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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Well in that case A Winner Is You
  2. I'd say the results speak for themselves. There's been more threads, more people posting and more discussion on this forum in the last two days than in the last two months before we shut the threads down.*
  3. Probably around £2-25 in shops or a bit below £20 online (but watch the postage)
  4. Yeah Spider-man had a really strong showing.
  5. aw man so many good stories in that volume. 4 and 5 are, I think, easily the best. The book just keeps getting better.
  6. Hm I doubt it to be honest. These things are generally written a long time in advance and 8 issues is already the longest arc in the book so far. -- OK so The Walking Dead #75 is great. The Backup at the end is, however, genius. I won't spoil it but It's Ottley and Fco and goes back to a letter printed in #2. It's absolutely gold.
  7. Yeasayer Ambling Alp
  8. Oh awesome. Didn't see that coming. Comics to TV is so much better an idea than to film. Hooray. Not that they could do a Spider-Man live action tv series, mind. --- DC make moves to start Watchmen sequel, break internet.
  9. Thor in civvies And Thor and Odin.
  10. yeah that too.
  11. Super skrull and Doom? Oh Hell naw, son!
  12. Lulz. right to get back on track: Just a reminder that this is an ongoing process so don't post those death threats just yet. There's a thread just like this one going on in Mod Towers, where the unwashed masses are not allowed, and where the enlightened few look down upon those less fortunate than themselves and laugh. Uncontrollably. Aside from that, though, we're also talking about the changes and what to do next. Stay tuned. And if there's any ideas you have, feel free to post them here some more.
  13. .....you ever seen a naked girl, Mike?
  14. That radiohead cover of Ceremony is brilliant but it's not a Joy Division song. It's New Order.
  15. Someone get on that immediately.
  16. on second thoughts...
  17. righto. I'll see what I can do for you. I have most of that Marvel stuff. What I might do is make a DVD of comics I didn't steal off the internet and throw on a few series' that you need to read too.
  18. You missed loads dewd! I may be able to provide some kind of care package if you check out Marvel's release schedule for the last weeks you've been away.
  19. Yeah minutemen are the best by some margin.
  20. I was saying to rez that i reckon it's dead. it's been down for ages big issue. I don't know anywhere else to go
  21. need to...eh....find a new 'comic store'
  22. aaaand, we're back! A perfectly good case for the re-opening of this thread has been made, so here we go again. In the spirit of Peace, Love and Understanding we should also spread some joy outside the thread by maintaining the right threads with news from tv, films and SDCC. This thread should be for, you know, comics. Because nobody else gives a fuck.
  23. protip: Clark still had radical hair in season 8.
  24. Attaboy, Dante!
  25. As charming and quaint as I find the notion of 'going somewhere to talk Nintendo', I think you vastly misinterpret the tone of the forum for, if not most of, a good proportion of the members. Like I said before, I haven't owned a nintendo console in years. The last time I played one was wii bowling over a year ago for about an hour. But I did join this forum when I was fifteen, eight years ago. I know I'm not the exception when I say that Gen-Chat and the community here are the reason I'm still here. If I considered this a Nintendo only forum, I'd have left years ago. Hell, some of our best members have, to my knowledge, hardly ever played computer games. so in summary, you're wrong and you're a grotesquely ugly freak
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