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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. CBR have a clip from Kick-Ass of Nick Cage as Big Daddy. Semi epic spoilarz- it's a short scene with no action but for anyone who hasn't read the series yet, consider yourself warned. If you've read it, no harm in watching because it's word for word, almost. There's also a poster of Big Daddy in full costume but the image is hax huge so I won't post it here.
  2. There's definitely room for improvement. I'd like to see a bit more fluidity between the different elements of the game. In AA it was abundantly clear that a section was either a puzzle, a fight, a stealth section or a platform stage. If they could make that less obvious and give the player more choice in how to approach a given section- fights you can avoid with stealth or an alternative route, for example, I think the game would be stronger. The original was ace but I thought it lacked replay because it was linear in terms of player choice.
  3. We're good here, yes?
  4. It's this guy, Bizarro. Superman's retarded clone.
  5. ...really? Wow, you guys need some pop culture. Good (great in places) list. where from?
  6. as a moderator, I think i speak for all the staff when I say that I want to see links, text files, saved word documents and incriminating evidence ASAP. I'll probably even sticky them.
  7. Mark my words: It's going to be like Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Worst. Title. Ever.
  8. I'm going to check it out at least. He'll be an Avenger again too so I think he's going to take a bigger role in the MU next year.
  9. Matt Fraction to take over Thor Schweeet. I think I'm actually start reading Thor then.
  10. I unlocked the 1887
  11. This pundit believes that to be the objective of the whole sordid affair, but whatever.
  12. Woah...Ok fuck this alternative dimension wormhole shit, what's going on here?
  13. Nick Cage is a horse faced, wooden expressioned chore in almost everything. I live in hope that Kick-Ass will somehow survive his input. I'm satisfied that his character arc is at least something I can get behind with cage in the role.
  14. Urgh! I was so close to finishing my portfolio yesterday and I just got my last bit of feedback telling me to do a massive rework on Cougars On Tour because my brain hates low end weekly. Done it...all wrong. Even the bit Yvonne told me explicitly to do is wrong. in short:
  15. Fuckin A Always said they should do that. Wonder if they mean the latest team or, legality permitting the
  16. I was thinking more the bosses, myself. Yes. No. Yes. No. edit: in fact, Bane fucked me off royal. He's supposed to be a crimelord in his own right. He took down Batman using brains and his wits then his muscle. In every other goddamn thing he's in they portray him as a gurgling brainless pectoral muscle. It's so frustrating when he's so much better than that in every way.
  17. There's very little to say about the NA that's positive. NATO backed them to remove the Taliban but they're far, far from liberators and just freedom fighters or anything. Pointing that out isn't racist.
  18. The character design in the original was generally guff. Too many motherfucking belts. And pipes. More Batman Begins, less Games Workshop, please. The only characters that looked good were the ones they left more or less alone: Batman, Joker and Croc.
  19. I saw some you were tagged in from someone else.
  20. made better because I have and it's piss funny.
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