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really so it starts off bad but gets a lot better?What's the actually game like bar controlers and graphics.Storyline?level design?


I haven't got that far so I can't fill you in o the details, It doesn't really start off bad its more you learn how to play it. The lighting is fantastic, the characters are pretty detailed, you come across similar enemy models a lot. Level design, I think is good, it could be better but it could have been a lot worse!!!


Ultimatly is a really enjoyable launch game and shows a lot of potential!


Hope that helped a bit!

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I'm with rokhed on this one, feels a hell of a lot like goldeneye, especially in mulitplayer...some mechanics feel like halo. After a half hour of multiplayer gaming, I was blazing though the game, not even thinking about the controls, very intuitive, the only bone I have to pick with this is that the fact that the method for zooming in is crap.

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I'm with rokhed on this one, feels a hell of a lot like goldeneye, especially in mulitplayer...some mechanics feel like halo. After a half hour of multiplayer gaming, I was blazing though the game, not even thinking about the controls, very intuitive, the only bone I have to pick with this is that the fact that the method for zooming in is crap.


Bingo! Zooming is a pain in the butt! Plus I hope there is a cheat to use your sword, and gun together, outside battles! That would rock!

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Yeah, zooming is suck, simply press + or - to zoom in and out while holding a would've been better. Because if you've already got your arm held out, then you can't zoom in.


Also, you can sue your sword outside of abttle, jsut go right up tot hem and swing the nunchuk.

Is there a way to play multiplayer with bots? It hink you msut ahve to ahve 2 controllers/players...

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okay i'm buckling and i want this game . . . now should i sell CoD3 on the 360 to be able to afford it or ask for it for xmas since Trauma Centre won't be out in time?


i just bought some 60$ component cables today .... for this and zelda and i see no real difference ..... i wanna say i do but dont i think ....basterds...

and i felt all cool unrapping and pluggin it in like i was a high tech wiz...basterds


have you changed the settings on the Wii to 480p? just double check to be sure.

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is it possible to have a tv with hi def inputs , but not able to produce 480p....?


everytime i program it to edtv and load a game the screen DIES...


i would type this in a real topic thread , but i seem to have been banned from all thread creating abilities......

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is it possible to have a tv with hi def inputs , but not able to produce 480p....?


everytime i program it to edtv and load a game the screen DIES...


i would type this in a real topic thread , but i seem to have been banned from all thread creating abilities......


1. See stickies above, all thread making in this section is blocked.


2. Perhaps you are not using the right port? Some HDTV's for example my older Sagem Axium 50" DLP, has 2 Component ports... One was for interlaced only, and one was for Progressive only. Make sure your's is not the same.

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Guest Stefkov

Played more od this last night. Died a couple more times.


The controls are growing on me now, it was hard because of the big boudning box, but its not that garrd to start turning before you reach a corner.

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Anyone done the Geisha mission yet, I can't for the life of me work out how to climb in through the window.



I had the same problem. It literally took me 20 minutes.


I pressed crouch and jump at the same time while walking forward. I did it completely by accident but it worked!

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Haha, N00bs :heh:, It's not hard, all you have to do is walk forward, and then jump at the window and immediately press crouch. The part that got me was once I was inside, I was all out of #12 ammo, and couldn't be arsed with the Uzi, cause it blows, got my ass kicked the first time. Getting good at the sword katas too :D.

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