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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Serves me right for being up at this hour
  2. I liked the scanning, its the backtracking. In Prime its well done, clever in places but never really a chore. In Echos its like eating dark chocoalate.
  3. Seems Smash brothers is (edit- NOT )their for people to play: http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=8144830&publicUserId=5379721 GAH!
  4. Well I don't base any of my opinions of what other people think. And yeah, if I like something about the game, I'll buy it reguardless since I only read reviews to find out what cool things a game has in it. I really could not care less about its score. I'm just using common sense. I didnt like MP Echos, so I'll wait for the word on this (not just one persons opinion) from people that played the game. Not reviewers or Nintendo fanboys, just normal gamers that can write a decent explanation about what a game is like. Doing the same for Mario galaxy too.
  5. But Dark chocolate is the worst stuff ever man
  6. Yeah I feel that same. I think Metroid Prime is amazing, but Metroid prime 2 was just plain awful (in my opinion of course ). So bad that I'm not concidering buying MP3 until long after its out and I can read peoples opinions on here and others boards as to how good/bad it is.
  7. Does anyone know if Smash brothers was/is playable at this event?
  8. Normally I'd agree these things are a waste of money, but that really looks great. That would be great to use while playing Resident evil Umbrella Chronicals. I like the Wii system cooler on that site too:
  9. with the background changing from day to night while you battle, maybe the music changes too, to reflect the change in mood. Prehaps thats why theres so many people making the music this game: multiple songs per level. I remember the pokemon stadium level in Melee changeing quite a bit while you played, so more stages like that would be awesome.
  10. We need a Freeloader disc and we need it NOW
  11. I love that the stages change from day to night as you play.
  12. Yuzo Koshiro (ANCIENT) ActRaiser / Street of Rage OH MAN
  13. Thats quite some list.
  14. Its updated: http://www.smashbros.com/
  15. There's a slim chance it'll update in half an hour.
  16. Arg...can't go on much longer... I'm out: peace: Edit I'll stay on till 7 but I think its not going to happen until later then that
  17. Ok changed it around, that little gif. makes me want Sonic in this game more then ever. Something might happen at 6am...I'll watch episodes of Sealab 2021 on youtube until then.
  18. Or better yet, a turn based card game.
  19. Fake gif. from Neo gaf...but thought I'd post it because its so awesome:
  20. Yes, theres about 70 guests on right now and its 5 in the morning! Hello to you all by the way.
  21. Greetings Socyn, welcome to N-europe
  22. Objection: I'm still here
  23. And just as Hero of time went to bed, this happened or not.
  24. I did some push ups. I'm really outta shape
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