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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. I have to say I am not at all convinced that Yvonne is mafia but then again there's nothing really to say he's not... Vote: Yvonne and hopefully we're not wrong.
  2. I do think if Cube was mafia he would've voted already... majority is 4 and a lynched townie would mean a majority of 3 with (most likely) 3 mafia left. As it stands, myself and Cube can reach majority alone which is a major thorn in the mafia's side... I am really surprised we've both lasted this long. I have to say I agree with you DuD, if there are 3 mafia remaining it's surely Yvonne, Dedede and Magnus... unless you're mafia instead :p but I do trust you over the others. I'll vote Yvonne by the end of tonight I think, unless someone has a really good reason not to.
  3. What exactly are your powers @Jon Dedede and @Yvonne?
  4. This is the worst thing in the history of all mankind. I hate it. Although I can't actually remember the last time I had to ask for help because I've not been able to find an answer through google... I do remember the "early days" of using computers and your friends would trick you with "just hold alt and press F4" kind of stuff It's funny looking back but when you want help and you just get fake advice back, it can be really frustrating!
  5. I tried to protect mr-paul but couldn't find him. It's a real shame I can't protect from kills because that's twice I've tried to protect someone on the same night they've been killed So mr-paul switched Yvonne and Cube? I am willing to vote Yvonne today.
  6. So who do people want me to vote for then?
  7. I can seriously see myself getting relegated this season, the team just isn't performing to last season's standard!
  8. That makes sense.. I'll give it until tomorrow before I vote but I'll join you guys in going for Ganepark.
  9. Yes and he is still more active despite being in another country :p
  10. If Yvonne is mafia it's more dangerous to keep him alive than Ganepark imo.
  11. The really annoying thing about Sheikah's lies is that now we can't trust a single thing he's said. It could all have been completely made up because of his hunch on Yvonne. It doesn't matter if Yvonne is mafia or not, I can't use anything Sheikah has come out with because it could be complete bs aimed at manipulating the town into voting for his hunch. Having said that, I'm still more inclined to vote for Yvonne... Yvonne you're now claiming you have the power that Jon Dedede claimed to have yesterday? Why not come out with that sooner?
  12. Happy to vote for Yvonne, Jon Dedede or Ganepark today. Last night I tried protecting Rummy again but unfortunately I can't protect from kills. Did anyone get any helpful info? Who should we go for?
  13. Regardless of outcome, that was certainly a fun day phase it's been a while since we've seen a full on active debate like that in a game.
  14. That's why I reached that conclusion Rummy. I'm not sure what your point is here. I'm not trying to defend Ganepark. Sheikah, if you're going to lie people aren't going to trust you. You can be 100% right about everything but I don't trust you 1%. I'm not going to follow your hunch just because you think you're infallible.
  15. Roleblocked by who? Roleblocked by anyone. Or is mr-paul lying about being roleblocked? My point wasn't that Ganepark roleblocked mr-paul (which I have no information to suggest it was specifically him other than the fact that he is a roleblocker), it was that mr-paul was roleblocked. He was roleblocked therefore he could have been the killer as there was no kill. I have no information to suggest that's the case, I'm just saying it's one possible scenario.
  16. Actually as I said, mr-paul could easily have been the killer and roleblocked. Dedede's information could actually be reliable and notice he hasn't changed his story once - neither has Yvonne - while Sheikah has been twisting and turning throughout the whole phase. Why are you so willing to trust someone who has been lying to you the whole phase?
  17. Town players should not be trying to use lies and deception to get their way. I think you're mafia but I didn't make anything up about you to get you lynched. I waited for information from all sides, I tried to use reasoning and logic. You've just spouted bullshit from the very start of the phase and you expect people to trust you? I don't agree with that play-style at all.
  18. Why on Earth should I believe that? Why come out with it now? Why lie to begin with? I can't get behind someone who starts off the day phase with a complete lie. You had no idea what alignment Yvonne was when you claimed he was mafia. Cube did the exact same thing in the last game and he was completely wrong. What you're saying is you assumed Yvonne to be mafia so you made up a lie to trick everyone else into following what you said. I don't see why a townie would go through that much trouble to put suspicion on someone. It's a bad way to play if you are town and I'm actually going to be really annoyed now rather than apologetic if you do turn out to be town. What a stupid thing to do. Vote: Sheikah If I'm wrong I'll happily vote Yvonne tomorrow if I'm still here.
  19. Either way he didn't protect Sheikah. I'm just guessing he roleblocked mr-paul as the only outed roleblocker.
  20. Sheikah claims to be protected and therefore stopped the night kill. This is just not possible. Jon Dedede claims to be untargetable for night 2 and that is why there was no night kill. This IS possible whether you believe it or not. mr-paul was roleblocked therefore he could be the killer. This is also possible whether you believe it or not.
  21. DuD - did not protect sheikah Sheikah - obv not Jon Dedede - did not protect sheikah Cube - did not protect sheikah The Peeps - did not protect sheikah Ganepark32 - roleblocked mr-paul Rummy - failed to target sheikah Magnus Peterson - did not protect sheikah Yvonne - did not protect sheikah Mr-Paul - roleblocked Tell me which of those players not only has multiple powers but is able to target multiple players on the same night.
  22. I was the one that protected you night 1 anyway :p Rummy, unless you're the protector I don't actually think there is one. I'll be voting for Sheikah at 4:30pm. DuD Sheikah Jon Dedede Cube The Peeps Ganepark32 Rummy Magnus Peterson Yvonne Mr-Paul The only living players with unknown powers are Rummy and mr-paul. mr-paul was roleblocked so unless Rummy protected Sheikah, there simply isn't another protector. Sheikah has to be lying about being protected.
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