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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Well that's a scary amount of mafiosos.... 2/3 groups? If true...
  2. She makes all the wrong decisions... at least she handles walkers well. I don't mind her all that much :p
  3. I can't really remember... I think my brother mentioned it to me as a good place to go to for news and I ventured on to the forums soon after.
  4. Death Star was an inside job: a Loose Change parody
  5. Oh yeah, I was foolishly assuming it would be full protection but it probably isn't.
  6. It would protect them from trackers. With the argument that the mafia are just going to vote for one team mate to get the vest, it will put suspicion on anyone who couldn't be reached for the first night so it may not be the best plan to go for. If we discover that someone was unreachable on night 1 and we then deduce it was because of the vest, there's at least a 50% chance of that person being mafia - if we accept the argument that the mafia will all vote for one of their own. It's possible they will all vote for a townie whom they can simply avoid on night 1. I don't think there's a winning solution for night 1 as you can put holes in any suggestion. If someone seems good to you, nominate them. It will get easier as we get into the game and people come out with their roles - assuming the vests are a daily thing and not just for the first night?
  7. Dohnut, maybe you should just check the Playground whenever you log in to N-E? If anyone wants to nominate me for a vest I'd appreciate it :p I am going to nominate someone but it won't be myself.
  8. So I finished this game the other day... I thought it was great! It's been a while since I've really got stuck into a game and I just couldn't put this one down. I'm still going to go back and try to beat each mission differently (not being detected etc) and I'm glad to see there's DLC out just next month
  9. This was a very enjoyable game, well done @Jimbob!
  10. Was so damn close to voting for DuD but a lot of Dedede's defence was built around him questioning Jimbob's PMs and how his role was worded and I thought that was weaker. Regarding Sheikah, obviously you're not going to change how you play but you tried to get Yvonne lynched through lies and manipulation which made you completely untrustworthy in my eyes. If you thought Yvonne was mafia there were better ways to go about it. At the time your suspicion was based on practically nothing. In your end post you were as sure about Dedede being mafia as you were Yvonne. I hope you can see why I didn't follow you. You may have been right about Yvonne but your actions got you lynched which meant the town lost a valuable player (not just on about your role) for no good reason. Trading your own life for one scumnag was not a good deal considering your role. It was damaging to the town for sure but I wouldn't say it cost us the game at all.
  11. Ok I don't like to do this but I'm not sure if I'll be on tonight or tomorrow so I have to vote...
  12. @Sheikah you are dead, you really should not be thanking posts like that.
  13. What I find strange is that Dedede says he tracked DuD but couldn't reach him... if Dedede was the last mafia, why not just say DuD targeted Cube? If there is just one member of the mafia left, they obviously killed Cube last night and should not have been able to do anything else if the kill power is standard. It's possible that either DuD or Dedede can kill and remain untargetable... which doesn't help anything because neither of them could be reached last night. What do you think Magnus?
  14. Just read the entire thread... I fully trust Magnus Peterson and I have no clue about DuD or Dedede... Dedede is claiming to have the same abilities as Yvonne which would mean tracking DuD last night made him unreachable - this is confirmed by Magnus Peterson. Cube and Dedede are semi power cops and DuD is a power cop who is untargetable on even nights. Both DuD and Dedede (and myself) were against Sheikah but Jon Dedede was the only one who had results to inform his decision... I am now leaning towards DuD being mafia. Although Dedede claims he could not find DuD and that doesn't make sense as DuD should have been reachable...
  15. Rare's next game will have you playing a dentist
  16. I tried protecting Cube, I'm getting good at predicting who is going to die Well as Jon Dedede seems to have the exact power that Yvonne had... I guess it's either Magnus Peterson or DuD. Was last night an even numbered night? DuD said he was untargetable every other night. Magnus, what the hell do you do and what have your targets been :p
  17. This game has been on my "To Get" list for a while and I finally bought it last week. I've only had two sessions so far but I've just completed the first mission
  18. Was about to post the same. I'd love to play Shadow of the Colossus but I've never had a playstation and I don't want to buy one just for one game :p
  19. I think the game I'm most proud of completing to 100% may be Goldeneye with Banjo Kazooie as a close second. Goldeneye was a complete joy to play and the challenges to unlock all the cheats were really fun to try and beat. 00 agent mode was insanely hard at the time and finally beating that and having everything completely done was a really good feeling. Banjo Kazooie is possibly my all-time favourite game and I just couldn't put it down even when I'd 'finished'. I had to go back and get absolutely everything (I think there was a different ending if you finished 100% or at least had every single Jiggy?) and even when I'd done that I was still doing play through after play through. Competitive online games have given me some real achievements to be proud of too. I used to play medal of honour allied assault (and later call of duty) in leagues online and whenever my team would win the league (or even just win a game!) it was a fantastic achievement. The games were so tense! Carrying on with online games... just playing casual multiplayer online will always give you some memorable moments. Getting any kind of kill streak in Halo makes you feel like a God and the objective game types especially allow for that sense of achievement when you storm a base and capture the flag etc. Left 4 Dead 2 is the game I play most at the moment and playing versus mode online is the best. I can remember one time when my 3 team mates had been incapped by the Tank and they told me to run for the safe room (really far away). I could outrun the Tank easy enough but the common and special infected were constantly on me. I managed to make it to the safe room with the tank just inches away. Felt great Another of my favourite l4d2 moments was when I was the Tank and I was chasing a survivor and realised I'd never catch up with him (tanks are slower) so I used the secondary attack option of throwing a rock. The survivor was running through a house and I tried to judge when he'd come out the back and how high to throw etc... the distance I threw that rock was unbelievable. I hit the survivor (who was on very low health) and incapped him to win the round. Best. Game. Ever.
  20. Alliances Eights United, AC Elites, Bayer Neverlusen: 22 Madpool, Hadens Rangers and Recall United: 21 Intergalactico Stars, Fedex United, Leeds M.O.T: 18 Real Peeps, Coloccini FC and Andys All Stars: 11 Spotlight The spotlight this week is on Eights United vs Battlestar Odwinica! Please guess the outcome and how many players from these teams will make it into the Xpert Eleven team! Spotlight winners: Week 1 - Intergalactico Stars Week 2 - Atlético Aqui1a Week 3 - Intergalactico Stars Week 4 - Leeds M.O.T (@Lucas3693 won the spotlight last week, guessing the correct score of 2-1 to Dragooooo and was closest to the midfield rating of 11 with his guess of 9)
  21. Wasn't expecting a win today based on my team's lacklustre performance lately but it looks like we might be turning it around now
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