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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. What's to say Cube's loyalties won't change when he finds his special person? It's all very well saying 'I'll act in favour of the town' but what if he becomes mafia or part of a neutral faction when he finds whoever he's looking for? changevote: Aqui1a anyway
  2. Good news, it's such a great show! It's definitely one to stick with
  3. If Aqui1a doesn't post by the end of the day, I'm going to accept Cube's theory and say we should vote him off in the next day phase.
  4. Is that count right Jimbob? My vote isn't showing =\
  5. Seems like we can't really move on until @Aqui1a gets his arse together and votes for someone to show us if he's got a double vote or not.
  6. So Cube, you're claiming neutral?
  7. Can you put your quote in spoiler tags or something Rummy :p I am way too lazy to scroll that much!
  8. Yeah I never took it to be a power protector either. That's Cube's theory of it. It sounds like it could be a redirection or some kind of mirror track. "The Asari has the power to reflect those who come nearby" If you think of reflecting in the 'light' sense of the word, it could simply mean Jon Dedede can illuminate things to see who is being targeted or whatever. I would not have thought power protector when looking at it but it's just how people interpret things. I don't think it goes beyond guessing it and getting it wrong :p As for my double vote, I've put my vote down on Cube so we just need Jimbob to do a vote count when he's got time.
  9. I'm Garrus Vakarian
  10. Why would two townies have double votes?
  11. No, you're mafia because you have a double vote.
  12. Cube gave me information on someone and guessed from the information that they are a power protector. The message said: The Asari has the power to reflect those who come nearby It doesn't strike me as a power protecter but rather a redirector of sorts. It could be that this person is mafia and Cube is trying to protect them by making the power seem more innocent. I would rather see Cube lynched than DuD today seeing as coming out with what I have will likely get me killed tonight, so I would like to at least follow through with my own information. I highly doubt there would be two town double voters. Vote: Cube Yeah Cube was only untargetable due to my protection.
  13. QWOP is the best game ever made but it's not my favourite :p
  14. Good.. I was beginning to lose all faith in humanity.
  15. So it's either DuD, Cube, Ganepark or Jon Dedede... It's very important that we figure out who it is because I have a double vote myself. I'm a power protecter, I targeted Cube on night 1 (yes that's why DuD couldn't target him) and I am town.
  16. So one of these people has a double vote... anyone care to prove it is/isn't them? Yvonne, Magnus Peterson, DuD, Cube, Sheikah, Ganepark, Jon Dedede
  17. That has to be fake...
  18. Me and Rummy are currently tearing it up if anyone wants to join us :p
  19. There was a phase where I liked both equally but now handhelds just don't seem to have any games that interest me anymore. I'm looking forward to Luigi's Mansion but that's about it for the 3DS. I used to spend about as much time on my gameboy as I did on my N64/GC (at the time) but since the end of the gamecube, handhelds just haven't done it for me.
  20. After the game both sides can see what tactics the other team used when you look at the match report :p so they can only see it afterwards but if they buy your tactic reports from previous games it can be really easy to see a pattern :p
  21. I agree with Rummy that I would keep the power to myself but if DuD thinks Cube has the same power (to be untargetable) then it makes sense that he'd come out with his own. The reason being that he wouldn't reveal it without reason so we have to know he's telling the truth... I think he's only revealed it to 'out' Cube... but it does seem really rash to jump to the conclusion that Cube is untargetable. What exactly did your PM say, DuD?
  22. I would suggest not doing that :p I don't know how you're going with developing your players so your line up may not need to change but your tactics should definitely change with each game, at least to stop your opponent predicting and countering all of your plays. Some people stick with the same formation for each (or most) games which is fine if it works for them (I personally try to avoid it) but it does mean your opponent can easily prepare against your formation and that will make it less effective. I always change my formation to suit who I'm playing and how I want to perform in the game. If I want to play offensively I'll go with 3-5-2 or 4-4-2 but I tend to use 4-5-1 when I want to be more cautious but keep a strong midfield, etc. I also like to change my aggression with the referee ratings. S refers to their skill and H refers to how harsh they are so if they're S1-3 I'll play cheats or if they're S7-9 I'll do offside traps (if it compliments my formation). If they're H1-3 I'll play bruise, normal if they're 4-6 and careful if they're 7-9. These are the tactics you're 'meant' to use but I have seen people playing bruise with a 7-9 rated ref and get no cards at all while I get some playing carefully. It seems to work in my favour more often than not though. If you always have the same playmaker your opponents will soon pick up on it and mark that player. If your playmaker is marked it usually has an effect on the whole midfield. If you don't mark anyone on your opponent's team you're letting every player play to the best they're able to in that game. If you mark anyone it will at the very least make that player perform less well even if they aren't the playmaker. With the offensive and defensive strategy it's the same thing. If you always have the same one, the chances are your opponents will notice and prepare against it. I change how I play depending on my line up, formation and what I think my opponent's tactics will be (including line up, formation and what their strategy will be). So you can tell I put a lot of thought (maybe too much) in to my tactics :p so it's really scary/strange to me to see you saying you don't change them at all lol. I don't think I could play that way!
  23. You dare him? See now it seems like you're implying something negative will happen to Rummy if he does try and 'call your bluff'... the whole thing seems weird to me but I'm not going to vote for anyone just yet. @Ganepark32 we've not heard anything from you today. More surprisingly there's been nothing from @Yvonne yet either.
  24. It's really hard to die down a single favourite as there are so many games (particular from the n64 era) that I really love... I think for me it comes down to a choice between Super Mario World and Banjo Kazooie. Banjo Kazooie probably wins just from the benefit of being a more advanced game therefore it has a lot more to offer, but Super Mario World has platforming and exploration before it was really a thing. They both manage to feel like really big games and even to this day I could spend more time on a playthrough than I would on a game like Bioshock or something. They both offer a lot of freedom which you don't get enough of these days. The Mario Galaxy games feel really linear to me while Super Mario World has multiple words and ways to get between them. Sure there's a set path but you can wander off it at points and even go back to find all the secrets you missed. They both offer such amazing replay value to me and of course I have a lot of amazing memories of playing them both so that adds a lot. I think replay value has a lot to do with making a game a favourite. If you can come back to it and continue to have that new game feeling when you play it, it's going to be a winner.
  25. Surely you're still changing some tactics each round? Like whether you play careful, normal or bruise or just who you're going to mark? Form is constantly going up and down, you can have a fantastic game and still drop in form. You have to work with the trends and try to use form training to balance it out.
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