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Everything posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. I'd say that was the most important thing too, CE and RE heavyweight Lockey was, from what I remember, always good at making threads where everyone could put their penneth worth in.
  2. Sounds like a load of old bollocks to me.
  3. He signed my Wavebird, which was pretty cool. If there was another signing I wouldn't bother with it, not too fussed about that sort of thing any more.
  4. I don't mind if she looks like a pig or has the personality of a piece of MDF, if a girl can cook chicken, then by golly I'll buy her a ring.
  5. You couldn't have made that sound any less appealing if you tried
  6. Mate, I would thoroughly recommend councelling, for someone in your position, I've had it myself and the fact that you're getting it all out to someone who can give some positive feedback is a godsend.
  7. I don't know if anyone knows this yet (probably everyone) but Lance is coming back this week, wahey!
  8. You don't happen to have a source for this, do you?
  9. He has (http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/member.php?u=400) but he hasn't posted much, I'm sure he can be found more regularly on that other website people round here go on which I can't remember the name of.
  10. Y-y-you're Crazy! I'm sorry, I shall have no further part in this, you're on your own from now on!
  11. My Gran smells like Silk Cut super lows.
  12. I laughed, I coughed, I cradled my acheing chest.
  13. Loosen up a bit there Yoda, I've found that some of the nicest things I've ever tried were things I wasn't too sure about beforehand.
  14. I do like marmite, but if butter is included in the sandwich as well I find that it clashes with the marmite (the same goes with peanut butter, well, I wouldn't have that with marmite, the no-butter rule applies to it as well).
  15. If this thread has become a home for general funny shit may I recycle a link posted a while ago by CE stalwart Uncle_Buckman. Probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on the internet. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/gijoe.html Oh it's the body massage machine OH!
  16. Whassat about a Booshman Oraunj?
  17. So I'm sitting here, giggling like a little girl at that picture.
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