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Everything posted by Ike

  1. You can get a shiny Enamorus for completing the Hisui Pokédex in Pokémon home.
  2. Something @S.C.G will appreciate. Sadly it's Limited Run Games.
  3. Maybe if interest to @darksnowman and @Julius but there's going to be a 2 day Falcom jdk BAND SPECIAL LIVE Saturday and Sunday. Song list will be different for each day.
  4. Some of them are available in the UK store. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/en/nintendo-pop-up-store-donkey-kong
  5. I just got it as well. I've noticed Chrome on Android being weird with tabs in general lately, they turn into blank pages when I go back to them after a while.
  6. I've seen this, but only one time.
  7. I've been wanting to play the Xenoblade games so figured I may as well wait at this point. Hoping that Switch games got an automatic boost by using DLSS or something rather then needing a native version update.
  8. Game collection has a register interest sign up now too. https://www.thegamecollection.net/featured/switch-2-register-your-interest Worth noting that the Nintendo Store did an extended warranty for the original Switch, so they might do that again.
  9. I mean, it's backwards compatible... 👀
  10. The only specs that matters: (Based on leaked/rumoured specs)
  11. Battery life: 7 minutes?
  12. Maybe. They should still work wireless. The second USB-C possibly also be used to connect to a TV for image out?
  13. Was trying to think why it wouldn't, totally forgot about the obvious reason, the ring. They could go down the Apple route and sell adaptors I suppose. Do the new JoyCons have the IR sensors still. Bit hard to tell in that video?
  14. Curious what games aren't backwards compatible. The Labo games?
  15. New. Guess I was wrong about them not doing MK9 yet. Glad the coloured accents were real.
  16. Mario Kart 9 feels too early with them just having released the DLC for 8 Deluxe, but who knows with Nintendo.
  17. https://m.nintendo.com/shared/en-GB/GB/officialPlaylists/3f2df100-9371-4cc0-b147-330843d31752 Match the track to the actual hour. ??? Profit.
  18. In addition to Pokémon Legends, there's Metroid Prime 4. The last (Nintendo published) game with a release date is March with Xenoblade Chronicles X so they need to make an announcement soon. They are probably pushing it a bit for a March release now (although the anniversary of the Switch presentation was a couple of days ago). Probably looking at a April+ release if they want to avoid a dry spell.
  19. Only if everyone else agrees. I don't want to force people to play my way. I'm fine with leaving it the way it is.
  20. There's no way that hit when you where at the top of the screen. I honestly think matches would be better without the Smash Meter, sometimes it just comes own to whose fills first when it's the end of the match.
  21. Ah, the ninjas got 'em.
  22. This looks nice, which probably means it's not real. I like the colour accents though.
  23. The Deku Scrubs in this version are so cute. Anyone who disagrees is a... Bumpkin!
  24. I'm hoping for a new collection/upgraded versions as well. The fact Limited Run Games started selling Virtual Fighter kind of killed my excitement, I'm praying this isn't the future of the games that got pulled.
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