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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. Base have the M&L Wii Remotes here; http://www.base.com/buy/product/wii-remote-plus-controller-mario-limited-editon-wii-u/dgc-nin1100.htm 37.99 each with an 8th November release date.
  2. @Shorty Fire Emblem all the way, amazing game.
  3. Have a look at GAME's website here; http://www.game.co.uk/en/games/wii-u/?langId=44&storeId=10151&catalogId=10201&categoryId=&pageView=&pageSize=20&inStockOnly=false&listerOnly=true&contentOnly=&storeOnly=&provenance=New&resultCatEntryType=&catgrpSchemaType=&RASchemaType=&searchTerm=&searchType=&searchTermOperator=&searchTermScope=&filterTerm=&filterType=&filterTermOperator=&catGroupId=&categoryType=&sType=&minPrice=&maxPrice=&attributeName1=Shop+By&attributeValue1=63&sortBy=PRICE_ASC They're all out of stock, but they've listed Need for Speed Most Wanted and 8 other games (including KBA2K12 and Fifa 13) for 1.99 each. 1.99 UK pounds
  4. Argghh, The Game Collection website have refused my payment request due to having different billing and residential addresses, bastards, just like Shop To do for the first 3 purchases. Utterly useless. Oh well, back to the waiting game for me.
  5. I'll be picking this up too. So, many children, what with my son's cousins and friends dropping in and out, this will go down a storm.
  6. I'll definitely be picking this up, but Shop To doesn't ship orders to somewhere that's not your billing address. Everywhere else this is nearly 40 quid. Edit: Actually Game have it for 30.
  7. You can't choose which track you want directly, but if you press the L shoulder button, it'll skip to the next song. Maybe there's something in the options menu I'm missing though. Yeah, there's voice chat, but I find it a bit choppy.
  8. And now, the 3DS version is happening. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/10/mighty_no_9_confirmed_for_3ds
  9. You can't buy it outright though, you basically rent it for an hour, a day, or a month, after downloading the free app.
  10. My birthday was a couple of days ago, and I got that surprise too. Nice!
  11. Some people are starting to change their mind about purchasing this, and I've joined them. I have to take delivery into consideration as well, and 45 quid is asking too much for a new game. My sweet buying spot is 35, and 40 at a push. Looks like I'll be waiting a good long while before this drops in price, all I can hope is that others don't buy this due to the retailer induced elevated price point, and they're forced to lower it. Edit: Shopping around 2 hours later and found this bargain on The Game Collection 30.79 with only 4 quid shipping to Taiwan. I am now the proud owner of a Zelda WW preorder. http://www.thegamecollection.net/the-legend-of-zelda-the-wind-waker-hd-wii-u.html If you create an account with them and log in the game prices drop.
  12. Need for Speed: MW has dropped a pound at The Base.com, now it's 13.99. http://www.base.com/buy/product/need-for-speed-most-wanted-wii-u/dgc-nfsmwwiiu.htm
  13. As good as I remember it was. There was so much that I forgot about, the last two temples were as if I played them new, but the final boss I could remember all his weaknesses. Ahhh, memories.
  14. You're not the only one. I have an original and my co-worker has an XL, and both of us agree that due to the sharpness of the original and the pixelatedness of the XL, the 3D effect is better on the original version. After seeing his humongous...(wait for it).....XL I'll not be upgrading.
  15. Just finished listening to the ONM podcast, and they say that this, and Batman Origins BTW, are unavailable to play on the Wii U as of yet. Both UbiSoft and WB have refused to give them a review copy of the Wii U version until after their game has been released. That does not bode well, but I'm still hoping that this is going to be good.
  16. Hope it works out for you. I put in about 50 hours on the WiiU, but put it down due to other games taking precedence. Now, through the 1/2 price deal, on the 3DS, I'm loving it again. I think this game is far better suited to the handheld, except for lack of online, as I can slam it in sleep-mode whenever I want. Roll on MH4, handheld and online.
  17. That's one hell of a GIF.
  18. I was a casual gamer from the Atari 2600. My first game ever being Pong played on the rotating handles, not the joysticks. That piece of kit was purchased by my high-tech Grandad. So, I didn't play that much. My first computer was the Commodore 64. Games like Rambo, Transformers, Power Drift, Creatures, Daley Thomson's Decathlon, were staple for me and my 2 younger brothers. Ahh, that tape deck player. Many curses were said at it's inadequacies of loading. Then came the NES with games like Duck Hunt, Bayou Billy, Mario Bros., Gremlins 2. Now at this point I was still a casual gamer, it wasn't until the SNES that I was made into the future gamer I have become. Games like Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, Star Fox, and my all time life changing game on that system A Link To The Past, which made me realise the games were more than filling an hour of boredom, they transported me to another world, and I've never come back to reality.
  19. A quick search on Google shopping brought up a 32GB SanDisk SD card for 14.18 (UK pounds) at Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/SanDisk-SDSDB-032G-B35-32GB-Class-Memory/dp/B002G12OBO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379844526&sr=8-1&keywords=32+gb+sd+card Not too bad.
  20. Yes, I had no problems when I did this to mine a while back.
  21. Good idea, didn't even think about doing that. He doesn't have his own account, but we will give it a try soon, and I'll report back soon. Thanks.
  22. Just downloaded the digital version of the 3DS game. Tried the transfer data from Wii U to 3DS no prob's. Played around on the 3DS and all was good. Then, loaded up the Wii U and it told me that the data was locked due to being transferred to the 3DS. Still no problems. Tried to a transfer the other way from 3DS back to Wii U, but kept on getting an error, saying the data from the Wii U and 3DS versions were different and that I needed to delete the Wii U data. Couldn't find the Wii U delete data option. After looking through the electronic manuals found the delete option was by pressing L, R and X for 3 seconds in the Options menu. All done and transferred. I don't have to do that every time I want to transfer do I? Was it a one-off? Anyway, the only disappointment I have is that when I transfer data, it transfers all 3 save files. I would very much like the option to transfer just one save file, so my son and I can play 2 Player and have the ability to save our progress individually on each separate machine. ATM if I transfer from the 3DS to Wii U the data on the 3DS is deleted. So, I transfer to the 3DS and then the data on the Wii U is locked so you can't save progress for your character on that. Is it too much to ask to have the choice of transferring only a single character save file across to the handheld and then playing together? Is this possible? Other than that the 2 player session we had was awesome, just didn't save the Wii U users data.
  23. All day I've been inadvertently whistling the theme tune to this, and annoying my family in the process.
  24. Overall, a good game. Found the story to be a bit boring, and that last level went on for an age, but had a blast and 100%'d this beauty. Won't be doing it hard mode though. Back to Fire Emblem, on the 3DS, for me.
  25. 2 Videos here; http://www.nintendolife.com/games/3ds-eshop/airace_speed Looks insanely fast, but in a recent interview the development team said it's running smoothly, but not at 60fps.
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