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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. That's the 2nd time you've mentioned that now... What's so special about that day I wonder... (You can spill the beans, I won't tell anyone. Promise )
  2. Earlier than I had expected. Great! Really looking forward to this one! Here's hoping that this is the start of a consistant Wii U software schedule!
  3. Oh wow! We get it at the same time as the US?! Freaking sweet! Amazing how Genius Sonority have done a fantastic job with the western releases of these games all by themselves, while larger developers & publishers pathetically flounder
  4. I doubt it. The game was already released at a discounted price over here to begin with, while it was released at full price in the US. They're just bringing parity between the two different prices here with this US discount.
  5. A Wii U version is all but assured. Activision just isn't giving out information on it yet... http://www.examiner.com/article/call-of-duty-ghosts-wii-u-version-not-announced-console-left-out-again Well at least one publisher considers the Wii U to be a next gen machine
  6. That's not worrying at all. It means that the game will be tightly focused, with perfect pacing and will feature globs of replay value, just like all of Kamiya's other games (Okami excepted ). Nothing other than good news, unless you're the type of person who doesn't care how boring and tedious a game is, so long as it lasts 30+ hours...
  7. Masterpiece: MM2, MM3, MM9, MMX Great: MM4 Good: MM1, MM5, MM10, MMX4, Decent: MM5, MM6 MMX2, MMX3 Bad: MM7, MMX5, MMX6 OH GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!: MM8, MMX7, MMX8
  8. Yup. It sucks, but from the console manufacturer's perspective it's the only viable way of getting exclusive content, aside from pulling a Bayonetta 2. Although mind you, it'll be interesting to see if the rumours of ReSpawn/EA's new FPS franchise being Microsoft exclusive pan out though. Even as a timed exclusive, it must be costing MS a bomb!
  9. Suck it PS4 owners! :p
  10. Last one at the Capcom UK HQ was really good. I'd recommend going if you can!
  11. That means that it's the 3rd game to ship on a 4GB Game Card at retail. What a waste of all that extra storage!
  12. Out of those, the only one I really want is Super Ghouls N' Ghosts (I have ALTTP on my US Wii and on GBA, so I'm happy enough) I just hope that it's 60hz. Would love to have a proper version of that game on my Gamepad
  13. That's what M2 are for
  14. It's not as hard as before though. This time, they already have working emulators for each game that is already available on the Wii VC that they can just port over very easily (especially easy considering that Wii U utilizes the same CPU architecture as the Wii). The fact that they already have SNES SA1 chip emulation up and running (as evidenced by Kirby Superstar's release in Japan) is further proof that it's a relatively easy task for them to pull off - as those games didn't start coming until around 2 years after the Wii launched. The bulk of the time spent on each game would be QA and manual development. They could release games much more quickly than they currently are if they wanted to, but they're choosing to stagger them primarily for strategic reasons.
  15. Terrible. 2 games a week already. Won't be long before we start seeing 1 game every month... Edit: Oh wow! 3DS is getting 4 NES games this week! Granted, 3 of them are Ambassador games that were previously made available on 3DS but still! 4 games is what I would've wanted to see as a minimum for this week on Wii U! (Why can't we have 4 games every week on both consoles!?)
  16. Yeah, it's a good article, but I don't think that it'll be a popular opinion. I reckon that the attitude of it being a sign of weakness and cowardice will sadly prevail. Either way, it'll be sad not to see them on stage and even sader if it becomes a permanent fixture. Nintendo Directs are great and all, but it's just not the same as seeing it happen live - where anything can (and frequently does!) go wrong. There's a certain energy that you can't replicate without that live factor; not to mention the crowd reaction, which often generates as much hype as the games themselves (hi Twilight Princess @ E3 2004!). Whatever they pull off at this E3, I hope they take this into account. A standard Nintendo Direct is not enough.
  17. @Serebii Does the game get to be as difficult as Explorers of Sky at any point? From my understanding, the difficulty has been drastically reduced from the previous games - which would be a shame as I though the difficulty curve was just right before (starting off nice and gentle enough, until eventually becoming ball bustingly hard at the Zero Isles ) Stuff like the hunger mechanic doesn't come into play until much later right? As long as the later stages are nice and hard, I'll be happy TBH that's not hard (assuming that you're talking about the field visuals and not the battles - which actually do look really good!)
  18. At least you have the option to transfer from Wii to Wii U. I have a US Wii, so I'm completely sod out of luck! I'm only gonna bother getting select games that I REALLY want to play on my Gamepad, like Super Mario World and Super Ghouls N' Ghosts (as well as the games that I don't already own, like Mario's Super Picross and Earthbound) I can live without having Gamepad support for multiplayer focused games like Mario Tennis 64, or games like Star Tropics and Ocarina of Time (3DS version fills that role for me anyway)
  19. I'd trust Nintendo much moreso than MS and Sony when it comes to preserving your digital content. Both MS and Sony have cut off support for digital content once before (MS with XBLA/game DLC on the Xbox 1 and Sony with PS3-PS4) and even when they do have some form of BC, it's usually in a very limited manner that gets poorly supported (the Vita still only plays a fraction of the PS1 and PSP games on the PSN store, both of which only comprise a fraction of their consoles' total libraries to begin with!) Nintendo on the other hand have a 100% track record when it comes to forwards compatibility and also generally place a much greater emphasis on backwards compatibility than the other two console manufacturers. The fact that all of their consoles share a common hardware lineage (Wii U is a super-set of Wii, which is a super-set of the GCN and 3DS includes/utilises the DSi hardware, which includes/utilises the GBA hardware running at double its original clock-rate) also means that their future hardware will continue to be compatible with all of those past generations so long as they have BC with the last generation. Nintendo is going to be switching to a unified architecture next generation, where the console and the handheld both use the same underlying hardware architecture, so it'll be interesting to see how they handle BC (as you would assume that this means that their next console will feature an ARM chipset). But either way, they'll almost certainly keep support for Wii U/Wii/GCN included in there.
  20. True, but sadly a lot of them (even amongst the ones who know the difference) just don't care about the original experience of classic games, nor their preservation. These are the same people who would choose ZSNES or SNES 9x over BSNES/Higan and who would happily download pirated versions of every game they can find, rather than rip their own carts using something like Retrode. Different strokes for different folks
  21. Sooo basically the same crowd who complained about the Wii VC? Although to be fair, it's stupid that they didn't have any custom button mapping options on the Wii or 3DS. It's a much appreciated addition
  22. Edit: I take back what I said, I completely forgot that Mario's Super Picross originally supported the SNES mouse, so it's perfectly possible for the touch screen to take its place! Somebody let us know if it's supported!
  23. Once again, us baka gaijin are forced to gaze upon glory and weep On the bright side, at least the early release of Kirby Superstar means that they've already got SA1 Chip games up and running on their Wii U SNES emulator, so hopefully it means that it won't be long for the other SA1 games to follow (and of course the Super FX games, that never came to Wii!)
  24. Super Mario Picross is 60hz. They're saying that all of the games are the US versions, except for MSP, which is the Japanese version (as it was originally never released outside Japan) - meaning that it runs in 60hz, like all Japanese games do
  25. Wow! We get an even smaller lineup than the US!? Amazing I just hope that SMW is 60hz at least... Edit: YES!! All of the games are 60hz! http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/49033/wii-u-virtual-console-launch-games-confirmed-for-uk-launches-on-27-april/ Ok, that kinda makes up for it SMW and Mario's Super Picross will be mine!
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