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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Sounds like a quality weekend I'm so..apocalyptically busy...My mate just saved my life though and saved me an hour round trip in the rain to hand some work in. He's a gent. Friday night was ace. Went out with the journos again and had a quality time. Met a girl from Hull uni I hadn't spoken to before. Small world- we know loads of mutual friends there and we've been at the same parties and stuff before. Weird. Of course, being beautiful, smart, cool and with great taste I shouldn't be surprised she has a boyfriend too. Ghhnuah!
  2. re: Alien. Nobody thought to do the Chest burster? for shame.
  3. hm that might be worth a read. Superman has always done quite well outside the constraints of continuity. I do wonder how many times they want to do these origins though.
  4. People sprint around with a Javelin launcher and the glitch makes the rocket fire and explode instantly when they die. It just means they either knife you or they get shot (more likely) and take you with them. It's fucking infuriating. I really hope MS pass the patch through quick because it's endemic. Interestingly: doesn't work with the RPG. What happens there is that the rocket fires but hangs in mind air spitting out smoke. It looks really cool. So cool in fact that I just got shot looking at one.
  5. Bit far fetched. Especially considering the Javelin Glitch isn't exactly opening up new possibilities for the game, it's just ruining it for everyone. I ran in to quite a few guys doing it the last two days and it breaks the game in half.
  6. This looks comically shit. I want impressions from anyone who can get their hands on it.
  7. luls: Been running around tonight using my stealth set up but with a few changes. I ditched the heartbeat because I hate it and decided to plump Bling out for Scavenger. Infinite ammo and claymores say 'hi'. Marvelous time was had booby trapping my way around the map to some crazy kill sprees. I got 17/3 in one game, which was immensely satisfying.
  8. What I'd like to see is something like: you find a planet with a pirate base on or something you do the scanning bit, whatever. then when you go to the pirates, it's not that warehouse we saw in every goddamn planet first time around, but a linear mini mission in a properly designed area. I'm thinking a jungle camp, cave systems and towns or something. If we get that the mako and random terrain generation, I'm sure the game will be better. Exploration is all well and good as a bullet point on the box but I never had the reason and motivation to do so before. I'm not bothered it's gone.
  9. That's crap Chair. but really, 7 bags? I'm pretty sure you could have packed less, surely?
  10. so Them Crooked Vultures are pretty much amazing. It's very much a Homme album, rather than a zeppy or grunge feel you might expect from the other band members but that's hardly a problem. Some absolutely killer tracks on the whole- particularly the latter half of the album (on first listen) Brilliant.
  11. That sounds absolutely ace. Millar is particularly good at these kind of books- kind of high concepty ideas with killer hooks. Red Son, Wanted and Kick-Ass are all like that. Can't wait!
  12. Great night out hoy. Met with the Journos On Tour at a good bar in town for a few beverages/ boogie small world though: turns out one of the print girls I hadn't spoken to was a Hullfire editor the year after my tenure on the mag and we know a whole bunch of mutual friends and fuckups in Hull. Crackin lass, too. Boyfriend included. edit: oh and I got stuck in a toilet with a broken lock or some shit. lulz.
  13. So I basically forgot whoThem Crooked Vultures are. When I remembered, I facepalmed and hit spotify instantly. Great album too.
  14. word is the ps3 patch is out. any sign of 360?
  15. Couldn't disagree more... controls were a flabby mess. The combat was tedious nonsense and exploration was total shit.
  16. You couldn't argue that Fraction is in any way flying blind though. He's got plenty of direction. You can go all the way back to his first issue on #500 and see elements of the story that are only just resurfacing. Course, you're entitled to not like said direction but that wasn't what IGN said. Also: aaaand more! This is the pencil work for the covers of Siege 1-4. Turns out they're all going to interlock, which should be pretty cool. I've spoilered because it revels a fairly dramatic shift in one character's allegiance. Proceed as forewarned!
  17. 'unclear'? cocking fuck, IGN. Sort your shit out.
  18. The mako was probably the worst gaming experience of the last decade. Good fucking grief it sucked. Happy to see that go!
  19. I haven't asked for anything in maybe...4/5 years now. Maybe even longer. Presents as love bribes kinda fell off the radar with my family a while back Just looking forward to getting my brothers to come up for a while. Last year was just the definition of Epic Win as Simon dumped his psycho ex and came up with his lovely new girlfriend instead. Legen- DARY.
  20. This is out in Jan, yeah?
  21. Iron Man #21 is out next week. Score. New Avengers annual #3, too. Winner.
  22. Hahaha Yeah it's good. Very cool idea, really. Definitely captures the best and worst ideas behind the outcome of Civil War
  23. gaah. I want a HC version...
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