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Everything posted by Calibur

  1. Still have not sold any of my 20+ GC games. I probably won't ever with the backwards compatibility of the Wii.
  2. that looks damn sexy!
  3. YES give us some RPGs!! I haven't been able to have my fill since SNES days. Only a few were decient on the Cube. I hope Wii has alot more.
  4. thats freakin great
  5. 100+ Hrs Tales of Symphonia Ocarina of Time Twilight Princess FFIV 200+ Hrs Resident Evil 4 Smash Bros Melee Perfect Dark FF Tactics Advance FFVI
  6. wow, thats the first i heard of this. i always thought Krauser was the hardest boss in the game, ususally use the Killer7 to kill him very quick now, but i'll try this next time i run through the game.
  7. its quite possible
  8. Wii Sports Zelda: TP DBZ: BT2 Sonic & TSR Super Paper Mario
  9. Monster Party on the NES, making custom Excite Bike Tracks and Playing Super Mario Land on Gameboy. All Geniune
  10. *crosses fingers for an NHL 08*
  11. A few i can think of: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Resident Evil Zero Baten Kaitos: Origins Beyond Good & Evil Viewtiful Joe 2 Pikmin 2 Skies of Arcadia Legends Battalion Wars Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes F-Zero: GX
  12. I just reciently finished prime 2 so im good to go for the third. took me a whole year or so to beat prime 2 :P
  13. could be good. im not too worried about the graphics not being good, the gameplay looks fun enough for me.
  14. not a shocker to me, like alot of you said i can deal with waiting awhile for another zelda game, Phantom Hourglass will tide me over, and TP will never get old for me.
  15. yeah, i dont think they would not continue the pikmin games, the wii is the perfect console for it.
  16. being the masstive soul calibur fan i am, i'll settle for pretty much anything they throw at me as long as it has the name "soul calibur"
  17. The Hills Have Eyes Good scary flick. Kinda wierd at times but overall i liked it.
  18. Yeah same here, i dont have problems with boxing at all. The only controls i find shifty are the golf controls....putting just isn't my thing...
  19. word. thanks Dante.
  20. 1. Smash Bros. Brawl 2. Halo 3 3. Resident Evil: Unbrella Chronicles 4. No More Heroes 5. Metroid Prime 3 6. Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn 7. Disaster - Day Of Crisis 8. Bioshock 9. Mario Galaxy 10. FF: Relevant Wings w00t
  21. Cube-Europe, only posted now and again, but started hanging around more with Revo-Europe
  22. Smokin Aces Excellent Action movie, very violent and killer story. Anyone who digs these kinds of movies should see this for sure! 5/5
  23. Such a hard question to answer, not sure if i played more SNES MK or N64, but i willl agree with most and say the best is MK: DS; its got alot of retro tracks and stuff that makes it feel like old times.
  24. Like most i haven't touched my Cube since i got the Wii, i still find myself playing Fire Emblem and RE4 on it though.
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