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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. can anyone inform me as to how one acquires Deadlocks?
  2. I imagine that's if you get a Yakuza tat...
  3. rest easy bro. my magic sony DVD/ HDD recorder is at hand. I'll make sure you get a copy of the whole shebang when I have it.
  4. oh dear Rez. You've unleashed the Periods/ Labour topic. There's no stopping it!
  5. Did you watch Nathan Barley? He co-wrote that with Chris Morris. That was fucking savage genius.
  6. Don't get drunk! apparently it brings blood to the surface and actually makes pain worse.
  7. Anyone watching this tonight? First part of Charlie Brooker's Reality TV Horror Series that'll be on all week. The premise is pure genius: A Zombie outbreak hits the UK during Big Brother and the house becomes one of the last safe places in the country, with the housemates under siege from the undead masses. E4 @ 10 tonight, fact fans. Get watching. http://www.e4.com/deadset/
  8. I could do with less. I'm savagely bored without a job. Interview on Friday though. It's with The University of Sheffield too so it's a pretty important one for me.
  9. so when is this due? quite looking forward to seeing how it pans out...
  10. He's awful. I don't care how much you want Star Wars to be as good as when you were a kid, there's no saving his performance.
  11. oh, yeah sorry that bit at the end in the diner had me close to tears laughing. It's genius.
  12. I prefer having someone to talk to about the movie afterwards. As long as I can manage that, I'm happy to go solo. uh, yeah! Pineapple Express This film is so, so awesome. I expected to like it, but this is the business. It's a stoner comedy, raod trip buddy movie and a kick ass action movie rolled in to one, and really successfully. The dialogue is ace, James Franco is superb in it, as is Seth Rogan. yeah, great
  13. oh, phail. umm, yeah! progress! Property empire is expanding rapidly but the task is daunting. At the end of the quest I
  14. try using a targeted time slow. Kinda warps you around. Failing that, whip out a weapon and they'll run.
  15. Sorry I couldn't make it, bro :awesome: eh, yeah! my day! Early start for once. Might squander it on Fable.
  16. True. To elaborate on 'Jumper is shit': It's such a bland film. Nothing happens, the plot wavers between pointless and terrible at whim, the performances are dire and nobody involved really seems to give a fuck. In some ways, it's determined averageness is more offensive than an outright shit to the bone film like, urrr...street Fighter, or something. It was balls.
  17. I actually liked Saw. Thought the sequels were bobbins though.
  18. Best way to use big power hungry spells is to have a time slow slot on a lower tier. Fire that up, slow everyone down loads then run a bit, beef up your big nuke and let it rip when they catch up with you again. It's so, so powerful doing that. I own a fair bit of property now. I'm earning over 1000g every 5 mins now. Lovely.
  19. everything is better. way, way better.
  20. skill points make you leaner in the same way strength makes you chunky. Also, eating celery reduces fat..it might make you thinner, too. re: being evil. not sure how it works exactly, but is it possible to essentially be incredibly evil without being a homicidal maniac? I'm thinking stuff like luring people out of town, then killing them like a crazy serial killer instead of in the town centre...
  21. I have some for you. I'll try and remember them for next time we chill (which should be soon! I'm bored again)
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