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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. We're also getting our giant fire on, Sat eve. I think. If the weather licks balls you may be excused.
  2. I'm gonna go ahead and say it. Moore was shit. Dalton, now he was good.
  3. Tell you what was amazing: Going from Obama's speech to Bush's congratulations thing. Really highlighted what a bumbling idiot the man looks on a podium.
  4. It's a pretty massive deal, in fairness. and yeah. Props to McCain. He's always come across as far more of a gentleman than his supporters ever deserved throughout the campaign.
  5. it's pretty awesome 360 pad slaughters it though. I gave up eventually.
  6. I'm pretty sure open top limos are out of fashion with White House Advisers these days. I'm sure he'll be fine.
  7. You're kind of bringing it upon yourself by willingly listening to Razorlight.
  8. Tell that to Jessie Jackson oh, aaaaand! Good bit of the speech Obama gave. Man, what a speaker. He's amazing, really. Like a classical orator.
  9. Gaah. Didn't get the job I interviewed for. Sucks. Had a good day volunteering though, and I got a hot girl's number yesterday so the chase is on, yo.
  10. My shower kicks all the ass in the world. I'm convinced it's powerful enough to knock a small child senseless.
  11. Bangs? for shame, Ashley! You watch way too much Yank TV.
  12. I've never, ever had a conversation about sex with my brothers. I dunno...our relationship is better suited to discussing highlights of recent building sites and the Thin Lizzy back catalogue.
  13. I like harder cheeses myself. I'm not so keen on soft ones. Although Brie is nice in moderation.
  14. I think it was the..hair thing? I dunno... umm, yeah! Can we not go back to the topic we just dropped? It's only getting people riled up.
  15. is that the...no wait, I'm thinking of Ghost World. Balls.
  16. dude, that's just wrong!
  17. dude in the background looks like an out of shot dwarf just punched him in the sack.
  18. what? where's the need to say that come from exactly?
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