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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. *gives you a huge millers cookie* Fucking hillarious
  2. How about if you have nothing to say don't spam that may be an answer. Humans have been killing animals for both sport/culture/resources. So get off your freakin high horses.
  3. Not to spoil the fun or anything of your discussion but the KH team is working on FF Versus 13
  4. So... doesn't change the fact it was a cool idea to do it - and theres negative publicity is fantastic for the game just like negative publicity works extremly well for GTA games.
  5. No its not cruel I know its for a promo and all, but I am 100% sure the ancient greeks used to sacrifice animals. May I ask how I'm an idiot the ancients used to sacrafice animals all the time - so surely if its done now (even if its done as a promo). And to tell you the honest to god truth I don't see whats wrong with killing an animal to make it look like an ancient sacrafice. Yes Sony put on the event. But in ancient greek(even ancient other societies) they used to do that with their animal sacrifices at the temple. And certain temples around greece - they were orgies at the temples themselves.
  6. But don't the press know this that thats what the ancients did. So if it was good for them why is it not good for us. Even in greece today when I have been out there and gone to villages special festivals they train the blood off of a shhep and invite you to eat the sweetbreads or or other ofval raw. While they cook the main carcas. God I hate fucking political correctness
  7. I know its a cool idea but you gain benefits from not going as well such as your guaranteed accomadation if you don't go in uni hall of residences. So its like do I don't I
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDh__j3h1qE SpiderMan for the japanese
  9. Well surely we should change fire emblem games to the ones on the GBA then to Dynasty Warrior type games? No? They could of concluded the franchise like advance wars but in 3d. Seen as it originally started on the NES. But yeh If I think of it as a sperate game, its not been balanced properly.
  10. Just think advance wars on the wii ported exactly with more missions and multiplayer. And Batallion Wars the only problem I had was the gameplay itself should of been developed by Intelligent Systems instead of Zoe Mode (or as they were previously called Kuju Entertainment)
  11. I should of posted this here on friday but my pdp (personal development planning) supervisor at uni, asked everyone in our group about if we wanted to go out abroad to study and/or work in between year 2 and 3 of my course. The countries he named were France/Germany/Canada/America/Austrailia/Japan that he has contacts working at universities in those countries. We of course have had one week to hand in the form if we want to go or not go. What do you guys think I should do?
  12. I like the ign uk game score of 6.5. Heh guess its average I wasn't as great as Ign.com thought of it.
  13. Its just sometimes the wiimote doesn't really work thats why the only motion sensor that is used in Smash Football is to block the footballs.
  14. Whatever people say theres a load of games I need to get and some I bought and haven't played it. Like I only played Gears about a month ago for the first time. A lad down here lent me his psp and a copy of Exit oh my od what a cool little puzzler. Made me want a psp even more, plus need my us ps2. And been playing puzzle fighter on my mobile. Too many games too little time.
  15. What is Eureka Seven?
  16. I need to buy it but then again I need to finish off Shadow Hearts as well, this is the shit feeling I get way too many games not enough time. Especially now I have 3 coursework projects in the next 2 weeks. Then 2 exams in a week, then my final exam on may 29th. And I have fucking finished.
  17. Battalion Wars was ok it wasn't the best game, they should of kept it in the same tactic formula like famicom wars/super famicom wars/ advance wars games instead they make it a 3rd person action adventure stratery-esque game. Just hope the sequel is the last of the series. Then give us Master Wars
  18. Think it would be a good idea or how about the same gameplay from diamond and pearl in full 3d. Shigsy did say around E3 last year, that it would be very hard to design a MMO game for wii - until the console "evolves"
  19. E for All?? Its a consumer show they won't show anything thats not already out or coming out. Plus thats in October. It'll be E3 and TGS where everything they want to announce with maybe a couple of tidbits at Leipzig. And eternal darkness seen as that was developed by silicon knights I doubt it. And it has been rumoured for a long time that Capcom and Nintendo are working on the next KI game.
  20. Well they are releasing a microphone for it - because boogie and high school musical use one for definate. you have the wiimote which could act as a brush or a hand, so to me it could work
  21. Hopefully most if not all will be announced by September TGS then.
  22. Actually you summed how I feel about these executives Cox.
  23. I've been watching Detective Academy Q, only was 49 episodes long - however its kinda like the phoenix wright investigation parts in anime form.
  24. I tried ramen at Wakamento(sp??) and I have to say it was god awful, I like lots of food but that yuk!
  25. You don't really understand the cost involved. Plus it was too rushed to allow the journalists to do there job. For someone like koei who isn't on the list anyway, was finding it cost a lot of money to attend. Same with Tecmo. Although it was a flagship other events are moving in and around to capture the spectacle. I would rather them concentrate on and pour money into the games - than pour more money into an event like old e3's were. The press conferences are still going to happen you know. Its only the actual event its self which is being cut back.
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