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killer kirby

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Everything posted by killer kirby

  1. It's obviously Final Fantasy XIII-3, which when finally released on the WiiU a trilogy pack will come out for the 360 and PS3 for a cheaper price and be out before the WiiU FFXIII-3 comes out. Keep that momentum going with just giving us the last of a trilogy.
  2. You fight her twice, 1st time at the end of the first disk (Which she impales squall with an ice shard that's useless) and you fight her again at the end of the 2nd disk, which you finally beat her.
  3. Nintendo don't need Final Fantasy though, it's on a serious decline in japan, Nintendo already have Square-Enix most successful franchise in Japan.
  4. end of disk 1 truth is, to bad he didn't die (Or did he?)
  5. March is next month right?
  6. So is Call Of Evil 6 worth getting?
  7. No point in putting sarcasm at the end of the post, I only had to read the first sentence to know that you were either drunk or sarcastic.
  8. and you're surprised about that?
  9. It's obvious that Nintendo hired those people who made those impossible hack lvls on the old mario games to make Nerve Wrecking Pack Oh and Aus got it for $9
  10. Will this game explain to me how many sora's there are in the series? You know, I love those 'deep and mean*Yawn*ingful stories' that Square love to make for more than 15 years, but I've lost count now, and how many keyblades are there now? I thought they were rare, but I see everyone and their cats getting one. *Shrugs*
  11. Here is a good tip about woman, take it however you want, you can call it bull, or you can believe what it says.
  12. Tekken 3DS japanese trailer nuff said.
  13. Dragon Quest storylines Zenithian storyline: VI-IV-V Roto Storyline: III-I-II The rest of the games (VII,VIII,IX and X) have no relations though. I expect payments of 10 chocolate chip cookies by my door in a week from now for my contribution thanks!
  14. TGS Trailer New weapon looks awesome!
  15. You mean the dull boring beggining bit where it's all flat, yep, would really appeal if they just focus on graphics and just give us flat land. Let me know when Kirby Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns makes half the sales of what NSMB sells then perhaps I would listen. Also yeah lets make the next mario game like Super Mario World, that game was vibrant and full of creative level design Looks much better then this...
  17. The 2D style is aiming towards the simplicity that appeal to people from 5 yrs old to 85yrs old. The most detail we are ever going to get out of these series are background details, the simplicity of the characters will always be the same no matter how bad you want it to change. Nintendo will put all the stuff you want in a 3D mario, it's obvious they put more effort into the 3D mario cause it's aimed at a different audience (Mostly gamers and semi casuals) It's just the way things go.
  18. Clothes? Last time I checked she doesn't wear any in the first game. Now if only she had a haircut.
  19. Why make pokemon a part of it when Nintendo can just make a whole game based on Pokemon themes, shit would sell.
  20. My turn my turn my turn Ah the Wii, it was like the sleeping dragon of Nintendo had awoken and built on what they have always been about, fun, innovative and simple. The Gamecube was freaking good, but to me it felt like it was going in the direction that the mainstream wanted, not what Nintendo wanted, and so the Wii came out and boy, it was like I was 8 years old all over again playing the Super Nintendo. There are so many memories on this system that the only thing that outways it is the Nintendo DS, both out in the same era I was in heaven, to me this was Nintendo at it’s finest since the Super Nintendo era and by God I will always look at both systems with such high standards that it really will be hard for them to out do them. But this is not about the DS that can come another time, this is all about the Wii. Where can one start with such a magical system that relied on fun more than graphics So without further ado let’s countdown my most favourite games
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