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Everything posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. I've just ordered a Wireless router so I can go online with my Wii, but I didn't really read up on what I'll need to make it all work. My PC is getting on a bit, so I also ordered a USB thingy to go into it. Will I need to configure the router on my computer before I can use it with my Wii, and is the USB adapter enough to make sure my computer will work with it? Cheers.
  2. There are some pretty big lists here, so I don't know if anyone's mentioned Round the Twist yet, or to a lesser extent the summer holiday favourite Ocean Odyssey (Ocean Girl outside of the UK). Early 90's Aussie Kids shows seem to hit the right buttons for me. And I've seen the Raccoons somewhere in this thread, and I noticed someone has Bert for his avatar on here. "You can run with us!"
  3. To be honest I've slowly drifted away from the more guitar-centric stuff over the last couple of years, though there was a time when I couldn't go five minutes without listening to Passion and Warfare. If G3 do another tour don't pass up the opportunity to see Satch and Vai live, I caught them a couple of years ago when they toured with Robert Fripp and it was incredible.
  4. Always with me, Always with you seems to have a major impact on most people who hear it, I don't think any song has changed my tastes in music so drastically.
  5. Music (professional practice), which sounds like a bit of a contradiction in terms to me.
  6. He's at uni at the moment, I should see him within the week so I'll bring it up then.
  7. I can't believe you never get the money for those games, that must've been three or four years ago now? There are still people on here who I miss, but every time I come back here I see people speaking to each other like utter shite. It's that highly strung atmosphere and general lack of community that distinguishes this board from its predecessor.
  8. Do you mean as a sandwich filling? The two meats have completely different appeals otherwise, ham with eggs and brown sauce for breakfast or chicken with pasta and pesto, who can call that one?
  9. You can think what you want mate, we had a great time doing it.
  10. Yeah I'm not too bad mate, what're you up to at the moment? Apart from writing a ludicrous number of posts?
  11. *Takes a deep breath* I think you got the wrong end of the stick about that "childish clan". For a start, anyone who thought we used that name without our tongue firmly in one cheek needs a kick in the tailbone, and the reason we stuck together the way we did was because we met up away from the computer screen (Dan and Jordan travelling a fair few miles to do so) and had a friendship a bit more tangible than anything you can get in front of it. Zeik is arguably the finest member this board has ever had, and there are still plenty of regulars who will testify to this.
  12. I think what they're getting at is that this will be the third generation of UT, as 2003 and 2004 were essentially the same game with added bells and whistles. I love the series so I think it's time to start looking for a new PC, does anyone know what specs we're looking at for this?
  13. Trenchcoat - Trenches - 1st World war - Conscientious objection - Limp-wristed liberal fags - Buddhism Epiglotis - Providence, Rhode Island Awesome
  14. You know the minigame where you need to clap the castanets when the notes pass through them? On the second version of this (two claps) I swear it says "the niggers of the world". Has anyone else noticed this?
  15. I've just downloaded this Last.fm thing I keep seeing here, I've downloaded it and created an account, but when I try to sign in during the setup wizard it's telling me it cannot connect to the internet, even though I'm obviously on it. Also, when I open a new window or refresh a page it ocassionally tells me that it can't work offline, but everything else is telling me that I'm already connected, what the hell's going on? Cheers.
  16. It's pretty typical isn't it? I bought my 4th remote on Monday, so I won't be needing any more for now anyway.
  17. Sometimes if I'm thinking of something really embarassing I may let out a random shriek as a knee-jerk reaction, I'm convinced I have a very mild form of tourettes.
  18. Ironically it's probably only complete morons who never do that.
  19. I have what I think must be an OCD, if I'm sitting on something with my feet up I'll have an inexplicable need to put a foot on the floor every now and then.
  20. Oh, sorry, after a re-read I'm definitely picking up on that, it's just becoming difficult to weed it out from some of the other things I've read in this thread.
  21. But since they're more qualified to do the job, doesn't that mean they're entitled to it? It's not as if we're losing out, migrant workers put more money into the economy than they take out (will come back to you with a source on that).
  22. I'm no expert on the subject, but isn't that already the case, and if people wish to stay here permanently they need to justify why they are better suited to the job they're applying for than anyone who's already here, skill shortages etc?
  23. Don't get me wrong, I phrased it the way I did to show that, contrary to what was said in the post before my own that there's no such thing as an acceptable context for the word. There are enough people on here who are used to my way of expressing my thoughts, but I apologise if I caused any offence to anyone.
  24. Any Pakis care to put their two cents in?
  25. You can have mine if you want, I can't see me ever playing it again (not that I didn't enjoy it, it just doesn't have any replay value).
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