'm in the ice dungeon now. Trying to beat the boss!


God this game is so fucking good!

That dungeon rocks, I love how it blends with the environment.
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By the way what the hell is the story with that little bitch girl. The one who owns her own shop in Karioko village. Shes always in a mood and the last to greet me as the hero I am and charges sickening prices. :mad:


Plus she is like two and owns a shop and has a massive head literally.

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Very nice art. Cool idea to mix real photography with Zelda imagery, lovely.


EDIT: I mean the headers to each song collection, not the artwork in the 'Art' section which aren't as nice.


The music itself is touch and go...


On a separate note, anyone agree that the Deku Palace theme was the best tune in MM?

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Guest Stefkov
I'm in the ice dungeon now. Trying to beat the boss!


God this game is so fucking good!

When the boss turned into the boss.....that scared me. Good job i was sat back though.

I can't get the crazy Malo Mart music out of my head, yet I also still pop in there just to hear it...

I love that music. The guy behind the counter aswell, with his moves when you speak to him. I wish you could dance in game, i just wanna watch Link dance along with everyone.


I only needed less than 100 rupees to get the magic armour. So i go to look for some more ruppes. I find a place with 100 rupees in it. Cant fit in wallet..:(

I go to spend some, some arrows at the malo mart, damn 25 rupees to spend before I can get he 100 rupees. I go to the fortune teller spend some rupees. She tells me to go to snowpeak. I got and race the guy. I get more rupees from going down .....:(:(

I'm never gonna be able to get rid of my rupees.

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Finally decided to finish the game tonight. Not done it yet, saving it for around 11pm (I enjoy playing Zelda late at night).


Very excited. Loved the idea behind the dungeon 8 boss battle, nicely done though a couple more 'stages' would have been even better!

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where do u get a bigger wallet from? or is it not needed?i'm up to temple of time.


You need go to bugs hunting.


One bug gets you the 600 rupees wallet.

All the 24 bugs gets you the 1000 rupees wallet.


What music in the game is even orchestrated? I can barely tell the difference.


The only orchestrated song in TP is the start menu trailer.

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ok, completed tha game I´ve been waiting for in so many years now.. so I need to have a say about it.(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Not that anyone would care, since everyone is blouting on about how fantastic this game is.

Ok, here´s the deal - I do love this game, it was a respective title in every aspect but theres a but og two..


1. I never got the feeling of traveling great distances, and the "Hyrule field" weren´t really a field now was it? Many small "platforms" divided by deep ravines (bottomless anyone???? WHY?) and narrow unimaginative passages.

I feel they really took the critics from wind waker serious, people complained (I was one of them) about looong and booooring sea journies, and this is the answer. You didn´t even need to spend time travel at all, as you got portals served on a silver plate, wich enabled you to "warp" to wherever you needed to go. Cheap.

The divided and broken Hyrule Field made the Field seem small and crowded. Me not like.


2. What the hell happened to lake Hylia? a lake, so deep down that you HAVE to shoot yourself out of there with a...canon.. why? why couldn´t they make a beatiful lake, you could ride to instead of this messy designed lake? One of the gratest locations in OOT was Lake Hylia, and I could spend hours just sitting there watching the lake, and the sky - and how pretty it was. I´m trying not to make the mistake of comparing the two games, but with the memory intact of how nice a place Lake Hylia was in the old days - I can´t help it.


3. What happened to Kakariko Village? I really missed more "friendly" villages and other "nice" places. The only place with a lot of people was the castle town. Other than that you had Ordon Village - with as good as none villagers... Where has Hyrules people gone of to? Have they all migraded?


4. the story...Things happens to fast, and often is saved by very cheap lines example: Midna tells you that she didn´t care about Hyrule and only wanted to save the twilight realm. In a bysentence at this she then tells you that because of Link and Zeldas sacrifices and courage, she wants to help them..... That´s just to simple. And the case about Ganondorf.... Why didn´t they just leave him be for this time? It seemed to me they just threw Ganondorf in at the end of the game, just for the sake of it...



oh well... that´s all I have to say for now.. do you hate me now? let the flaming begin...

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1.To me it was because Nintendo didnt want long loading times.

2.I think Lake Hylia became replaced by the fishing area and zora's areas.

3.Nintendo must wanted a place to show that it has been taken ahit by twilight monsters, so nintendo when with the Kakariko Village.

4.Minda did change over time after the 3rd temple boss but your right about Ganondorf.

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You mean MM-postman. :p


The postman can be found at Kakariko Hotel, Zora's Palace, Telma's Bar, Ordon Ranch, around the area when playing the fruit ballon game and at 2nd time in cave of ordeals.


More Zelda eastereggs.


In the central plaza of Castle Town, if you are a wolf and run around,

a huge gang of soldiers will gather around you. Charge a magic attack

and spin and they'll flee from you, dropping items and rupees.


You can kick around the pill bugs at Agitha's castle.


Can take some of lantern salesman soup from his pot.


Take out your lantern in the Kakariko's Bomb Shop.


Take out your lantern in Agitha's castle.


Inside the river ride game house in Upper Zora's River, blow up the hanging pot with a bomb arrow.


Look around the shops around the Castle town.


The fortune teller lady says "Elihwa sekat gnidaol ... tiaw" which is "wait... loading takes awhile" backwards.


If you swing your ball and chain around while Z-Targeting one of the archer enemies, the ball can block some of the arrows.


Pour bottle water on the pumpkins to make them bigger.


Pour bottle water on some people.


You can just swing your lantern at a yellow chu jelly after it is defeated to refuel the lantern instead of scooping the jelly up with a bottle.


After talking to the hawk at the early part of game. The hawk can be found flying around in some areas outside with heart pieces hidden.


Talk to Agitha in outside the castle as a wolf.


Talk to the bomb shop owner as a wolf by entering the window from the top of bomb shop.


Talk to the Star game owner as a wolf.


If you leave Agitha's house without giving her all the bugs you have, she growls and mutters.


Some Ordon goats can be seen in hard-to-see stables near the eastern entrance of Castle Town.


Try going upto the ranch owner as a wolf.


A very rare white chu can be found around Death Montain.


Use your fishing rob or the gale boomerang at the last boss.


The second time through the Cave of Ordeals, you fight three and four darknuts on levels 39 and 49, respectively. Additionally, if you go out on the ledge where the postman is and then return to room 49, the dragon knights from room 48 will respawn and often manage to get into room 49 to fight you again.


In Cave of Ordeals make the blue chu run into the yellow chu, and that will make a green Chu but when you kill it and you can pick up the green chu jelly in a bottle but there is no description for it.


If you get wet while wearing the hero's clothes, your clothing will be a darker shade of green for a few seconds until it dries off.


At the fishing house check out the pictures and check out the girl after looking at the black & white picture. (Do this two times.)


Look at fishing owner bird and wait for the A button on the screen.


Look at the fishing owner in the canoe.


Look at the pots in the fishing house by clicking on C.


Look at the canoe in the fishing house by clicking on C.


Zelda's Goddesses and the Trifore eastereggs.

  • Check out the three girls outside the star game tent.
  • Check out the ladder at chicken ride.
  • Check out the front cannon owner musicbox.
  • Check out Agitha's face.
  • Check out fortune teller's face.
  • More red, green, blue patterns can be found around Hyrule.

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I have just completed it. Man it was awesome... I loved the last boss and the ending is so good.... little tear came to my eye.


It took me just over 40 hours to do. I have saved just before last boss so can go back and muck around and do some of the side quests that I havent done if I want to and of course play the last boss again and again :)


The only thing is I will never be able to find all the Poes and Bugs without a guide and I really dont wanna use one. I hate guides. But there are a few other thnings I can do like the fishing hole etc...


But man this game is awesome.... enjoyed it so much, didnt want it to end and it has... I want more!!


Lastly I personally think this beats OOT.

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ok, completed tha game I´ve been waiting for in so many years now.. so I need to have a say about it.(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Not that anyone would care, since everyone is blouting on about how fantastic this game is.

Ok, here´s the deal - I do love this game, it was a respective title in every aspect but theres a but og two..


1. I never got the feeling of traveling great distances, and the "Hyrule field" weren´t really a field now was it? Many small "platforms" divided by deep ravines (bottomless anyone???? WHY?) and narrow unimaginative passages.

I feel they really took the critics from wind waker serious, people complained (I was one of them) about looong and booooring sea journies, and this is the answer. You didn´t even need to spend time travel at all, as you got portals served on a silver plate, wich enabled you to "warp" to wherever you needed to go. Cheap.

The divided and broken Hyrule Field made the Field seem small and crowded. Me not like.


2. What the hell happened to lake Hylia? a lake, so deep down that you HAVE to shoot yourself out of there with a...canon.. why? why couldn´t they make a beatiful lake, you could ride to instead of this messy designed lake? One of the gratest locations in OOT was Lake Hylia, and I could spend hours just sitting there watching the lake, and the sky - and how pretty it was. I´m trying not to make the mistake of comparing the two games, but with the memory intact of how nice a place Lake Hylia was in the old days - I can´t help it.


3. What happened to Kakariko Village? I really missed more "friendly" villages and other "nice" places. The only place with a lot of people was the castle town. Other than that you had Ordon Village - with as good as none villagers... Where has Hyrules people gone of to? Have they all migraded?


4. the story...Things happens to fast, and often is saved by very cheap lines example: Midna tells you that she didn´t care about Hyrule and only wanted to save the twilight realm. In a bysentence at this she then tells you that because of Link and Zeldas sacrifices and courage, she wants to help them..... That´s just to simple. And the case about Ganondorf.... Why didn´t they just leave him be for this time? It seemed to me they just threw Ganondorf in at the end of the game, just for the sake of it...



oh well... that´s all I have to say for now.. do you hate me now? let the flaming begin...



I agree with pretty much everything you said.


1. Hyrule field being split up into sections I can sort of handle. What I can't handle is that we can literaly warp to pretty much wherever we need to, as you say.


2. Lake Hylia was disappointing in it's uglyness. Lake Hylia in OoT was gorgeous. Remember shooting arrows into the sun to get the fire arrows? Awesome touch. I found this Lake Hylia dull, same with Zora's domain (what, a waterfall and pool?) and Goron 'city' (I use the word lightly, what was it, a few slopping sides of a mountain and a room where they sumo wrestle?).


3. Kakariko village was indeed one of the biggest disappointments in the game. It had no personality, no population, nothing to do. Castle town wasn't buzzing with stuff to do either, not in comparison to Kakariko OoT, Clock Town MM, Windfall WW.


4. I'm convinced Ganondorf was thrown in at the last second just to make the game seem more epic. A good rule for bad guys: make him/it and the main character MEET at least once way before the final showdown. Think about pretty much any film or game and you'll see examples of this. In TP, Ganondorf was a faceless enemy who Link nor Midna meet until the last second.


5. The game was so light on Hyrulian myth, the triforce... ANY sort of depth really. Did Link hold the triforce of Courage? Zelda the triforce of wisdom? I don't think so?? Though to be honest I may have missed it.


And now on to my review of the ending...

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