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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Na Jordan left in a blaze of glory some months or years later when someone else doinked Letty at a gig or something.
  2. That video is absolutely amazing. Outstanding work. Other highlights include the UIG theme based meltdown last summer. Good times.
  3. I'm not bothered about Terry myself either, but generally these super injunctions are the most anti democratic legal constraints imaginable. They go way beyond any reasonable grounds for the protection of sensitive information are are being used wholesale to gag and impede the free press. We don't even know how many of them exist, or what they could be covering up. It's completely batshit. Charlie explains it better anyway.
  4. Trust me, we're grateful. that's my job
  5. Sucks eh? I've already written one version but tidying it up is proving yawnsome.
  6. fuck my Sunday. This essay needs finishing and I'm in no mood. I feel like I'm on my break and resent it's intrusion on my life. Need to use this week off well too. I want to do something...momentous.
  7. Yeah that's just like...some clothes.
  8. Happy birthday guys
  9. oh, hey! it's that guy and that chick from those other things.
  10. Hellz Yeah!
  11. I'd be hard pressed to recall her career before the 2004 'bowl, personally.
  12. That's a great issue of TWD. Genuinely shocking and disturbing. It only gets better, too. if anyone's interested, Amazon are doing 30% off pre orders for the Kick-Ass: Collectors Edition Got my order placed straight away. Great book.
  13. Got this in the post today. I heart free stuff.
  14. My worry is that, like MW2, we could get a really restrictive campaign experience. If there's no room for improvisation or proper exploration then it could end up being really stale. If that's the case, then the MP would have to be off the hook for me to purchase it. I'm guessing it wont be. Probably worth a rent, mind. I'm sure that playing the marine levels on my own, in the dark, with headphones on will be as sphincter dialatingly traumatic as it was in 1999 so it'll definitely be worth a punt at least once.
  15. I really don't know why you spoil so much of Lost for yourself Dante. I mean, it's not like the show is good enough to watch once you know what's going to happen.
  16. You want me to just ban Dannyboy from the thread now till the page break or anything?
  17. Last night was WIN After...6 weeks? more? too long, cooped up inside with no social life and coma inducing stress me and Luis hit up the town big time Went to a gloriously cheap pub in town first that does £1.43 pints of bitter then went to a wicked DJ night up at The Harley and got cruuunk on Sailor Jerry's. Savage self destruction. Reader, it was magnificent. Met some hotties- including my ex who went and broke my heart. It wasn't awkward though, which is kinda cool. I got her number back so hopefully seeing her again to just hang out. edit: oh and Bayonetta arrived this morning. Free stuff ftwlol
  18. That's wonderful. I hate how Gates gets stick as some kind of...techno overlord who sits on an obsidian throne of iron, directing a horde of demon minions against everything that's right and just in the world. He's an incredible guy for what he does with his money and deserves huge respect, which I don't think he gets.
  19. Razz you seriously need to work on cultivating that Sabotage look full time.
  20. New PC day! It's lovely. It's amazing. It's also empty. I have untold gigabytes of raw data to switch between disparate drives and across digital divides. I've also lost my bookmarks and all that. Pain in the arse to sort out just because it's slow and tedious. On the plus side, Ninjavideo works again and HD Youtube doesn't glitch or anything. Winner.
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