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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Catching up with Dexter the Thanksgiving dinner was intense. The way they've handled the family relationship has been genuinely unsettling stuff- probably the darkest the series has ever been. Deb's story was, perhaps, a little heavily handled and a bit obvious. The payoff was a great little twist though. I didn't see that coming. Episode 10 at some point today. Then Ashley can stop bothering me...
  2. This is now The Big Deal in media. I've had a whole series of guest lectures from a number of big hitters in the field lately and it's all they want to talk about! Personally, I think micro payments can more or less gargle my balls. It's a bullshit concept that's already proven to fail (the NYT tried it ten years ago and failed miserably) and Murdoch will never make me pay for anything. but...advertising doesn't fund online news. It's that simple. I'm not sure what the solution is, though. If I did, I wouldn't be heading for £2,000 in debt and living with my parents.
  3. And, hey, were proof needed: Land is replaced by the Dodson's for #518 of Uncanny and the issue gets 4 stars on CBR. Marvel would be wise to take note.
  4. added them
  5. Ha that's pretty good Odders. Someone should do the Dark Avengers. Neurosis' much? speaking of which- Siege kicks off today with The Cabal. Good times. I think Dark Reign has been brilliant. I'm really looking forward to what comes next, though.
  6. Do you have a plan? You can't write a good essay without a good plan and quotes.
  7. Yeah Calremont is a total dinosaur. I was really looking forward to Forever and then realised that there was a reason 90s comics aren't remembered very fondly. Over burdened, creaking scripts and unelegant story telling were the hallmarks of the day. Bad times. Land is just shit. Totally boring hack.
  8. They'd be fools to pass up the oportunity, really.
  9. Presumably they'll roll with it and make it part of the story. I love the 4th wall element in 30 rock.
  10. Hahaha yeah was that the woman posing like she, ah, just came in a herbal essences advert? that was tea spittingly funny. It just makes no sense. Uncanny is getting a really harsh critical response too. CBR review it every month to the tune of 'Fraction is taking the series in bold directions and doing good work...but Land is shit' it never gets more than 3 stars- clealry it would be getting 4 or something with a proper artist.
  11. Dan_Dare


    He can only fall with style.
  12. Dan_Dare


  13. hm, well it's not start to finish balls to the wall headfuck amazement like Kid A but the best tracks (in the majority) are some of the best the band have ever produced. I just don't see why/ how so many fans just go 'pfft!' and ignore it. Mentalists. It's incredible.
  14. He's been doing it for years
  15. oh, forum. Has an album ever been so criminally overlooked as Amnesiac?
  16. Yep. Vince was out last week. Uncanny X-Men was out this week too the Myxxs release threads are all date stamped, Paj. All you need to do is scan the first post on each to find out what's out that week. You can even use CTRL+F to quick scan through each page. I can get through a whole month of releases in about 5 mins that way, not hard. Man up
  17. Robert Kirkman also has a release list too I think
  18. What are you after?
  19. vince is an arse to review. too much continuity!
  20. Aye, Yeah I'd write for that.
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