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Everything posted by Sparko

  1. You seem almost disappointed that the death toll isn't higher Don't you think nearly 500 people is a lot?
  2. Today's first screen, where Bowser has just hit Samus, looks amazing. The background makes it look epic.
  3. Congrats MCJ, nice one! Good luck with part 2, CAO points. Do you know how many points it was last year for the course you want to do?
  4. Fair play to Nintendo for responding to Matt's article. I'm happy to see that Nintendo plan to market it in the "conventional" way as well, because not every Wii owner has internet access to download the preview channel and of course MP3 should be considered as a system selling game and obviously people who haven't bought a Wii already won't have access to the preview channel! Nintendo have been doing well this generation with tv ads, I think I've seen more in the 8 months since release than I ever seen in the entire lifespan of the Gamecube. So hopefully they stick with the trend and strongly advertise this.
  5. I agree, it was stunning wasn't it? Can't wait to play this!
  6. Well it's totally overcast here, typical.
  7. I'm a student, starting my final year in college next month so that's my priority at the moment. For the summer though I've been working in retail in my local computer store. It's a decent enough job most of the time, but I won't miss it when I finish up in a few weeks. Some customers are just so dumb it hurts me inside.
  8. Happy birthday my irish amigo
  9. "At this rate, by Tuesday it will be Thursday. By Wednesday it will be August, and by Thursday it will be the end of existence as we know it!" Just one of the Professor's many gems I can't wait for Futurama to return, so many classic episodes.
  10. I think I'll start playing Metroid Prime again soon. I never finished it, and it's been so long since I played the game last that I forget what the hell is going on and what I'm supposed to be doing, so I might just start over.
  11. http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=10814 It was announced at E3. America get it on the 3rd of December, we don't get it till early 2008.
  12. Seems like an official fix is on the way: http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view&id=41691
  13. Wii Sports Wii Play Zelda Red Steel Super Monkey Ball Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Excite Truck Haven't really played much lately, apart from Wii Sports when I have friends round.
  14. Doesn't get much worse than Dick Spring, former Irish politician..
  15. My sexy new digital camera Got paid today and couldn't resist splashing out. It really doesn't help my bank balance that I work in an electronics store, being surrounded by all these cool gadgets all day..
  16. If I had to choose, I'd pick ketchup, but only because the smell of brown sauce makes me sick. Generally I'd choose neither.
  17. Specs are: It's a hell of a lot faster than my old computer, which is 5 years old at this stage. I can finally play Oblivion, that's why I'm up so late tonight
  18. My new computer arrived today Now to transfer all my files and stuff that I spent 5 years getting just the way I liked!
  19. Baten Kaitos 2 and possibly Metroid Prime 2, that's about it. I'm playing through Metal Gear Solid and Chibi Robo at the moment, I'll see how I feel after I finish them.
  20. I've never been overly excited about this anyway. Looked incredibly two-dimensional (gameplay wise!)
  21. If it's due to global warming that it has rained every day for the last month and a half then it has a bloody ironic name.
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