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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. ah I always thought it was a mutation thing. tbh, it probably should be but for another bloody writer getting his hands on the right to change canon. I fucking hate writers doing that. think the worst one was when someone decided that Magneto wasn't a Jew after all...that was just incredible...
  2. case in point: technically Wolverine's base power in X-Men is healing (and senses) but with training etc he's considered one of the most dangerous mutants in the world in the hands of a good writer. obviously Claire's not going to be a weaponised lab rat, but if she was given training, she would be very, very dangerous.
  3. "No. Have you?" Aliens. "Come with me...
  4. if you think that ending is good, you may actually die when you see the end of series 2.
  5. another time. I'm gonna blaze some n00bs on halo anyway.
  6. yeah it's pretty much given me a raging erection. I'll send you the .zip on msn or something.
  7. or indeed, any of his recent output since a few tracks on Audioslave. clearly got the chops, but I'm not convinced he's really trying...
  8. it's taken me 4 hours to get dressed from waking up today I fucking love Saturdays.
  9. It was weird to watch- it's so, so dark but at the same time it's some of the best satire about the tabloid media I've ever seen. It was very, very good.
  10. this poster's tolerance stretches to Toxic as a pop masterpiece, but little else. but yeah. less shit pop discussion, yeah? follow my lead and hit up Temple of The Dog immediately, peons.
  11. I thought the spears episode was a black comedy masterpiece myself. It was incredible.
  12. it was amazing. I fucking love that ants number. sttaaaaaand and deliver! your money or your life!
  13. Right. I'm looking for answers. Which one of you sick degenerates failed to tell me about Temple of The Dog? Just got the album, and my god...this is incredible...
  14. Last night was fucking epic. as official hanger on for Jay's juggle society social, I think I can declare the first social a success. It was awesome-o. Tiiired now. Sitting in my PJ's with a cup of joe to see out the morning...should get dressed. oh, and highlight of the night: without any prompting from us, the DJ at the frog and parrot played some Adam and the Ants aaaaand a Pirate shanty for us. It was pure, unadulterated genius.
  15. yeah wasn't disagreeing with you. just...saying it differently!
  16. Pretty sure me and James found it funnier- probably because it's a great send up of being that age for us. I thought it was genius, myself.
  17. *joins in the piratey post bit* shall be joining the festivities at some point after dinner. yeah, day's been dull. wanted to know about my job, and I don't. laaaaame.
  18. not sure why anyone would want to see it. I've not, but I've been warned and have no desire to whatsoever. I mean, there's morbid curiosity, and then there's two girls...well, and one cup.
  19. you've never seen star wars? 'the only people who haven't seen Star Wars are the characters in star wars! and that's because they lived them!'
  20. It's only the start of your course. Mine started basic, too but eventually you'll be dealing with much more complicated stuff. Should be more interesting then.
  21. oh, yeah not done that yet. I'll sort out who sends to who this weekend and do it
  22. yeah. he can examine their brains to see what's different about them (like the inside of a watch, oui?) then alter his own brain to copy them. of course, this completely contradicts Mohinder's formula idea...
  23. yeah it's a sweet trailer. I hope they make the ODST less of a tank than the chief.
  24. I'm going to go ahead and call Mad Men the best TV I've watched since my last hit of The Wire you should all get in to it pronto.
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