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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. Hello and welcome to the both of you.
  2. That's another big title pushed back. I think that we'll see at least 3 of these big titles in Q1, 2013 is set to explode with quality!
  3. Well if we don't see Luigi's Mansion this year, it'll make 2013 even better along with the likes of Fire Emblem (was stupid of me to be upset about it's release date being pushed back) & AC. There's still a lot a great upcoming games this year alone for the 3DS (inc. BW2) and the launch of the WiiU. The steady flow of games has continued from the back-end of last year.
  4. Well what can I say, people love having a good moan in this country, and it's kinda rubbed off on me.
  5. It will cost you £39.99 to download this from the eShop.... Stupid price. I'm going to have to look around for a better price on download codes. But this needs to be in 4 weeks so I can at least get double stars.
  6. -Dem0-

    3DS XL

    Distort? in what way?
  7. Always wanted a Purple/Green 3DSXL. How about a MM themed XL?
  8. That ad is terrific! and that trailer was just as excellent, it just wants to make you whip out your 3DS and for hours on end. I saw a NSMB2 advert on TV yesterday, I don't remember it though. However the NA TV ad is better!
  9. -Kid Icarus: Uprising -Super Mario 3D Land -The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D -New Super Mario Bros. 2 (17.8.12) -Mario Kart 7 -Starfox 64 3D Here's my current collection (My friend borrowed SM3DL)
  10. -Dem0-

    3DS XL

    None at the moment. However this case sounds pretty good. I have been looking around, but so far this is probably the best case I've seen in terms of price, appearance and your impressions. Thanks, I'm buying the blue wallet.
  11. Indeed it is a football RPG, and a very fun one to boot. Check out some reviews of the first title Inazuma Eleven. N-E http://www.n-europe.com/reviews/inazuma-eleven Nintendolife http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/2011/03/inazuma_eleven_ds IGN http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/118/1189748p1.html
  12. Yeah still haven't heard anything on the price. Even NSMB2's eShop icon doesn't show a price. btw you going to get it through the eShop?
  13. That's a great price! those who are interested should pick it up!
  14. You can check out some DS-3DS comparison shots here: http://andriasang.com/con27p/inazuma_eleven_comparison/ http://andriasang.com/con27k/inazuma_eleven_first_look/
  15. ah, the shine charm. I'm going to try and complete my Pokédex too. How long did it take you to put them all in B|W2? btw does that mean you have all the Pokémon on both games, B2 & W2? EDIT: That reminded me! I actually caught a shiny Tranquil last year, don't know what happened to it though. It was the first shiny I had ever caught.
  16. That's quite the feat, and are these Pokémon in your latest game?
  17. Looks like Barca are at it again. There's been some speculation that they are interested in Alex Song, 2 days ago we had Iniesta saying that if Song arrives, they will "Welcome him the best we can". Now we get pique:
  18. The news we've been waiting for!
  19. PS3 Version will have online multiplayer, 3DS version won't. If you want to play with friends it's going to have to be locally. Which is a bit sad to hear if I'm honest.
  20. -Dem0-

    Has your copy of SP2 arrived yet? Mine hasn't.

  21. DLC: Border between Life and Death - has a character prize if you can defeat the boss within 10 turns - character is Est, who previously appeared in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - artist is Nishimura Kinu, who worked on 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors I do like the artwork for Est. FE: Awakening styled Nintendo prepaid card.
  22. Maybe because your excitement level for Pokemon B&W 2 is over 9000?
  23. Well I'm happy I didn't get Inazuma Eleven 2 now. Nice that we're getting 3 as well. Trying to think what the price going to be like.
  24. Hmm. Try backing up all of the contents on your SD card onto a pc, then format your SD card. Once you do that, send all your files back into your SD card. If that doesn't work try using another SD card instead.
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