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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. so...What did Bluey do?
  2. Woah that Spartacus looks amazing. Probably won't be as good as Rome though.
  3. It's a shame about Wolf Man. While it was never as good a read as vince or TWD, it was entertaining enough. Still, at least it sounds like #25 will at least be an ending on Kirkman's terms and not due to slack sales. and being set in Invincible Land, I could see the character going on in Invincible from time to time. The Guardians of The Globe are pretty thinned out, for one.
  4. I'll merge it...good work as usual...
  5. Woop woooo!
  6. I like this thread.
  7. mmmmm...maybe.
  8. Pc Gamers = cunts my xbl friends list = not cunts I win.
  9. You better be wrong. You really better be msn, sir!
  10. I just read it again It's just...so, unbelievably violent. It's fucking brutal!
  11. pwnd, biatch!
  12. Do a barrel roll.
  13. haha I can't beleive you're excited about ESOE, then say OsS is poor. The new track is the most monumentally tedious guff cloud released in 2009. why does anyone want to hear the album after that shit?
  14. man, nuclear death jeeps are so good. I use that alot with my regular guys Nice idea with that plane attack mind. I'm gonna try that.
  15. Nice one Dante. I wasn't planning on reading the entire series or anything, and it's not like you're talking about a major character, either. oh wait...
  16. Not sure 'glory' is quite the word I'd use...
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