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Everything posted by Rolf

  1. He probably should be, if more people like him, more than the other characters. And good comic Shino. I chuckled gutturally.
  2. If you're actually interested, have a read here. Fossil dating methods
  3. I thought Resident Evil would have been one of the first games posted. Pre-rendered, I know, but 'Remake' made my jaw hit the floor on several occasions. And no, I still haven't played Resident Evil 4. Give me time.
  4. His name is Robert Paulson.
  5. How can you find evidence of child porn? You'd think they'd either find the child porn or they wouldn't. And yeah - uncool. I spent most of the first part of today running around handing out money to overweight, sweaty and possibly homosexual men, in suits. Damn bills. Being 18 isn't all it's cracked up to be. And they were wearing the suits, not me.
  6. Come and play with us.
  7. Slippy fo' sho'.
  8. Rolf


    Hurrah. Running on my 'island style' ADSL at 8 kb/s at 3 a.m. while the rest of the island sleeps, I've never played anything online - Xbox Live, PC or otherwise. That makes me a sad panda.
  9. Amen. Erections would ensue.
  10. N5 for me as well. But only because every alternative I've heard is completely stupid. And no, I have no better ideas.
  11. Koala. Spend all day getting high on Eucalyptus then sleep it off. Then start again.
  12. Has anyone here played Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines? Very few people have, but it is absolutely incredible. Minus a few shoddy combat mechanics. But shhh. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn gets an honourable mention.
  13. Rolf


    I pretty much eat whatever I want, whenever I want, for as long as I want... and end up being 6ft 4 and as skinny as a rake. I prefer 'athletically toned' to 'lanky'.
  14. You, sir, made me laugh.
  15. The shirt looks fine to me. The hair doesn't.
  16. Who's right? Me? Of course.
  17. Oh Stocka. So young. So naive. Damn right. But go easy on Stocka.
  18. Yep, Half Life - 1 and 2, for me as well. I haven't played Half Life for... years now, but the opening sequence is still stuck with me. It was one of the few games that really hit the spot in my imagination that gets me interested.
  19. Half Life 2. It was neat when everything slowed down - explosion and all - then froze. I said 'Woah'. Like Neo. So, yeah - either HL2 or Eternal Darkness. AND! While we're on the subject of game endings. At the end of Starfox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet, the final building you go into - the big one - I can't be any more specific - is the floor texture in there, the same as in the Carrington Institute bottom-level lobby on Perfect Dark? I'd check, just to make sure, but I sold Dinosaur Planet when I finished it. But I think it is the same, from memory.
  20. Calling sex 'the sex' makes me laugh a lot more than it probably should.
  21. Album - The Shins: Oh, Inverted World. Food - A pineapple or two. Book - Watership Down. Person - Zach Braff.
  22. Elvis wasn't too bad in Perfect Dark. No specific moment comes to mind, I just remember chuckling a couple of times at things he said. Otherwise, Birdy the scarecrow in Conker's Bad Fur Day - his sign that says 'Feck off crows' was probably one of the better things I've seen. And Greg the Grim Reaper. He was flippin' hillarious.
  23. If it is, I don't agree that it's clearly evident. Looks like Burnout 3 to me.
  24. I play games a lot more than I should. I'm cool.
  25. I live on a 5x8 km island in the South Pacific. Tonight, I'm going to fall asleep to the sound of the fuck-off huge chicken that prowls outside my window, fighting off my cats. As I always do. And tomorrow. Well... the island is my oyster.
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