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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Were you ever going to get it Yammers?
  2. And lets be fair... the UK does have a different plug :ducks:
  3. Bah... I wanted the red one. It was just a realy nice kind of red you know?
  4. Where did you read that? It just sits on the table which your tv rest on from what I've seen/observed... Got a source for your info?
  5. Is anyone else put off by the fact that this won't have a story of any kind?
  6. You dont have to stick it. It can just sit on top or blow your tv.
  7. Yeah that vid is meant to show off the swinging mechanics, the retards. Why does he just keep doing the spin attack?
  8. These are my choices too. Depending on how much cash (stranger...) I have I'll probably be getting my Rayman-on too. I've had a funny thought, I might import a Wiimote and a nunchuck from US. Just so the controller can be in my hand... i know it's sad. Does anyone like me want another colour apart from black or white?
  9. Here's a question: How much info do you think can be stored on the Wiimotes? Surely it's more than just WiiMii right? Save data? Preference (like a Wii menu background or something)?
  10. OK someone's had too much juice! This game is a definite release buy for me. I love these crazy speed games. This will be like a mix of MarioKart and WipeOut for me.
  11. Hmm i don't have this on DS so i might get it for the Wii. Thing is, will it be much more of a game?
  12. Sagat, your comment was already being talked about in several other threads. This is not new news either. It is also not a big enough peice of news to require a whole thread of it's own. I would only start a new thread if you see it as a non-minor piece of news that could not be posted in another thread.
  13. I like Nintendo's A buttons. They say "here I am! Go ahead and rest your thumb here!" all over them. Plus this one is see through!
  14. I would settle for portal to be on Wii, but they feel the need to make it with hyper real graphics. I think Switch does have a point though. This could easily mean that that can't be bothered with the Wii.
  15. Holy mother of god that video kicks some serious ass! Was that fire emblem in there after dragon quest? Also bits of ResEvil and some amazing bitsof Zelda footage! It's gonna be sick people!
  16. Why 6? That doesn't even make any sense? The two ticks only move in 2 planes and I thought that the controller could sense in 3 planes or rotation. Is the controller that crap that it only senses 2?
  17. So apart from Bomberman, What are the really great Hudson franchises? I know hardly anything about them so pray tell! What was big on he TGFX?
  18. Didn't Hudson also make the Mario party games :winces:
  19. QFT. The 3D Sonics have got progressively worse in my opinion, not that I've played STH yet. But some on! Heroes sucked big time. I would burn it through all of the levels but I would die every 5 seconds due to some horrific level design. Controlling the characters was like trying to swallow an inflated balloon, only to have it pop in your face (aka you fly into the infinite abyss and die!). There was very little game mechanic variation and far too many difficult rather than fun rail sections. I had this with some of the later bits of SA2 as well. I really hope that they have dug into this format for Wildifre (or Lost Rings was it?) and bring all those lovely bits that were great about the 2D ones. Speed, lots of routes, neck braking changes in direction, great bosses, thumping music and lots of rings and power-ups perfectly placed to temp you into the jaws of death!
  20. Who had that site with Reggie doing the little dance with the kick ass song? That ruled! Re-post for reasons of awesomeness!
  21. Not enough CASH!... stranger...
  22. She's a lecturer at my uni. Shall be meeting her in about 2 weeks!
  23. What bio units are you thinking about?
  24. The fact that that question even has to be asked is the problem with the industry. Can't wait til the day when everyone plays.
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