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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Funnily enough you actually look eerily similar to the lead actor in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Can't you just claim to be him?
  2. EA games, especially the sports games, will be great but only if they are supplemented by other exclusives that appeal to the same audience. The N64 was the last traditional console from Nintendo that did really well in the West because it had exclusives that appealed to western crowds, which supplemented third party games like FIFA, Madden etc. Can Nintendo find their next Goldeneye, WWF No Mercy, Wave Race etc? If they can build an audience for those games they will do well in the west.
  3. I concur. Can I also suggest a Patty & Bun trip, too?
  4. Chin up. You need that Kanye arrogance.
  5. Watch dem Zelda ones. Glad you liked his videos The way his destroys Bioshock Infinite is a personal favourite of mine.
  6. Dammit I was thinking about using that line, can't believe you beat me to it :laughing: Nintendo need to copy the hell out of that app.
  7. We'll get another Mario Kart within the first 12 months I reckon. The team won't be preoccipied making a new handheld version like they were with Mario Kart 7/8 and I'm sure the last engine can be upgraded fairly easily.
  8. They have Zelda for launch (albeit an upgraded Wii U version). If Mario doesn't hit for another 6-12 months I think that's fine, but they definitely do need to get some other strong first party titles out the door too.
  9. Luigi's Mansion alongside Zelda makes more sense than Mario as they would want to space out the big games. I just hope that, if Luigi's Mansion does get made, it's closer to the Gamecube version than the bitesized 3DS game. The original was quite Metroidvania esque.
  10. Glad you enjoyed that minigame. Me and @Zell have played it several times with our friends and we've always had a blast. I'm amazed that they didn't release 3-4 new stages
  11. 'Sunshine is the most polished, unfinished game ever made'. I honestly don't think it could be summed up any better! His Mario ones are fantastic although I'm a bigger fan of his Zelda and MGS vids.
  12. Happy birthday! *inserts cube related pun*
  13. Yeah NintendoLand was fantastic. Absolutely loved it Indeed - I was hoping for Zelda DLC (maybe a Wind Waker themed adventure) but it never happened.
  14. I expect the following at launch/launch period: Ports: Smash 4: Complete Edition Zelda Wii U New games: A 3D Mario Platform/Adventure title Pikmin 4 A return of an older I.P (Waverace, F-Zero) An exclusive western 3rd party title That alone would be pretty decent!
  15. I purchased a Wii U for Zelda and the next single player Mario platform game, so yes, if the NX has both of these (even if Zelda is simply an upscaled port of the Wii U) then it will wipe the floor with the Wii U's first few years on the market.
  16. Picking a game from last gen to back up your point is a bit dumb...A more suitable example is to imagine a Pokemon game on the scale of The Witcher 3.
  17. Good luck running a game with the scale of Xenoblade (Wii U) on a console like the 3DS.
  18. Hopefully the NX controller has analogue L/R buttons...
  19. That film is so damn beautiful. God damn. I couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks after I first watched it. Oh and THAT OPENING SHOT DOE.
  20. I imagine that the Pokemon Company will continue to do a stellar job but it's difficult to see where Nintendo are going...They've done some great initial work with Smash and Splatoon but the long term support is still questionable. We've done some work with a Microsoft and Turn 10 this year (we announced a Pro Series where gamers compete against our drivers online and in person at race tracks) where the winner will eventually receive a pretty big prize and it's been super easy to work with both parties as they are keen to push through Twitch, YouTube Gaming and other delivery channels. eSport events can easily be found on both the Xbox One/Forza menu screens, and the online is superb, with full voice chat and everything. From our conversations with Nintendo, they seem very much against going in that direction as they don't want it to put off casual gamers. They also don't seem to have a great relationship with Twitch/YT gaming as they can only really invest funds into eSports with the approval of NCL and the decision making process takes far too long. Compare that with us and Microsoft where it literally just took someone in my office to call them and say 'Let's create an eSports series' and it was done within 10 minutes.
  21. VR porn is incredible.
  22. He never said that..you've gone so OT with that reply - I think you missed the point of Ashley's post.
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