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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. last night I made a vegetable pasta mix in tomato sauce. It was pretty good, but may have required more seasoning. Veg was excellent, though.
  2. Me and Ashley have started blogging! oorah! it's work in progress still, but things are taking shape. More soon.
  3. a guy walked in to a school in Dunblane and shot a bunch of children. now, years later, the privacy ruling from the courts, which had previously guarded the survivors identities from the press, has expired with the children turning 18. The Scottish Sunday Express took the opportunity to investigate who they were and went with a moral outrage slander piece decrying the (perfectly normal) lives of the teenagers as they are now. Apparently, a life anything less than saintly devotion to the memory of long dead victims was deemed a sickening mark of shame. It's quite possibly the most horrific piece of 'Journalism' I've ever read. Utterly abhorrent poison.
  4. I'm hoping this isn't the case. After years of The Wire, BSG and more recently a revitalised Lost, I'm finding no tolerance for filler-as-standard. I don't want a show that just keeps running, I want a show with a concrete concept of structure.
  5. jesus we're all fucked for sleep ay? took me ages to fall asleep last night. blah.
  6. overstatement! however, it is absolutely brilliant. I'm very much looking forward to her new album. She's playing Leeds soon too- think I'll be going to that!
  7. to be fair, if it wasn't for modern medicine, I'd have died when I was born. My case was far less extreme though, and a line has to be drawn. Clearly, baby OT was far beyond that line.
  8. I think, looking back on Jade Goody's life, and it's ending, one thing is clear. she probably should have done a barrel roll.
  9. on the basis that it was largely lacking in culture, I disagree.
  10. yeah it's...weird. Kind of like they have the perks of lesbian sex, while still having that 'now imagine that's your dick, son!' bit in there. Hmmmm!
  11. agreed. It's never anything short of staggeringly un-arousing. I suppose there might be cum on it later but...there are better ways to do a scene with that. Yep.
  12. but..buying SFIV for single player? who the hell did that? buy it and fight people
  13. Finished my first review for that freelance submission I told you guys about. http://watchtowerblog.wordpress.com/2009/03/22/superman-secret-identity/
  14. yeah it's...well don't get me started on the gutter press, please. i have work to do and got angry enough about it all last night.
  15. God, why do people care? yes it's sad that she's dead- nobody should have to die at 27. yes it's sad that her kids lost their mother. Doesn't make it mean anything to me or impact my life in the slightest.
  16. Dollhouse Ep. 06 In Whedon we trust. Absolutely stunning bit of telly. 10/10
  17. I'm not. I'm not involved enough to call anything a problem. It's far less exciting.
  18. I wouldn't fret too much dude. You could even use the opportunity to tell her you feel bad because you want to sex her up instead In other news: went to the pub last night with my mate Tom. From my old peer group, I think I get on with him best now and it's always a pleasure to catch up when he's in town. note to jayseven at this point: I went too a good pub. with people. And a jukebox. And an atmosphere! Good times! I don't really have girl issues atm. I think I need to go and find some because I'm bored!
  19. Just a reminder of what we should be talking about, rather than S Club 7 or miley Cyrus.
  20. I suppose so, but it's all Kirkman. You wouldn't see him meet, say, Spawn. Fuck, I hate Spawn.
  21. no minor ones either Invincible is in it's own universe. It's not like Marvel's steady continuity (hah!) where The X Men are friends with The Avengers or whatever.
  22. I'm not sure what's more disturbing; the article or the advert above it for a Chris Cornell album produced by Timberland. *looks at Temple of The Dog and sheds a solitary tear* In other,absolutely frakin ace news! MSTRKRFT HAVE A NEW ALBUM OUT! :bouncy::bouncy:
  23. that was the hendrix version at the end. best one
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