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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Yeah I agree, you never know this might make Nintendo feel there's no rush to release the Wii until next year.
  2. Freakishly Silmilar to the delay the N64 had in Europe 10 years ago. I had no intention of buying PS3 untill Metal gear solid 4 comes out so this news dosnt effect me much other then any then the chance of a slight price drop late 2007 has probably just gone out the window.
  3. Offcial American site has updated...with the release date: http://www.phantasystaruniverse.com/index.php October 24th!!! I plan to import the American version so this is excellent news.
  4. Zell, can you check the new issue if they let you order back issues already? I missed the first issue and want the DVD aswell.
  5. Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter died last night stung through the heart by a stingray while filming http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200609/s1732439.htm R.I.P
  6. It took me a while to get used to the fact the gamecube's buttons are not pressure sensitive so holding up guards is a bit different to the PS2 MGS games. Also, I , like a fool, went and collected all the dog tags thinking there would be a reward.
  7. IGN have a hands on preview up with some new videos and screens: http://uk.ps2.ign.com/articles/730/730181p1.html I've said this already but I really cannot wait for this game, It came out in Japan a couple of days ago and as a result a ton of info about the game has come though; there's loads of screens and videos at PSO-world and more video's being put up at Youtube. By the way just incase anyone wants to know, the level cap is level 50, but that will be raised as the months go on aparently. I think this might be one of the reasons they seperated the Japan and EU/US servers, by the time we get it most JP players should be higher then level 50.
  8. Why is Mario Kart Arcade "shit"? Just asking ebcause I've never played it
  9. Actually there is no reason why the Official Nintendo magazine Can't have an exclusive piece of information or news before it gets released on the intenet. Rockstar north For example usually release exclusive information on their games to magazines before gaming sites (Like every screenshot shown of Vice city stories so far has been shown magazines and not officially given to any site to show) They are the Official magazine, so you'd think Nintendo would let them know some info before anyone else and give them some exclusives. Isnt that the main draw of the Offcial tag? that they will get some new info before anyone else will? People assume that when a magazine in 2006 has bold claims of “EXCLUSIVE TITLE†that it doesn’t mean “Exclusive title…just so long as you have not read anything on the internet. heck, the Bwii 2 stuff was on teletext the following morning after the Game con.
  10. Sin & Punishment which was only released in Japan for the N64. I'm hopeing for a virtual console release for this title on the Wii
  11. IGN say Temco plan to support the Virtual console: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/729/729152p1.html
  12. I don't know if this still stands but it was said at a Sony keynote speach near the start of the year PS3 titles will be region free its just watching Dvd's lock to region. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/sony/playstation-3-regionfree-162393.php
  13. I hope they make it region free for GC games and Wii games. The PS3 is region free and I've read a few times (although I don't know if its true or not) that the Xbox 360 is region free but its up to the publishers whether it takes advantage of that or not. The Wii being region free would be a major selling point because I have a few imported GC games I still play regulary.
  14. Are you talking about the adapter that was mentioned before or something built in instead?
  15. Oh man that can’t be a Wii shot that’s atrocious. Why do so many Wii games in early build look like PS1 graphics? I don't recall any of the gamecubes games when they showed early shots looking this bad. Then again Tony hawks looked pretty bad a few months ago and now look at it.
  16. They should give a demo disc with the Wii that has playable demo's of all the current games availible and Some video's of upcomming games.
  17. Thanks for the replys, I would rather of had it like the 360's pads but 60 hours is great And system based friend codes needs to happen.
  18. Just as much chance of this being right as there is of it being wrong but: From Gonintendo: http://gonintendo.com/?p=5033
  19. Sorry for asking a dumb question but has it been said if the Wiimote takes normal batterys or does it recharge?
  20. Just watching E4 and they ahd this weird animation of a kitten walking up to a purple blob and sniffing it. Then a hand came out and grabed the kitten pulling it inside and the E4 logo came floating out. While all this is happening the background music was the music you hear in OoT when you're playing any of the arrow/slingshot minigames at Bazaar's shop.
  21. I don’t think most broadband users have a wireless router in their home yet, even if they do there’s still a fair number of people who don’t. Don't get me wrong I'm glad the Wireless thing is built in but they should have put in the Ethernet connection in too. Maybe I’m missing something here, but it goes without saying you need an internet connection to connect to the internet.
  22. That rules me being online with the Wii then unless I happen to get a Wireless router sometime soon. It wouldnt of been hard for them to have that adapter built in.
  23. ...So the Wii is only Online out of the box if you have a wireless network?
  24. I posted this video in the Wii Discusion thread but its relevant here too: http://www.jeuxvideo.tv/super-monkey-ball-banana-blitz-video-24337.html
  25. Yeah I think you're right. Seemed odd to me that they would use USB for it. There's a new Video up at JuexVideo of someone playing Monkey ball, but the camera shows them useing the remote rather then the game: http://www.jeuxvideo.tv/super-monkey-ball-banana-blitz-video-24339.html Second video is half Monekyball Footage and haalf people useing the remote: http://www.jeuxvideo.tv/super-monkey-ball-banana-blitz-video-24337.html
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