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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. everything is better. way, way better.
  2. skill points make you leaner in the same way strength makes you chunky. Also, eating celery reduces fat..it might make you thinner, too. re: being evil. not sure how it works exactly, but is it possible to essentially be incredibly evil without being a homicidal maniac? I'm thinking stuff like luring people out of town, then killing them like a crazy serial killer instead of in the town centre...
  3. I have some for you. I'll try and remember them for next time we chill (which should be soon! I'm bored again)
  4. Felt like death for...all day. all Yesterday too. I had a slight cold, then physically demolished myself in Manchester so now I'm being whupped by this cold. Oh well, at least I has Fable II. Brilliant, brilliant game. Hello RPG OCD, old friend. Oh Manchester, so much to answer for...
  5. I've stolen by accident at uni. Put a snickers in my pocket while selecting the rest of my lunch in the shop and failed to remember I'd done it. Didn't go back though. I didn't particularly care.
  6. nice. I'll send you a FR today.
  7. This is genius. I'm crafting a kind of magic dandy hero atm. Half the town wants my dick though. Disconcerting.
  8. so yeah. Turns out Dave Gibbons was in Leeds yesterday doing a signing. Damn
  9. who? aaanyway, yeah! Manchester! Mogwai! Fucking hell it was cool. You know it's a good gig when you can feel every single subtlety of the bass lines in your lungs and every high note feels like static on the hairs of your arms. I've never felt anything like it- the last song of the set felt like some kind of sonic weaponry; the bass was so thick and heavy that the air seemed dense with the sound of it. I felt like someone was sitting on my chest, and I couldn't even breathe properly. Hell, something seemed up with my sinus' and I thought I may be about to have a nosebleed. Fuck it was good.
  10. So very soon...
  11. simple enough: Republic vs Sith Empire so they will have hundreds of thousands of force wielders on each side as for balance (which is what you probably meant) I have no idea.
  12. to continue the metaphor, was it also strangely hypnotic for passing members of the public?
  13. Rez! Re: The Wire have you seen the scene with Bunk and McNulty reconstructing the crime scene? Genius.
  14. ah well that may well be the one I just read then. Cool. Yeah, art! His best that I've seen is definitely 300, then Sin City. I've not read his DK books but from what I've seen...I really don't like his super stacked Batman. Too over the top. Batman should be more natural looking.
  15. yeah just PC who knows; maybe I'll even own a machine worthy by the time it comes out
  16. This could be awesome. If they actually deliver on a good story on the MMO setting, especially in one so promising as an Old Republic setting, then they could really be on to something special. If anyone can do it, it's going to be Bioware.
  17. I've been reading a bit more Sin City courtesy of Jayseven. I really like Miller's art, and the writing is great stuff when it's closest to Raymond Chandler classics. Does anyone happen to know which stories are going to be in Sin City 2 when that comes around?
  18. It should also be noted, the appeal of chronic alcoholism is now obvious to me.
  19. aren't you expecting a shipment at some point from a uni mate?
  20. drives you mental, dunnit? I now think I know why people who are unemployed long term get depressed and find it hard to get a new job. It's the constant boredom it saps you of the willpower to do anything
  21. I have a job interview next week Staff / Student Liaison with the University of Sheffield . Really hope I get this one. I can't be doing with this apathy and boredom any longer.
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