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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Very much looking forward to this as I know very little about the Virtual Boy. I've always wanted to own one, just to see what it's like first hand. This always felt crazy to me that Nintendo never released some of their VB games on the 3DS, it would have been a perfect opportunity to re-release some of these titles again and give them a second chance.
  2. Alarmo got an a new theme added today: I had assumed Alarmo already had a Super Mario Bros theme on it tbh.
  3. Nice little video of the set on Nintendo's twitter account:
  4. It was very enjoyable to read through this thread over the past year or so, I learned of quite a few games I never knew existed as well as reading on how well or poorly some of the classics have aged.
  5. WWE have made a third Youtube channel, a similar one to their WWE Vault channel which will upload WCW content:
  6. Yeah, pretty big in the 1980s and had a spin off show called Care Bear cousins that I recall being popular. I actually barely watched the cartoon myself as a kid but I have a bit of nostalgia for them just because they were something that was pretty much everywhere along with He-man, Transformers and Real Ghostbusters. They seem to be popular again now though, i went to a toy store a few weeks back to get a gift for my housemates son and saw a HUGE Care bear display. I ended up getting the Grumpy one because he looks like he's unimpressed with everything
  7. This is correct.
  8. Yeah, its insane that it has been eight years but also that is has been a very solid eight years of great games. I always felt console generations were not long enough so I absolutely love that Switch has lasted this long and will almost certainly get a good year or so of support after the Switch 2 is released. I'll certainly continue to buy games for it over the next year.
  9. The Nintendo Switch is now eight years old
  10. More excellent behind the scenes footage uploaded on WWE's vault channel: It's pretty cool to see the likes of Triple H, Booker T and Rob Van Dam viewing the Elimination Chamber for the first time and seeing their reactions to it
  11. Nintendos Japanese twitter account for software support just announced that Super Soccer with be removed from the NSO SNES library I’m not sure if this will be a worldwide thing or Japan only
  12. Super Mario Bros 2s soundtrack was just added
  13. It’s quite a blast from the past to see these characters again and it seems the original voice actors are back too. The end of the trailer says it’s releasing on “all major platforms” so I’m assuming Switch and/or Switch 2.
  14. Just a heads up, the Grand Prix/Max Cup for the Donkey Kong Returns Theme is now live
  15. My crazy wild card theory about what else the Switch 2 can do is that we'll have the option to use a Switch 1 as a controller for it, much like the Wii U gamepad, when the Switch 2 is in docked mode.
  16. There will be a Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Maximus Cup/Grand Prix from the 13th of February
  17. Wario Land 4 is headed to NSO on February 14th
  18. Super Mario World is this weeks soundtrack
  19. Supposedly, someone that worked on this games monetisation side has given a breakdown on some of the issues happening behind the scenes. This post is a summary of his now deleted messages: https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/V7ZUrCGrVa
  20. I believe it was random. I know I would have a few days or even a week where it kept my save file and I would play regularly and then it would randomly disappear. The first time it happened, I assumed it was a one off glitch and would go through story mode all over again and hope the save file would remain only for it to delete again a day or so later. I read that only the PAL versions removed the blood too, which I wish I had known at the time as I had an American N64 but I was playing the PAL version of the game via a converter.
  21. I heard this song from 1982 for the very first time yesterday and I’m amazed by it. I’m also amazed that it wasn’t a huge hit
  22. WWE's Vault channel uploaded the enture 2001 Royal Rumble match a few days ago: I think this is one of the best Royal Rumbles of all time (or at-least for me, its tied with RR '92). So much about this Rumble is entertaining. I don't think there is a dull moment in the entire match. This really was an amazing era for WWF, with Stone Cold, Rock, Triple H, Undertaker and Kane all in their prime as well as guys like the Hardy Boys. I remember watching this live and it was at the time that Channel 4 aired PPVs, which I noticed a lot of people in the comments for this video mentioned too. I also noticed a few edits/changes they made. They dubbed over Stone Colds Disturbed theme he was using at the time and replaced it with his normal music. i assume for copyright reasons. Weirdly, Undertakers Limp Bizkit theme is there in full though. Also there is a part when Terri Runnels walks to the ring and King makes a few comments about it being "nippley in here" that they removed.
  23. WWF No Mercy really is one of the most fun Wrestling games of all time, as well one of the N64's best titles. Like Cube mentioned, it was like an accumulation of everything AKI had done with their previous Wrestling games, all rolled into one. Much like Wrestlemania 2000, I spent a lot of time playing this game because of how much fun it was. The gameplay was as solid as ever but also, there were so many options and match types you could play, as well as a story mode and of course you could create your own wrestlers. The customisation of the game matches was great too. For example, you could make it so a Royal Rumble would only accept eliminations if you knocked a wrestler out or first blood, which meant you could leave the ring and fight backstage. You could essentially turn one match type into something else completely different. Being able to change matches this way meant of all the different match types on offer, there were multiple ways to play them. And also, as always with all the AKI Wraslin games, you could tell they had fun making it. It just came through so well, from the fun stuff you could do and unlock, the funny stuff said in story mode to the voice samples in the background music. To this day I still have the menu music occasionally pop into my head: They made the game have somewhat of its own personality rather then just churn out a licensed WWE game and be done with it and so aside from being a great game is a memorable one too. AKI knew what they were doing an did it so well. Everything about this game was pretty much as perfect as it could have been on N64 hardware, I believe the only negatives compared to the older games was that the framerate was lower then the other and the entrances were all the same unlike the re-created ones in Wrestlemania 2000. That and a few wrestlers not making the roster. It's a game I'd love to see come to NSO but I have to assume the changes are slim (we got Goldeneye so there's always a chance). Yes this was incredibly annoying. The version of No Mercy that I borrowed had the save glitch and then when we got a newer version we found out they removed the blood, which wasn't a major deal but the funny thing was you could still play a First Blood match. As I remember it, Wrestlers still "bled" in that match but you just couldn't see it.
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