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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. -Dem0-

    3DS XL

    Charging Cradle + AC Adapter for £19.85 from Shopto http://www.shopto.net/3DS/NEW%20RELEASES/3DSAC30-Nintendo%203DS%20XL%20Charging%20Cradle%20with%20AC%20Adapter.html same price from play.com as well.
  2. NSMB2 is looking good! since my brother is also going to get it, where set to have some serious co-op laughs. also that all-white 3DS XL... those Japs man, those Japs.
  3. Nintendolife review: http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/3ds/kingdom_hearts_3d_dream_drop_distance ONM review: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/39645/reviews/kingdom-hearts-3d-review-review/?page=1
  4. Famitsu gave the game 36/40. Whole host of art: You can view the rest here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25792657@N00/sets/72157630627281772/
  5. A New 9 minute online focused video: EDIT: Squenix got it removed.
  6. Full 29 minute presentation.
  7. A better question would be: "Will this game be released on the WiiU?" I still need to play MGS4.
  8. "Woooo...BEST. RIDE. EVER!" looks fun!
  9. Video shows some mario gameplay.
  10. and it's the GBC version too.
  11. -Dem0-

    3DS XL

    I've upgraded my SD card twice now, 8GB then 32GB not so long ago, I don't remember if I formatted or not, but it's working fine. The 3DS doesn't automatically format/reformat an SD card. According to the Nintendo.com website there are 2 ways to format an SD card: You can find some more info here: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/3ds/en_na/ht_settings.jsp Just to be on the safe side format your SD card.
  12. Looks like Keldeo is kicking some dirt at Cobalion's face. How many have you made so far?
  13. Pokemon flavoured Nintendo point card.
  14. -Dem0-

    3DS XL

    DS Game on 3DS & 3DS XL French video where they discuss the 3DS, and show a side-by-side play of MK7 on both the 3DS & the XL. It looked really good on the XL.
  15. ooooooh ok, Sounds cool. I shall enjoy using this when it releases.
  16. I've never heard of this till now, how does it work? Is there a limit to the number of Pokemon you can have in one image?
  17. Some seriously good stuff their Serebii. I especially like the one with the flying Pokemon.
  18. I'm loving your new sig! Great stuff!

  19. I've just never been that interested in these kind of shows in the first place. I've seen bits and pieces with with other friends/family over the years, but nothing ever caught me. Thanks for recs, I'll try some of them out if I got the time.
  20. Well the only thing I watch on TV is Football and (recently) F1. So the past few years I've been watching House M.D. The show was superb, the comedy, the drama, the character's etc. before House came along I was watching typical 90's kid TV shows. Cartoon Network, Toonami, Fox Kids, Sky 1 & Nickelodeon. So the only real-life-drama kind of show I've ever watched is House, and after finishing it I didn't think I'd see a series that would ever come close to it's epicness (mainly Hugh Laurie). But now I'm watching this, and it's excellent.
  21. Just finished watching the 3rd episode of season 2. This show is brilliant. Here I thought nothing would come close to House.
  22. I've got Theatrhythm, but haven't played it, but this is exactly what I'm doing now. I've finally started playing FFIII a few days ago, enjoying it so far too! after that I'll tackle FFIV then I'll go back to FFI & II, then FFV, FFVI. But after that point I don't know how to tackle VII-XII. btw, I can't get enough of this. Audio
  23. -Dem0-

    3DS XL

    @Guy, if you don't do a system transfer, the next person to buy your previous 3DS will have your Club Nintendo account linked to it meaning they can re-download all of the eShop titles you had including the Ambassador games you recieved. Whereas you won't be able to on your new 3DS XL as your Club Nintendo account can only be tied to 1 3DS console. My point being do a system transfer then sell your 3DS or trade in if you can. But I'm guessing they won't let you do a system transfer, unless of course they let you buy it on the spot, then take 20 minutes or so transferring everything over, then you physically trade it in.
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