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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Ah, 24. I wish I could go back and watch season 1 fresh. Shame it went massively downhill after a couple of years.
  2. Anchorman 2 would have been awful. Factoid.
  3. Have you tried cooking the parmesan with the rice? Not sure of the exact recipe but my mum does it and it kicks all the ass.
  4. Marvel should kill Wolverine- just to see how much damage they can do to their market share in one issue. It's ironic that he's an untouchable character- both in terms of importance to Marvel and in his power set- but he's exactly the kind of character who would sacrifice his life in something like Second Coming.
  5. I'm with Jay. HIMYM is an interesting mix. It's use of narrator and plot is what sets it apart from the pack imo.
  6. Everyone. Heroic Age is an elaborate hoax.
  7. Went out for a drink with an ex from way back last night. Only just got home. Booyah!
  8. We love it all Scoop! Most of us are (selective) Image fanboys too and Paj even likes Dc, the crazy bastard.
  9. no, fuck you, Michael!
  10. Yeah it's genuinely brilliant stuff. Ross' art is really something else, too. It's very Watchmen, while being quintessentially Marvel's own thing. Which is great, obviously.
  11. That's a greatly expanded trailer since Grindhouse, though. Either they're continuing the hoax or it's actually a real film now. I'm not sure!
  12. You should read Marvels, Chair. It's all about the little people who do care.
  13. I'm actually really psyched for the Thor movie. It's got an absolutely brilliant cast (Like Iron Man) and KB is a genius director- everyone needs to watch the bbc Wallander films- so it should be pretty good. It'll be strange reconciling the mystic, pure fantasy stuff in Asgard with the Donald Blake alter-ego stuff at the end but if anyone can do it, it's probably going to be Kenneth Branagh.
  14. happy birthday 'grunch
  15. I think I'm kind of...bored/done with Ultimate Marvel. Once you get past the whole 'new origin sans continuity' set up, most of the books actually get bogged down in their own continuity which is a) besides the point and b) not as good a continuity as 616. Ultimate Avengers was quite good, but kind of bogged down in Millar trying to push the boat with his gritty and mean characters. Everyone just came across as a douche-bag and not in a good way like in The Ultimates. Now that Red Skull is done (which was great) I won't stick around. I guess I'm just more invested in 616 now. After reading all of The Avengers associated lines and a good chunk of the X-Men since New Avengers launched and through to Dark Reign I find it a much richer and exciting MU.
  16. Because a teleporter who can travel miles in the blink of an eye is definitely going to be killed by rising water levels.
  17. oh I dunno- give or take a couple of pounds...
  18. Yeah they spawn like...when you go up the stairs on the far side of each flank at the start, head towards the main area of the map instead of the first objectives and they're mid way between the two. They definitely spawn as soon as you unlock the first objective but I reckon they must be on a timer and most Elite teams forget to use them. Another under used tactic so far has been Jetpacks against the Scorpion. A couple of fast moving Elites can emp the tank from the sky and glide down for a smooth hijack/ sabotage.
  19. aha. Well there you go. I wonder if she'll have regrets over loosing it. That'd be interesting.
  20. I need to check, but can the elites not backtrack to pick up the focus rifle and 'nade launcher from the wings of the bulkheads?- that seems to be what gives the spartans the advantage because they don't have to go anywhere to get all their cool stuff. also, I love the starting spawns. Forcing the elites over a pretty lethal killing ground to get in range is a really dramatic opening statement and gives the Spartans that besieged feeling straight off. And when the Elites close in- man do you feel it. Needlers and repeaters in sync absolutely rip the Spartans a new one. I tend to go for the needler myself and coming out of cloak with a well aimed burst when you've snuck in always gets you a few kills or sets up your buddy to mop up.
  21. Very true but it seems that on two teams of clued up players, Spartans have a pretty hefty upper hand.
  23. new Rescue suit. huuurrmm. One imagines that's Pepper but there's no confirmation. Now that she has no repulsor implant, what's her motivation as a pilot?
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