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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Today, I am looking for Robert Downey Jr's stunt double.
  2. Not that I know of. Avengers Academy teaching staff. Not far removed from The Initiative, only with less alien subterfuge. oh and a teaser for Shadowland: so basically Daredevil vs Fucking Everybody
  3. Yeah i know he predates cap, I was making the same point. blah no Vince or TWD. fucks sake, bearded one.
  4. not at all, even. but hey, if we're playing that game...
  5. but nobody engages with any of it. They just..forward it without processing it themselves.
  6. It's basically a sign of the apocalypse. People can't have been this dense before. I often panic at the thought that this is some symptom of the digital age- that future generations will know nothing because they have access to information. It's like how a spellchecker makes you worse at spelling because you never have to try and correct anything yourself anymore.
  7. Trident is a crock of shit. End of. In other news: Tories remain cunts on Big Things http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/apr/14/conservatives-duping-voters-gay-policy
  8. Woah! That's Cap, right? Slick. New outfit or is that a H.A.M.M.E.R replacement suit?
  9. Mad Man series three just ended such a payoff. The richness of the narrative is intoxicating. A tour de force of natural style over the usual over baked, hyper edited shite pumped out on most networks. Can't wait for season 4. sadface now though. So sadface.
  10. FML Sort of...accidentally asked someone out? Can you do that? Apparently. Even when I'm not trying I get shot down. Lulz.
  11. I certainly don't- although the cackhanded delivery didn't help. It's just so confusing and they clearly thought they were being fucking clever about it that it just offends me. Though I'd much rather be told a good story. I'm amazed it's still such a low priority in games to be honest.
  12. the mutating tentacle swarm is very Halo. Numero 3 saw Flood that could switch between 3 kinds of enemy on the fly. Complete bastards to kill they were, too.
  13. Today it's Blade X-Men event on Sunday so all will be revealed then, apparently. My money is still on some kind of 'coming out' status quo with Mutants joining the super hero mainstream somehow.
  14. GoW has one of the worst stories ever told. It's absolute cack. The first game in particular was complete nonsense- literally almost indecipherable gibberish from start to finish. Why anyone would give a shit at this point enough to buy novels about it is beyond me on a Resident Evil scale.
  15. I think when I did it with a friend we got lucky and Raam glitched or somthing so I unloaded a few clips of active shotgun in his balls, with seemed to do the trick.
  16. reminds me: Word is that the Green Lantern Movie won't have Ryan Reynolds in costume on set- they're adding in the uniform in post production. presumably, this means that they're building on the idea that the 'costume' is actually energy and not made of conventional materials. Could be a cool look.
  17. not my surprise but lols all the same. Dad's birthday tomorrow and mum booked a night's stay on a house boat without telling him then today, as I left uni and was walking home dad literally walks out of work and almost straight in to me- then offered a lift home with mum who was en route. Faintly awkward few minutes waiting for the car knowing full well mum was not going home and I was wasting time. Had no excuse to bail, either. /facepalm
  18. well of course it makes no sense- they're not actually going to be on the team. but I imagine they will be standing shoulder to shoulder with Mutants when the time comes.
  19. It's not been installed or running on my old or new pc for ages so it wouldn't show much good.
  20. Personally, I'm taking it to imply some kind of Renaissance for mutants- like a wave of births puts the X-Men at the heart of a global movement again and on a par with The Avengers and the FF or something.
  21. lol, hayfeaver. Get owned, noobs!
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