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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I liked it, personally. But I'm a big Hanif Kureshi fan so...
  2. stupendous. ===== So! Au Revoir Simone Lovely stuff. Blissful, gorgeously ambient indie electro musings from Brooklyn. Check em out.
  3. hay man! Whatevar! Ashley ran off to do work and try and score some Asian tail. Don't blame me!
  4. This thred is rubbish. I'm derailing it with cute bear pictures
  5. Ity does, however, probably make nice enough lube. and just because the n64 /ps1 gen did alot of things first, it doesn't mean they're still the best.
  6. You're all fucking mad, you bunch of lunatics.
  7. Actor in 'more than one role' shocker stuns nation, fans.
  8. You should watch Infernal Affairs. (The Departed is a remake) It's better. And features Andy Lau- officially the coolest, most absurdly handsome man alive.
  9. Been trawling art forums. Found this fun Spiderman redesign.
  10. Frankly, if Starbreeze aren't in, neither am I unless the new team pull all kinds of shit out the proverbial bag.
  11. Halo legends is shit anime. Halo...waypoint? that's just another 'tab' on the dash. but yes. sackboy clothes. It's a good idea- I salute the rip off whole heartedly.
  12. I did a bit a while ago re: jobseekers. you can do a certain amount per week based on hours and/ or money earned. It should also only be for a registered charity because the govt don't want business' exploiting 'free labour' loop holes by hiring workers who get 'paid' by claiming JSA. That said- if the experience is good (I assume you're volunteering to help your CV like me) and you'd be breaking a few rules...lie. If the work doesn't involve being paid in to your accounts, you can lie to the job centre and all they have is your word.
  13. ....really? but...what about that sleek, glossy heft of a decent hardback? What about the extra sketch pages? WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?!
  14. Tight. That Invincible arc is one of my favourites- but did you not want the sexier hardback? I'm waiting on Watchmen. I'm gonna buy the deluxe mega hyper version or whatever.
  15. So: scientists have worked out that pretty people get laid more and have pretty children? fuck me! Science, eh? Amazing.
  16. That's looking quality.
  17. casually mocking and undermining threads is basically why I have an internet connection. That and chatting to babes all day.
  18. My dad got The Seldom Seen Kid for his birthday. Personally, I found it terribly dull.
  19. So's your face.
  20. Worst. Thread. Ever.
  21. or, for that matter, wolfie's bum. Arf!
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