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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Iun

    Iron Man

    Incorporating his alcoholism would be faithful to only a small part of the comics. And it was fantastic. Really, really enjoyed it. Plenty to do in the next one and the characters very well established. I've been waiting years for them to make this film, and I have to say I was disappointed initially with the choice of director, supporting cast and even some of the story ideas. But I have no shame in admitting I was wrong. No-one is saying that it should win an Oscar for writing or anything, but it really was streets ahead of the first Spiderman film, Xmen, Ghostrider and the Hulk.
  2. Iun

    Iron Man

    Understood. I have a similar problem with Spiderman and Wolverine, I find that they are overused and overstated as characters. When they were brought into the New Avengers I was extremely disappointed. I know people who buy a comic with Spiderman or Wolverine in it regardless of the star, and lap it up even if it's a load of old balls. It kinda reminds me of internet jokes, particularly Trogdor. Yes, he was funny. Now shut up about it. Back to topic: I literally could not sleep last night because of waiting for this! So excited! 12 hours to go!
  3. Iun

    Iron Man

    Just got to point out: the origin story for Batman and Iron Man are not the same, originally Tony Stark invented the Armour as a way of keeping his heart beating - he literally could not take the chest-piece off at any moment in the early comics. And in a way, there's a sense of redemption in the lines: he's a weapons manufacturer that advances his own suit that he uses to fight with. Batman is just unbalanced.
  4. Iun

    Iron Man

    Benefit of China: 8 seats cost a mere £32. Plus for a short while I was considering hiring the whole screen for 4500 RMB - about £300. Decided against it in the end, obviously... but still ... Damn right it'll be worth it! Plus there are more toys for me to collect... then I have to ship my whole collection here from England. Eventually.
  5. Iun

    Iron Man

    s you well know, I have for several years been battling accusations from the press, members of the public and several figures in my private life... accusations that I am not who I say I am, that I lead a double life of sorts, one as the expansive entrepreneur surrounded by gorgeous Chinese ladies and wealth. The other... something darker, deeper... On May the 2nd, the world will know the truth, that I am DEFINITELY NOT Iron Man. ROBERT DOWNEY JR IS! Thank heck I can finally put that rumour to rest, now I am looking forward to a new era of peace in my life, undisturbed by the myriad of supervillains that have plagued my existence since these ugly lies reared their ugly heads. I'll be able to walk out every day, safe in the knowledge that I don't have to carry my life-sustaining armour ch... safe in the knowledge that Robert Downey Jr will be getting hassled instead. On a more serious note: I am going to see the advanced screening tomorrow, and there is a little part of me that wants to go to the midnight preview tonight... but... no... mustn't... must... sleep... Argh! I've booked 8 seats for this: two in front of me, one either side and two behind, so I don't get disturbed. Like this. Because any seat-back-kickers, "Oh, it's-him-from-that-other-movie-what-was-it-called"-ers, whiny little children or people with noisy food WILL be blasted with my repulsor r...will be taught that you don't mess with Iron M... I'll call the usher.
  6. Happy Birthday, make it special, hunt a gazelle.
  7. That was what I was... oh, never mind. And anyway, why are they called "civil" servants? Some of them are downright rude! Arf!
  8. My old nemesis... a member of another forum who followed me over here when I became staff in order to flame me.
  9. Solitanze seems to have buggered off for now too.
  10. Agreed on the national holiday part - in China there's a holiday every couple of months lasting up to a week, sometimes just a few days. But England gets the royal shaft with all those crappy Bank Holidays and we don't even get the Queen's Birthday off. I wonder if the Queen still gets the Royal Shaft?
  11. Unless you're vegetarian/homosexual/a fan of apple/support the armed forces/disagree with Murray. :p
  12. Tee hee hee hee hee! Dammit, that's Tax Money that has been wasted, you know!
  13. Bwa ha ha ha... I don't know... a year, I suppose? Not been in the world of work long enough. But I seem to be promoted quite quickly in whatever field I am in.
  14. Do what thou will, old lad. I considered the navy for a while, passed the officer training induction course but then decided it wasn't for me. My cousin was in the Royal Marines, our family was always so proud, and then he got killed off-duty in the bombing of the Walmer Barracks. Shame, but my uncle always tells me he was doing what he wanted to do. Yes you can lose your life, yes, some ignorant bastards consider it to be an easy way out, yes, some people like to knock down every argument for the forces just because they can, and yes, the world would be a better place without wars and fighting, but we're not there just yet. Consider your choice carefully, but whatever you do decide in the end, be proud of yourself.
  15. I trust everyone to act in accordance with their own personality and desires. So I am never let down, really. But if they hurt me... no second chances.
  16. I enjoy walking great distances around Shanghai. Boxing at my gym. Swimming. Writing articles. Going to the cinema. Reading literature classics. Romantic dinners. Karaoke. The usual really. Wow, it's quite hard to resist the urge to write "video games" in that list...
  17. People should stop getting born on days! Happy birthday!
  18. Extra happy birthday, chapters!
  19. A non-domestic side would certainly up the ante and be a far more satisfying match to watch and win. These sorts of clashes between giants oil the wheels of the debate on which European league is better. Roll on, I say.
  20. No stranger to getting screwed in education. When we signed up for our student loans, we were all told that the rate of interest would only be in line with inflation. Then suddenly it changed to whatever they feel like charging.
  21. Quick! Everyone get his guns!
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