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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Ok, well educated guess then as it was on BBC4 last night. If you're starting from the start then, well, no excuse is there?
  2. He was pretty powerful a couple of months ago in ASM when he
  3. great success!
  4. that's because you watch half an episode of the third episode of the third season. What were you expecting?
  5. So, like, holy shit. bit good this, aint it?
  6. Attempting salmon tonight. Shall report back. Not cooked it before.
  7. The reason this has done well is because it's a new Star Wars. Years from now, kids will look back on Avatar as a defining sci fi action movie like how we look back on Star Wars now. In this way, It's a huge creative success. I think it's great.
  8. I thought to myself the other night: I'm basically only playing this because I've been playing it. I wasn't enjoying myself any more and the imbalances and glitches really scupper the experience for me. Sold it yesterday for Mass Effect 2, which is a much better game.
  9. This game is disgustingly good. It shits on everything else around.
  10. This game is disgustingly good. It shits on everything else around.
  11. Fuck yeah. Is that Sinistro?
  12. hahaha. Nice find.
  13. You read it yet Paj? Try 'CDisplayEX' if your reader is no good. In other news: working on replacing my Green Lantern scans. Mysxx hooked a brother up but the links are rapidshit- dawn raids off peak only or whatever a few issues at a time.
  14. I don't think it does. My mate took an entire harrier on with his shield in MP last week- it hovered and didn't stop firing at him for the entire time it was on the map. He was ok.
  15. You think right.
  16. Wouldn't be the first time. How many people are going to watch these ads on Youtube now? Maybe not as many as at Superbowl but when you factor in the fact that they're not paying 'bowl rates either, it could well be an intentional strategy.
  17. Yeah same thing happened with me, only with Daft.
  18. nothing wrong with the national secrets act etc. Some things quite naturally need to be kept out of the press to serve a greater good or to adhere to a social morality. The difference with super injunctions, and why they're so completely mental, is that the way they're being used is way out of line with any legal or moral precedent are are just being used by canny legal teams to smother the press.
  19. exactly that. It's not the information itself that's important per se but the fact that they're denying the press the ability to report it by abusing a draconian legal device that's being used way out of the context it was intended for.
  20. That too. There's a connection
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