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Everything posted by Iun

  1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=nYzsskE5ObA One of the funnier segments of Kentucky Fried Movie.
  2. Had a lonely day without the New Mrs Iun. Won't be seeing her until tomorrow now either, but we'll be spending the night together. Don't think anything will happen though, I do not feel that we're ready for that just yet.
  3. Well, they are sometimes vaguely aware that things are better in Europe - also Chinese men seem quite popular in some circles in Europe. But the social conditioning they receive can make them sexually stunted: some are mortally afraid of bumsex because they are convinced that all homosexual encounters lead directly to AIDS. Others are semi-trapped in their own bodies, disgusted at the urges they have, acknowledging the feelings, but never daring to act on them.
  4. I met a lovely guy on the bus the other day, Chinese, 27, fashion designer. I was having a blazing argument on the phone with the ex-girlfriend. He was all concerned, it was so sweet. Then he was asking about how accepting they are in England about gays and the lifestyle. I feel so bad for the gay guys and gals here, they basically just have to hide it from every body. Sadly, a lot of them just end it all or get married and give themselves health problems through unhappiness.
  5. Yeah, I understand. "Two Whole Weeks? Why, you'll die from the emotional distress!"
  6. Yes, but purely because this place is a figment of my imagination born of the eternal fires of THE FLAME OF PERSEPHONE!
  7. We Love You EllMeister! How's that work for you? An Jamba, I know how you feel. I was with my Scottish GalPal while I was doing my year abroad at University, it was hell, but it makes you appreciate them so much more when you do have the chance to see them or talk to them. Be strong.
  8. What it says on the tin, happy birthday King V! Aka: King of V (hur hur) /smut
  9. Portugal = Spain's Tampon. I kid, I kid. And the Danish deserve a bit of trash, 'specially after what they did to that poor Hamlet guy. Danny is awesome because he is blind to the inadequacies of Starfox Adventures. That takes a special kind of awesome.
  10. I'm awesome because in 18 amateur fights I've KO'd 8 guys and never been knocked down once. I'm also awesome because my band just got asked on Sunday to be the house band in one of the most popular restaurants/bars in the downtown area of Shanghai.
  11. I feel ... sorry for those who can only enjoy themselves while drunk. It's even worse for those people who seem to say (literally and figuratively) "I'm going to have so much fun when I get drunk tonight!" I think you must be a pretty-strongly inhibited person if you can only have fun while drunk.
  12. Many happy returns, I always enjoy your avatar, 'tis cute.
  13. Hey, that's my good buddy you're talking about! We should do the same as the French - there's a list of about 250 socially acceptable baby names for each sex in that country, and that's it. Anyway, you want to hear some of the "English" names the parents give their sprogs in China. My classes are full of ridiculous names like "Josemina" "Elephant" "Benamy" "Beyond" "Heloin" and my two personal favourites "Autobots" and "Beer". Actually, the last two are cool. I could see myself naming my son Beer-Sebastian Iun Scott Robert Jastallis Teleka Hockley.
  14. I feel sorry for you, always getting shot at in films. It must limit career choices -there's no way you could join the armed forces or the police.
  15. Thanks! According to family legend my great-great-great-great grandfather was a chief in the Aleut nation. But I'm sure that's just bullhonkey to make us sound better!
  16. David Scott Iun Rohhann Robert Jastallis Teleka Hockley. Iun's in the middle, and I never go by my first name. I think nicknames are helpful for identifying people, but if you are not careful, you can become a different person based on the name people call you.
  17. One chance and one chance only. Lose trust with me, and it's gone forever. The good are innocent: they gave us justice. The wicked are guilty: they gave us mercy.
  18. I'm thinking of installing a cutting machine in my toilet, my poos are getting longer every day, there's an awful lot of water displacement :/
  19. The ex moved out yesterday - how relieved am I! She's still left a huge hunk of her crap here though, so I'm going to aggregate it and put it out of sight somewhere for her to collect another time. She insisted we go to lunch with her parents... her mum started crying at one point. I felt so bad because I could not have had a better or kinder welcome from her mum and dad, but it's not them that I had to live with.
  20. Sorry Hellfire, have you not seen Atlantis Season 4 yet? Apologies if not.
  21. Nowhere near enough times. My small intestine is still undergoing repairs from all the problems.
  22. Season 4 was disappointing - I think Rachel Lutrell's pregnancy had a little to do with this. She couldn't really feature as well in everything, and that took things down a notch. I sincerely hope they bring back Carson full-time. Beckett and MacKay - Best Sci - Fi double-act since Spock and McCoy?
  23. One Thread To Rule Them All! Happy birthday to everyone celebrating today.
  24. Iun feels that Mcoy is a breath of fresh air in a sometimes stale world, Iun is pleased that Mcoy is celebrating a birthday.
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