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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. You know there's also a Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. puzzle available as well.
  2. Added you today, see u online too.
  3. Whoa, killing suicidal Islamic fundamentalists??? That won't go down well in the Mosques. or is it Jesus? ANyway he's not going to be around for long with those gun-happy toting Americans on the ground level.
  4. Well, well, well, Neath is my home town, pity I'm so far away at present. Wouldn't have thought there would be a big Street Pass community there. Would have thought Swansea would have had the bigger draw. Nice to hear though. Where did they hold it? BTW I have lemons, but won't be online until Thursday at about 2:30 to 3:30pm UK time.
  5. Most Sonic characters, except Sonic himself, do look really bad, I'd be more shocked if they looked amazing
  6. From what I can remember of Partner's in Time it is similar, in that it explains every little thing in detail, but you can choose to skip this. Unfortunately you can't skip the conversations before and after the explanations. I'm up to Lv9 with both Mario and Luigi and the explanations are still coming, that's about 2 1/2 hours into it. There can't be too many more, but like I say they can be skipped.
  7. And this goes to show how popular it was; http://mynintendonews.com/2013/07/15/smash-bros-becomes-biggest-fighting-stream-in-history/ Good publicity.
  8. Really wanted to buy Kokuga the other day, until I found out it's over 13 quid!! Oh dear, will have to wait for a sale on that beauty.
  9. Completed the first 'real' world and sleep world, and can easily recommend this to lovers of the first 3 games, even though a bit slow, tutorials and such. From all the reviews I've read it's only going to get better, and it's good already.
  10. I'm a big fan of it, and still play it with my son nearly every day we have time. For me it encapsulates Japanese B Monster movies, with over the top shooting action. True there is little depth to the combat system, but you'll have so much fun blowing the heads off a skyscraper sized 3-headed dragon that it doesn't matter. Plus, there is a ton of unlockables, that even after racking up over 60 hours on this, I'm still to unlock one tank and a few achievements. Oh, and enjoy ZombiU @Fierce_LiNk it is amazing how it reinvigorates survival horror.
  11. Took mine to Taipei City centre today, got 10 Street Passes. Have never seen more than 2 people queued at my entrance gate before today. Well happy, need to get there more often now though.
  12. The game will support the Wii U Pro Controller, I have no idea about a nunchuk set-up though.
  13. No, I 1. don't have enough time too, and 2. don't won't to get Pikmin fatigue before I play the 3rd game. I want it to be as fresh as possible.
  14. Played a few levels of the first game with my brother on his Gamecube, but this will be the first one I pick up myself and can't wait. Preordered and raring to go - apart from the 3DS backlog getting in the way, and then Wonderful 101 the following month, still want to have a second playthrough of Zombi U, need more time on NFS: MW, argghh! Too many games.
  15. Iun, so sorry. Saw this post about 25 minutes before 5:00pm, our time, then literally 12 minutes to 5 work called, and I had to go and sort a shit load of crap out for tomorrow, new class starting, and only I can set-up the touch screen white board. Only got back 30 minutes ago, hope you do something like this another time, I look forward to it.
  16. Added you, I have most fruits and would be happy to drop off what you need.
  17. Completely agree, he called me handsome a few days ago, and then promptly warned me to stay away from his daughter, LOL.
  18. Then Microsoft and Sony laugh at the new idea, call it shit, a fad, whatever. Then 1-2 years later copy it and say it's the next big thing.
  19. Whoops on the ZombiU one, edited.
  20. The games that have blown me away on Wii U and the 3DS only (that's all I own); Wii U The best [survival horror] action arcade racer game I've played in a long long time. [RE:Rev's] Others have been good, but this was shit [scary] fast, good looking and tense, seat of the pants, most of the time. 3DS Wasn't even going to pick it up if it wasn't for the "Too Many Games" promotion. Thanks for that Nintendo, this game is sublime.
  21. And another new design;
  22. I love the 3D, when Nintendo get around to their new handheld console it'll better have 3D on it or I'll cry because of the step backwards it'll take. 3D adds nothing to movies (only a gimmick), but for games it's a different kettle of fish. The 3D allows you to judge your space perfectly between you and your enemy, object, etc. I just wish I had a glasses free 3D TV, so the Wii U could do the same (dreams).
  23. Probably 2 racers on a Kart at the same time? Maybe?
  24. Mate I live in Taiwan, and it's Cicada season now, and I'll tell you what, they are so quiet on Animal Crossing. In real life they're like a fog horn, all day and all night, too :p
  25. I intend to get there on time, might be quite a competition to be one of the 1st into your town.
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